2010年4月 2日

番外編(Vol.18) GCOEセミナー




Great actors shining on sparkling surimono:
mutual social confirmation within the kabuki-kyōka connection

講師:Daan Kok(ダン・コック)氏/ライデン大学博士課程・前ベルギー王立美術歴史博物館東洋部主任学芸員

日時: 2010年4月2日(金)12:00-13:30
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム
        【BKC】インターネット(Power Live)をご利用ください。







Kyōka poetry underwent a period of renewed popularity from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards. The movement was propelled by a small group of cultivated men of great literary skill, most famously Ōta Nanpo (1749-1823). These cultural frontrunners functioned as spiders in a web of literature, theater and arts, and they soon attracted a loyal following. Their humorous kyōka poetry was practiced by a steadily growing, ever more organized sub culture, that continued to grow until the 1830s.

Like the kyōka masters of the Tenmei era, the leaders of the movement during the Bunka and Bunsei eras were also close to the theatrical world. Kyōka masters were clearly important public figures, as evidenced by the fact that they are mentioned in reference works such as Kabuki Nenpyō. Further proof of the connection is found in the numerous kyōka-surimono that were printed in honor of kabuki actors.
The important ukiyoe collection of the Royal Museum of Arts and History in Brussels, Belgium - which has recently been digitalized by the Art Research Center of Ritsumeikan University - not only contains a large number of world class ukiyoe actor prints, it also contains many actor-surimono, mainly by Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1864). This particular type of surimono and its social links to the world of kabuki will be subject of this presentation, whilst highlighting the merits of quantitative analysis of research data about this and other collections in currently evolving image databases.


このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: 番外編(Vol.18) GCOEセミナー

このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_gcoe/mt-tb.cgi/3012
