第91回 GCOEセミナー
1. 3D display of MoCap data thru Flash
Bruno Abraham Lopez Berumen
Bruno Abraham Lopez Berumen
2. Spatiotemporal Analysis in Virtual Environments Using Eigenbehaviors
Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn (PD/デジタルアーカイブ技術研究班)
3. LabanEditor3: graphical Tool for Editng Dance Notation
Worawat Choensawat (RA/デジタルアーカイブ技術研究班)
日 時:10月26日(火) 18:00-19:30(6限)
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサー チセンター 多目的ルーム
【BKC】 インターネット(Power Live)をご利用ください。
※ 一般の方もインターネットでセミナーにご参加いただけます。
※インターネットでの参加を希望される方は、s_maezaki@yahoo.co.jp まで、その旨ご連絡ください(担当、前崎)。
※本拠点研究メンバー ですでにID、PWをお持ちの方は連絡は不要です。
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサー チセンター 多目的ルーム
【BKC】 インターネット(Power Live)をご利用ください。
※ 一般の方もインターネットでセミナーにご参加いただけます。
※インターネットでの参加を希望される方は、s_maezaki@yahoo.co.jp まで、その旨ご連絡ください(担当、前崎)。
※本拠点研究メンバー ですでにID、PWをお持ちの方は連絡は不要です。
1. 3D display of MoCap data thru Flash
Bruno Abraham Lopez Berumen
Thru the use of Flash as the media for showing web based content and animation, and the use of open source library Papervision 3D for manipulating and rendering 3D objects in real time, this tool delivers 3D animation of MoCap files over the internet.
2. Spatiotemporal Analysis in Virtual Environments Using Eigenbehaviors
Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn (PD/デジタルアーカイブ技術研究班)
Behavioral structure can be represented by the principal components of the spatiotemporal data set, termed eigenbehaviors. The eigenbehaviors have been used in a number of researches for finding the behavior patterns of users of personalized mobile devices. To utilize eigenbehaviors to analyze the behavioral structures in virtual environments, a challenging problem is the decomposition of target space in terms of non-convex intrinsic geometric shapes. This paper proposes a systematic analysis approach for discovering the primary players’ behaviors associated with the target space. In experiments, our approach was applied to real players’ movement obtained from Angel Love Online (ALO), a massively multiplayer online game. Before discovering the behavioral structure, we successfully utilized a hierarchical Isomap to decompose the ALO space so that any distances among the connected locations were considered as the shortest path in the Euclidean distance set. In previous work, the eigenbehaviors were extracted from the binary data representation where its elements indicate whether the locations of players are inside or outside the region. In contrast, we computed the eigenbehaviors from a proximity data representation where the Isomap-based distance was between players’ locations and their reference. As a consequence, the movement direction can be inferred from the eigenbehaviors derived from the Isomap-based distance.
3. LabanEditor3: graphical Tool for Editng Dance Notation
Worawat Choensawat
Labanotation is a graphical notation scheme for describing human body movement that has been widely accepted for the purpose of recording human movements in the fields of choreography and dance education. LabanEditor3, LabanEditor version 3, is an interactive graphical editor for editing Labanotation scores and displaying corresponding human body motion by using a 3D CG character animation. In this version of LabanEditor, we made improvements in the functionality of LabanEditor as follows: dynamic template which allow users to notate stylized traditional dances and reproduce it in 3D CG animation from a Labanotation score, importing VRML models of stages, background sceneries and characters for dancers which correspond to the various types of dance, and controlling the quality of movements.
1. 3D display of MoCap data thru Flash
Bruno Abraham Lopez Berumen
Bruno Abraham Lopez Berumen
3. LabanEditor3: graphical Tool for Editng Dance Notation
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: 第91回 GCOEセミナー
このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: http://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_gcoe/mt-tb.cgi/3509
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