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[イベント情報]2021年9月21日(火)Project Overview:
At the center of this project, which involved Bachelor and Master students of Japanology at Goethe University Frankfurt, was the On Edo ezu (御江戸絵図) from the ARC database 'Maps of Japan from the Collection of Sir Hugh and Lady Cortazzi'.
Drawing on maps, guidebooks, and colored woodblock prints, this project attempted to correlate various sources of both geographical and visual experience and knowledge to hypothetically reconstruct how they might have shaped the late Edo period consumer's consciousness based on the materials accessible to them.
→ Click here to access the project website.Professor Kinski, thank you very much for your time. As the leader of the FY2020 ARC-iJAC project 'Edo Period Map goes Digital - The On Edo ezu as an Interactive Resource', could you tell us about your motivation to start this project?
Prof. Kinski: I began to develop a strong interest in Digital Humanities (DH) in 2012 when I saw a presentation by Bettina Gramlich-Oka--a colleague at Sophia University--about creating an interactive biographic database as part of her interest in social network analysis.
Striving to incorporate text mining, topic modeling, or semantic network analysis in my approach to Edo period intellectual history, I have been making efforts to raise the interest amongst students in the approaches towards Japanese sources derived from DH.
Frankfurt University owns a small collection of printed books covering the period between 1650 and 1850, our 'Edo bunko' which we use for exercises in the classroom to decipher and transcribe larger quantities of text.
A talented student of mine, Koray Birenheide, created a program called 'DemiScript' that allows us to work with source material--whether premodern, modern, textual or visual--and to present the results of our transcription efforts. A far more advanced tool than expected, I was convinced it could serve as a platform for a larger, more ambitious classroom project.
The ARC-iJAC provided a timely opportunity to put our plan into action by drawing on the materials in the ARC databases and combining the first-hand exploration of primary sources with concerns from urban infrastructure history and art history.
なお、昭和43年(1968)10月発行の『大阪府立図書館蔵 芝居番付目録』には、これ以外の番付が約2,500点掲載されており、これらについても来年度から第3弾のプロジェクトとして進める予定です。3年後には、ほぼ4,600点に達する大規模な芝居番付データベースを完成させたいと考えています。ARC Daysは、立命館大学アート・リサーチセンターの教員と、日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点(ARC-iJAC)に採択された国際共同研究者が、デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ(DH)型の研究プロジェクトを発表する年に一度のイベントです。
新型コロナ感染症拡大防止の為、オンライン(Zoom)で行われ、YouTubeでもライブ配信されました。主催:立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター、文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」(ARC-iJAC)、立命館大学研究拠点形成支援プログラム
続きを読む>>[イベント情報]2021年7月21日(水)Dr. Kok, thank you very much for your time today. As Curator East Asia, you have been at the forefront of this joint research project with the ARC to digitize the extensive Japanese art collection of Museum Volkenkunde, part of the National Museum of World Cultures.
What sparked your interest in Japanese art and culture?
Dr. Kok: In high school, I once received a book about Japanese design. It raised my interest to apply at a design academy. Not admitted on my first attempt, I began to study Japanese and enjoyed it so much that I never stopped.
During my studies at Leiden University, I became particularly fond of the kyōka surimono of the 1820s.
How do you feel about the overall collaboration with the ARC?
Dr. Kok: I am very thankful for our collaboration. The first contact between our museum and the ARC was already established more than ten years ago. During Professor Akama's visits, we would conduct photography together using the 'portable travel kit' he developed to digitize art collections abroad.
The execution of our joint project has never been stagnant, but you can see a continuous improvement year after year. It has also been a valuable learning experience for me to see the mechanisms Professor Akama uses to increase the quality of digitizing artworks.
What is the significance of constructing and releasing this database in the ARC Virtual Institute?
Dr. Kok: We need to ensure comprehensive access for researchers to our collection.
Now that we have constructed and interlinked the ARC database with our museum database, the availability of our collection of printed materials to a Japanese-speaking audience is of great significance.
Furthermore, we appreciate the ARC's digital infrastructure for not only searching but also editing the database. The interactivity of the ARC database allows Japanese-speaking researchers to contribute to the database, paving the way for future research.
While our museum database is a more general database for a wide range of objects, the ARC database has a high level of specialization to cater to the specific needs of research in Japanese art and culture, such as ukiyo-e prints and early Japanese books.
続きを読む>>立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター(以下、ARC)と文学部は、「祇園祭デジタルミュージアム2021 -バーチャルで楽しむ祇園祭-」を公開しました。
1. ArcGIS Onlineによるバーチャル京都の2D・3Dマップ
2. 懸装品の高精細画像、祇園囃子、バーチャル巡行
3. 『バーチャル歴史京都AR(iOS・Android)』((株)キャドセンター・ARC共同作成)テレビ放送
In anticipation of the return of the Takayama float to the Gion Festival in 2022, a symposium was held by Asahi Shimbun, co-organized by the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, on June 19, 2021.
