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With the establishment of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) in 2019, the Art Research Center strives to push the internationalization of research activities that transcend disciplines and geographic boundaries.


March 29, 2023: The cherry blossoms have reached their peak on Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University.
We were delighted to welcome Dr. Huw Jones and Dr. Yasmin Faghihi of the Cambridge University Library to the ARC, as well as Dr. Pilar Cabañas of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Dr. Cabañas is the leader of the ARC-iJAC project Ukiyo-e, illustrated books, albums and painted books in Madrid Collections (FY 2023).
This video was produced for the Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program (CDDP) of the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC) and showcases how to custom-build your own online research database in the ARC Research Space (free of charge).
Interested in building your own research database?

>>Please contact us!
Supported by the ARC-iJAC, the research led by Dr. Ewa Machotka and Dr. John Pavlopoulos (Stockholm University) has pursued the large-scale digital geospatial exploration of places depicted in Japanese early modern ukiyo-e landscape prints through Natural Language Processing (FY 2021). Their follow-up project aims to apply NLP technology to inscriptions on ukiyo-e landscape prints to facilitate a large-scale exploration of textual information featured in those prints (FY 2023). >> Full interview.
[Database] Release of Gidayu-bushi Lyric Booklets (Shohon)
About 580 gidayu-bushi lyric booklets (shohon) from the Takeuchi Dokei Collection, held by the Kunitachi College of Music Library, are now online available in the ARC database system. >> Database.
>> Commentary on materials.

Based on an academic exchange agreement between Ako City and the ARC, a database of Chushingura ukiyo-e held by the city has been built and published online since 2008.
With the recent addition of about 600 items, a total of 2,564 ukiyo-e prints and one book (4 volumes of Gishi Taikan) related to Chushingura are now available online.
>> Database.
>> Online exhibition.

Jointly conducted with Nara Prefecture, the research project to visualize the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Tamaki Shrine--is led by ARC faculty member Prof. Satoshi Tanaka (College of Information Science and Engineering, RU).
It involves 3D measurement of the Tamaki Shrine using drones, terrestrial laser scanners, and 360-degree cameras to take multifaceted measurements.
>> Read more.

Co-organized by the ARC-iJAC, a workshop with the Ukiyo-e Woodblock Engraving and Printmaking Techniques Preservation Society (浮世絵木版画彫摺技術保存協会) was held on Feb. 17, 2023.
The workshop served to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and opinions concerning ukiyo-e woodblock engraving and printmaking techniques. There has been a decade of cooperation between the society and the ARC.
>> Read more.

On March 15, Prof. Koichi Hosoi (College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU), Deputy Director of the ARC, gave a seminar talk at Synergy Link Kyoto, an event centered around AR/VR, the metaverse, and web3.
The topic of his seminar talk was The Next Generation Internet World and the Industry (「次世代インターネット世界と産業」).
Furthermore, research achievements on creating a Japanese cultural study environment using virtual space-related technologies, such as the metaverse, were showcased at the event.
On February 4, Prof. Ryo Akama (College of Letters, RU), Director of the ARC, delivered a special lecture on The ARC Research Space: Aiming at Perfecting a Comprehensive Digital Research Space.
The DH conference, hosted by the Institute of East Asian Art History (IKO) and the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (HCTS), Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, discussed the problems, challenges, and breakthroughs with digital technologies in East Asian Studies research.
Upcoming Events

April 26 (Wed), 2023, 18:00-19:30 JST
116. International ARC Seminar
1. Speaker: Simon KANER (Executive Director, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, University of East Anglia)

Topic: Stonehenge and prehistoric Japan--Archaeological exchanges between Japan and the UK: Current and future trends

2. Speakers: Ryoko MATSUBA (Lecturer, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, University of East Anglia), Joseph BILLS (MPhil, Japanese Studies, University of Cambridge), Bori KO (MA Student, History of Art and Archaeology of East Asia, SOAS University of London), Liam HEAD (MA Student, Interdisciplinary Japanese Studies, University of East Anglia)

Topic: Implementing the ARC Model in the UK: Digitising Sword Ornaments at the British Museum
May 10 (Wed), 2023, 18:00-19:30 JST
117. International ARC Seminar
Speaker: Naoki ISHIBASHI (Professor, Graduate School of Data Science, Musashino University)
Topic: To be announced

May 24 (Wed), 2023, 18:00-19:30 JST
118. International ARC Seminar
Speaker: Chiaki TAKAHASHI (Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Doshisha University)
Topic: To be announced
Previous issues:
Winter 2022, Autumn 2022, Summer 2022, Spring 2022, Winter 2021, Autumn 2021, Summer 2021, Spring 2021, Winter 2020, Autumn 2020, Summer 2020, Spring 2020
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2023年3月7日-9日の3日間、エジプトのアトゥン博物館にてトレーニングコース「Generating 3D Model for Museums Collections Using Photo-Scanning Technique」が非公開で開催されました。



Sharing knowledge and capacity building of curators working in the Egyptian museums at the Ministry of Antiquities is one of the important ways that achieve the required development of the policies and means of preserving the Egyptian cultural heritage in a sustainable framework. In this regard, sharing advanced practical know-how and experiences that have been developed with the Art Research Center (ARC) at Ritsumeikan University in Japan achieves this goal with the support of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).


