

1. "Layout Recognition and Information Extraction of Historical Document Images"
師:Chulapong Panichkriangkrai (RA / デジタルアーカイブ技術研究班 / 立命館大学大学院理工学研究科・D1)
2. "Applications of Mathematical Morphology and Kansei Engineering on Digital Humanities"
講師李 亮 (PD / デジタルアーカイブ技術研究班 / 立命館グローバル・イノベーション研究機構
"Fusion Visualization of Funehoko Based on Particle-based Rendering"

講師:長谷川 恭子 (PD / デジタルアーカイブ技術研究班

日 時:5月24日(火) 18:00-19:30(6限)

場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム
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1. Chulapong Panichkriangkrai "Layout Recognition and Information Extraction of Historical Document Images"
In my previous studies, I conducted a research on layout analysis of modern academic document. This time, we are focusing on extracting information from Japanese historical document images. The Japanese documents have their uniqueness in such as characters, illustrations, page layout and printing technology used at that period. The objectives of the study are to develop a system for analyzing historical documents published in the Edo period extracting texts and illustrations from the document image. Then we convert document structure into XML document.

2. 李 亮 "Applications of Mathematical Morphology and Kansei Engineering on Digital Humanities"
Mathematical morphology is a theory for the analysis of spatial structures which is commonly applied to image processing. Kansei engineering (Affective engineering) is an approach to connect human sensibility with engineering applications. In this presentation, we will introduce some of our previous researches on mathematical morphology and kansei engineering, as well as their possible applications on the field of digital humanities.

3. 長谷川 恭子「粒子ベースレンダリングによる船鉾の半透明融合可視化」 






2. 李 亮 "Applications of Mathematical Morphology and Kansei Engineering on Digital Humanities"



3. 長谷川 恭子「粒子ベースレンダリングによる船鉾の半透明融合可視化」


このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: 第106回GCOEセミナー

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