2009年6月 2日
第50回 GCOEセミナー
1.「Collective Culture and Visualization of Spatiotemporal Information」
講師:大野 晋(RA1 / Web活用技術研究班 / 立命館大学大学院政策科学研究科・D2)
斎藤 進也(PD / Web活用技術研究班)
稲葉 光行(立命館大学大学院政策科学研究科・教授/Web活用技術研究班・リーダー)
2.「A Historical GIS Analysis of the Landscape Compositions: A Case Study of Folding Screens “Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu”」
講師:塚本 章宏(日本学術振興会特別研究員PD / 歴史地理情報研究班)
3.「Text and Pictures in Japanese Historical Documents」
講師:岡本 隆明(PD / 日本文化研究班)
日時:2009年6月2日(火) 18:00〜19:30(6限)
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム
【BKC】インターネット(Power Live)をご利用ください。
1.大野晋、斎藤進也、稲葉光行 「Collective Culture and Visualization of Spatiotemporal Information」
Archiving with digital technology is indispensable for historical cultural heritage items, but we also have to apply this technology for culture that remains difficult to form and store. This paper will argue three important aspects of archiving regional culture, its representation, sharing, and analysis. Then, in order to deal with these aspects, we will introduce the environment KACHINA-CUBE (KC) which we are developing and evaluate findings of its application. We will start with elaborating its design concept, then architecture and application, referring to its related works.
2.塚本章宏「A Historical GIS Analysis of the Landscape Compositions: A Case Study of Folding Screens “Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu”」
In this paper, I propose a new methodology for analyzing landscape drawing methods using a GIS. The subject of my analysis is the genre of Japanese screen paintings known as rakuchū rakugai zu, created between the 16th and 18th centuries. Rakuchū rakugai zu provide bird’s-eye views of the then-capital city of Kyoto. The methodology introduced here uses GIS spatial analysis functions to scan the painting surface onto a survey coordinate grid based on the relative positions of landmarks in the painting. This methodology gives visual representation to differences between real space and the depicted space. Results show that rakuchū rakugai zu painted in the 17th century and later distorted real space more than those painted in the 16th-century.
3.岡本隆明「Text and Pictures in Japanese Historical Documents」
Since comparisons and analyses of handwritings reveal what text-only analyses cannot, history and palaeography have been arguing importance of the study of this kind. However, we have only seen insufficient progress in the study of handwriting. A major reason of this derives from the fact that researchers have not been facilitated with a suitable environment to help them conduct ever repeating tasks of searching the same letters and characters in many texts of many documents and comparing them. I propose a computer system to facilitate such an environment for historians and its possible applic
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: 第50回 GCOEセミナー
このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_gcoe/mt-tb.cgi/2423
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