
第9回 GCOEセミナー

The Place of Landscape in Canadian and Japanese 20th-Century Art

講師:Professor John O'Brian (University of British Columbia)
プロフィール(University of British Columbiaのsite)


日時:2007年11月27日(火) 18:00~19:30(6限)
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム

ご聴講の皆さんへ ぜひ日本の20世紀の風景画について予習の上、ご参加ください。質疑応答として日本とカナダの風景画の表象の違いについてディスカッションを行う予定です。

【要 旨】
In the first half of the 20th century, wilderness landscape paintings helped to shape how Canada imagined itself. They provided audiences with "a shared image of their communion," to cite a famous phrase by Benedict Anderson. The communion - that is to say, the imagined collectivity of Canada - played a significant role in promoting a postcolonial identity in Canada. In this paper, I want to investigate why the desire for wilderness in Canadian art has continued to persist right up to the present time.I also want to ask: What, if any, are the similarities between Canadian landscape art in the 20th century and representations of landscape in Japan during the same period?


このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: 第9回 GCOEセミナー

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