The Takayama float boasts a long history of participating in the Yamahoko Junko parade that dates back to the 15th century. However, the float has been absent from the festival since 1826, having suffered from heavy damages caused by natural disasters.
As a result of the continued dedication and determination of the Takayama Preservation Association to revive the Takayama float, the long-cherished wish of the townspeople for the float to return to the Yamahoko Junko after nearly 200 years will finally come true.
The Symposium
At the beginning of the symposium, Mr. Junji Yamada, Head of the Takayama Preservation Association, gave an overview of the reconstruction progress of the float and expressed his joy that it is due to be completed four years earlier than expected.
Then, Prof. Keiji Yano, Deputy Director of the ARC, introduced the center's various activities concerning the digital archiving of the Gion Festival and the Takayama float (→ Gion Festival Digital Museum 2020 and 2021).
He presented CG animation of the rebuilt Takayama float, 2D and 3D maps of festival routes, old videos and photographs from the early Showa era, and 3D see-through visualization models of the festival floats, amongst others.
"As we did last year, the Art Research Center will be making its research results available to the public again from July this year through the Gion Festival Digital Museum 2021, so please look forward to it," expressed Prof. Yano.
Other distinguished guest speakers included Prof. Shoichi Inoue, Director of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies; Mr. Takashi Minamoto, film director and screenwriter; and Ms. Rieko Morita, Nihonga painter and Affiliate Professor at the Kyoto City University of Arts, with each of them sharing stories about his/her connection with the Gion Festival and the Takayama float.
Concluding the symposium, the hayashikata (Gion Festival musicians) of the Takayama Preservation Association performed ohayashi specific to the float.
"Ever since I was a kid, I have seen the festival floats passing by, accompanied by the creaking of wheels while I stood on the roadside listening to the ohayashi," Mr. Yamada reminisced. "None of us has ever experienced playing the ohayashi on the Takayama float during the festival, so we are all more than excited."
*A full video of the event is available online from July 1 - August 31, 2021 (in Japanese). To watch the video, please register via the following link: https://ciy.digital.asahi.com/ciy/11004163.
Kuzushiji is a kind of Japanese cursive script found in early Japanese books (until the mid-Meiji Period).
Due to the different writing styles compared with modern Japanese characters, kuzushiji can be understood only by a minority of trained specialists.
The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, has developed an educational transcription system with an AI-enabled deciphering support function for kuzushiji to facilitate access to early Japanese books for academic research.
The training course started on May 14, 2021, and has counted participants from 12 countries so far. It is provided free of charge. (→Click here for details on the training course.)Professor Akama, thank you very much for your time today. You have just completed Phase 1 of the kuzushiji training course for beginners and intermediate levels. What is the purpose of your training course?
Prof. Akama: We have developed an AI-enabled transcription support system for kuzushiji specifically for educational purposes as part of an industry-academia collaboration with Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. The company kindly provided us with the API (application programming interface) of their kuzushiji recognition system that is powered by deep learning.
Our purpose is to teach and support students and researchers in utilizing our transcription support system for their academic research projects based on the abundant materials available in the ARC's Early Japanese Books Portal Database. You can freely choose the materials you wish to transcribe from our database--with over 218,000 titles, one of the largest databases of digital-archived early Japanese books in the world.
I have held several workshops on the system, for instance, at the University of Leiden and the University of California, Berkeley. Not able to travel due to the pandemic, I hope to promote the system's usage by offering this online training course.
続きを読む>>立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際研究拠点(ARC-iJAC)」は、2021年6月19日(土)、20日(日)に、2021年度アート・ドキュメンテーション学会年次大会を共催します。
2021年6月19日(土) 13:00~17:00
2021年6月20日(日) 10:00~16:15■参加方法:
※今年度は紙媒体の予稿集を発行しません。必要な方は予稿集PDF を印刷してください。■参加申込:
※本大会は、2日目の学会総会を除き、会員・非会員を問わずどなたでも参加できます。共催:立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 文部科学省国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」(ARC-iJAC)、アート・ドキュメンテーション学会(JADS)
後援:記録管理学会、情報処理学会人文科学とコンピュータ研究会、情報知識学会、人文系データベース協議会、全国大学史資料協議会、全国美術館会議、全国歴史資料保存利用機関連絡協議会、専門図書館協議会、デジタルアーカイブ学会、日本アーカイブズ学会、日本アートマネジメント学会、日本デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ学会、日本ミュージアム・マネージメント学会6月10日(木) 京都新聞の夕刊に静岡英和学院大学 人間社会学部 畑恵里子教授の「舞鶴市糸井文庫 江戸期の伝説」の浦島伝説が紹介されました。
一般に知られているストーリーとは違って意外な展開の、江戸期の浦島太郎伝説を、舞鶴市糸井文庫を調査していた研究グループがわかりやすく紹介しています。記事内には、玉手箱が2つ登場する「水江浦島対紫雲筺」という画像が掲載され、涙を流す乙姫に対して浦島太郎は冷めた表情で描かれています。(糸井文庫 舞鶴市所蔵)
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