2011年6月 7日


1. "Singing/Speaking Gender: Vocal Ambiguity in Castrati and Onnagata"
師:Matjaž MatošecResearch Institute for History and Culture, Utrecht University

2. 「『京都市明細図』を用いた京都の伝統作業に関する一考察
"A study on the traditional industry in Kyoto using Large scale maps of Kyoto-city"
講師赤石(河角) 直美 (PD / 歴史地理情報研究班 / 衣笠総合研究機構)
"Development of the Fieldwork Assistance System using Mobile Devices"

講師:桐村 喬 (PD / 歴史地理情報研究班 / 衣笠総合研究機構

日 時:6月7日(火) 18:00-19:30(6限)

場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム
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1. Matjaž Matošec "Singing/Speaking Gender: Vocal Ambiguity in Castrati and Onnagata"
As paradigmatic examples of gender and vocal ambiguity, operatic castrati and kabuki onnagata provide two ideal case studies for a context-based investigation of the interconnection between the human voice and gender. Following the introduction of the binary conception of sex and gender to Europe and Japan, operatic castrati became extinct while onnagata stopped with the practise of living as onnagata in everyday life. Using these developments as a starting point, this presentation will outline my current research project which explores the complex interplay between the voice and various constructions of gender by tracing the changes in public perceptions of the operatic castrato and onnagata.

2. 赤石(河角) 直美「『京都市明細図』を用いた京都の伝統作業に関する一考察

3. 桐村 喬モバイル端末を利用したフィールドワーク支援システムの開発 


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