The photo-scanning technology contributes to preserving the objects of Egyptian museums, especially at the time of crises and disasters, such as the looting and destroying the Mallawi Museum in Egypt in August 2013, in addition to the massive destruction of the Islamic Art Museum after the Cairo Security Directorate bombing on January 24, 2014, the restoration and preservation of museum groups, add to contributing to the combating and recovery of smuggling of cultural heritage assets crimes.

The photo-scanning technique generates 3D modeling for artifacts in Egyptian museums. A digital database can be created and referred to, allowing the artifacts to be identified easily through fabric, components, and elements.
The dependence on the photo-scanning application on cultural heritage assets in Egyptian museums comes as a reflection of its practical and successful implementation on the objects of the Kyoto City Archaeological Museum in Japan under the supervision and support of the ARC. It aims to create 3D modeling of collected objects in a modernist geometric form (X, Y, Z) through precise photography with a special technique, processed with the Agisoft Metashape software v2021.

日時:2023年3月7日(火)-9日(木) 9:00-14:00 (EET)
会場:The Atun Museum, Minya Governorate, Egypt
主催:The Museums Sector at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt
後援:立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」(ARC-iJAC)

Untitled design (62).png

2023年2月17日、浮世絵木版画彫摺技術保存協会とのワークショップが、アート・リサーチセンター 文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」(ARC-iJAC)との共催のもと、開催されました。




 赤間亮(立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター センター長)
 「海外の浮世絵コレクション紹介 欧州ドイツ編」

 金子貴昭(立命館大学衣笠総合研究機構 准教授)

 松葉涼子(セインズベリー日本藝術研究所 Lecturer)
 「Connecting Present to Past: Re-evaluating Japanese Traditional Printmakingプロジェクト報告および葛飾北斎作品の彫、摺の疑問点」

2023年2月24日(金)、25日(土)立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点 「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」「日本文化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト成果発表会が開催されます。

日時: 2023年2月24日(金)10:45-17:45 、 25日(土)11:15-16:15
実施方法: オンライン(Zoom, YouTube)

主催:立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター、文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」、「日本文化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」 プロジェクト

お問い合わせ: r-darc (at) (at を @に変えてください)



2023年2月18日(土)、知識・芸術・文化情報学研究会主催の第12回 「知識・芸術・文化情報学研究会」が、アート・ドキュメンテーション学会関西地区部会・情報知識学会関西部会共催、立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」協力のもと開催されました。




■ 日時:2023年2月18日(土)13:00開始
■ 実施方法:オンライン開催(Zoom使用)
・ アクセス方法は発表者および参加申し込みをいただいた方にメールでお知らせします。
・ 会場による開催はございませんのでご注意ください。

   文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」

■ 参加申し込み方法

※ 参加費は無料です。

 JSIK 情報知識学会



2023年2月18日(土)に、第12回 知識・芸術・文化情報学研究会を開催します。



■ 日時:2023年2月18日(土)13:00開始
■ 実施方法:オンライン開催(Zoom使用)
・ アクセス方法は発表者および参加申し込みをいただいた方にメールでお知らせします。
・ 会場による開催はございませんのでご注意ください。

   文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」

■ 参加申し込み方法
2023年2月15日(水)までに、 参加申し込みフォーム よりお申し込みください。
※ 参加費は無料です。

 JSIK 情報知識学会





 赤間亮(立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター センター長)
 「海外の浮世絵コレクション紹介 欧州ドイツ編」

 金子貴昭(立命館大学衣笠総合研究機構 准教授)

 松葉涼子(セインズベリー日本藝術研究所 Lecturer)
 「Connecting Present to Past: Re-evaluating Japanese Traditional Printmakingプロジェクト報告および葛飾北斎作品の彫、摺の疑問点」

共催:立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点、浮世絵木版画彫摺技術保存協会


 立命館大学 研究部 衣笠リサーチオフィス内 アート・リサーチセンター
 文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」事務局
 E-mail:r-darc (at) (at を @に変えてください)


On February 4 (Sat), 2023, Professor Ryo Akama--Director of the Art Research Center (ARC)--delivered a special lecture on The ARC Research Space: Aiming at Perfecting a Comprehensive Digital Research Space at the digital humanities conference Materials, Media, and Methods: Digital Issues in East Asian Studies.

The hybrid conference, which focused on the problems, challenges, and breakthroughs with digital technologies in East Asian Studies research, was hosted by the Institute of East Asian Art History (IKO) and the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (HCTS), Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg and organized in cooperation with Nanjing University of the Arts.

Poster design: Xiaojie Chang. Poster image: Xiaojie Chang, via AI image generator DreamStudio, 2023.

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