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12月8日(水)、アート・リサーチセンター 副センター長の矢野桂司教授が進めている「平安京跡データベース」について、読売新聞に掲載されました。
[イベント情報]2021年11月16日(火)11月10日に開催された、第93回 国際ARCセミナーの様子がYouTubeで公開されました。
タイトル:「Introducing an album of preliminary drawings by Katsushika Isai(葛飾為斎)」
講師:リーズ大学名誉講師 Ellis Tinios先生是非ご視聴下さい。
ワークショップ「Digitization of Historical Cities in Egypt and Japan」が開催されます。
日時: 2021年11月6日(土)(16:00-18:30 JST) (09:00 – 11:30 Cairo Time)
参加方法:オンライン(要登録) お申し込みは こちら
受講料:無料2021年10月22日(金)に「くずし字翻刻錬成講座 第2Phase」キックオフセミナーが開催されました。
この講座は、立命館大学アート・リサーチセンターの文部科学省 国際共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ国際共同研究拠点」(ARC-iJAC)が国際日本文化研究センター(日文研)の協力のもと、開催されました。
ARC副センター長の赤間亮教授(文学部)による開会の挨拶後、荒木浩先生(国際日本文化研究センター)による 「本を「ツナグ」―「くずし字」のデジタル・ネットワーキングへー」と題した特別公演が行われました。
くずし字翻刻システムの詳細は、赤間亮教授のインタビュー「赤間亮教授(ARC副センター長)に聞く、ARC翻刻システムを使ったくずし字解読研修について ※本文は英語です」をご覧ください。
大規模文化遺産の可視化について、田中覚教授に聞く 記事はこちら
10月17日(日) アート・リサーチセンター 副センター長の赤間亮教授がデジタルアーカイブ化に協力している「松竹大谷図書館」のクラウドファンディングが東京新聞に掲載されました。
[イベント情報]2021年10月13日(水)The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, is delighted to announce the release of the 'Surname Map'--a research project led by Professor Keiji Yano (College of Letters), Deputy Director of the ARC.
Project Background
Until the end of the Edo period, Japanese surnames had exclusively been granted to the emperor, nobility, and samurais. Following the Meiji Restoration and the enactment of the family registration law in the early Meiji period, farmers and other commoners also began to adopt surnames.
With more than 100,000 different surnames, Japan is not only characterized by great diversity in surnames but also regional variations in their distribution.
Based on big data of about 40 million surnames from Japanese telephone directories and large-scale residential maps, the Surname Map visualizes the contemporary spatial distribution of surnames across all prefectures in Japan.
This research began in 2005 when Professor Yano, then a visiting researcher at University College London (UCL), joined Professor Paul Longley's research project on surnames around the world at the Department of Geography, UCL.
Professor Longley had mapped surnames from the UK's 1881 Census of Individual Voters and the 1998 Electoral Roll to analyze the movement of surnames over more than a hundred years.
In the UK, a country with an ethnically diverse population, he measured ethnic residential segregation by inferring ethnic origins from surnames.
For the project of Professor Longley to create a world map of surnames, Professor Yano provided the Japanese surnames.
Features of the Surname Map
The interactive map provides users with valuable insights into the geographic distribution of their individual surnames in a simple and illustrative manner.
Firstly, the map displays the frequency of a surname in absolute numbers (人数) and ranking according to prefectures.
Secondly, the map shows the relative degree of accumulation, i.e., how evenly a surname is distributed throughout the country, with the specialization coefficient (特化係数).
An option is available to display the absolute numbers and specialization coefficient on two maps side by side.
Furthermore, the distribution trends of two surnames can be compared side by side.
Explore Regional Variations
The map enables users to explore and identify the geographic concentration and regional clusters of surnames.
For instance, the map reveals that some surnames are particularly unique to a region, such as 'Ganaha' (我那覇) in Okinawa.
In the case of Okinawa, the heavy concentration of 'Ganaha' (我那覇) has been considered a result of the relative isolation of the Ryukyu Islands that has led to minimal surname exchange with mainland Japan, whereas there are different reasons for other localities, such as government policy implications on the settlement of Hokkaido.
Current & Future Research Endeavors
Professor Yano's Surname Map builds on the growing interest in the regional analysis of surnames in Japan and other parts of the world.
As in the UK, there exists no exhaustive historical surname data for the whole country in Japan. For Kyoto, however, a database has been created as part of the Virtual Kyoto Project--another project led by Professor Yano. He is working on establishing links within this data that comprise name data from land registry maps from the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912), telephone directories, and the names of people in commerce and industry during the Taisho period (1912-1926).
Other projects include an investigation in the hometowns of the Tonden soldiers (屯田兵) and migration flows of their descendants, identifying the hometowns of Nikkei (日系人) who emigrated from Japan, as well as a study of population movements in local areas of Japan over the past fifteen years, linking them to the census data at town and village levels.
Finally, Professor Yano is pursuing the possibility of digital humanities research on surnames, including the relationship between surnames and the name of places.
<Access the UK project 'Named by PublicProfiler' of University College London (UCL)>
The Surname Map has been created by Ritsumeikan University in cooperation with Acton Winds Co., Ltd.
Further reading:
1. Cheshire, James A., Paul A. Longley, Keiji Yano, and Tomoya Nakaya. "Japanese surname regions." Papers in Regional Science 93 (2014): 539-555. https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12002.
2. Longley, Paul. A., Alex D. Singleton, Keiji Yano, and Tomoya Nakaya. "Lost in Translation: Cross-Cultural Experiences in Teaching Geo-Genealogy." Journal of Geography in Higher Education 34, no. 1 (2010): 21-38. https://doi.org/10.1080/03098260902982476.
3. Yano, Keiji. "GIS based Japanese family name maps and their potential in Geographic Information Science." Jinmoncom (2007): 47-54. http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00100574/. (in Japanese with English abstract)
[イベント情報]2021年9月21日(火)Project Overview:
At the center of this project, which involved Bachelor and Master students of Japanology at Goethe University Frankfurt, was the On Edo ezu (御江戸絵図) from the ARC database 'Maps of Japan from the Collection of Sir Hugh and Lady Cortazzi'.
Drawing on maps, guidebooks, and colored woodblock prints, this project attempted to correlate various sources of both geographical and visual experience and knowledge to hypothetically reconstruct how they might have shaped the late Edo period consumer's consciousness based on the materials accessible to them.
→ Click here to access the project website.Professor Kinski, thank you very much for your time. As the leader of the FY2020 ARC-iJAC project 'Edo Period Map goes Digital - The On Edo ezu as an Interactive Resource', could you tell us about your motivation to start this project?
Prof. Kinski: I began to develop a strong interest in Digital Humanities (DH) in 2012 when I saw a presentation by Bettina Gramlich-Oka--a colleague at Sophia University--about creating an interactive biographic database as part of her interest in social network analysis.
Striving to incorporate text mining, topic modeling, or semantic network analysis in my approach to Edo period intellectual history, I have been making efforts to raise the interest amongst students in the approaches towards Japanese sources derived from DH.
Frankfurt University owns a small collection of printed books covering the period between 1650 and 1850, our 'Edo bunko' which we use for exercises in the classroom to decipher and transcribe larger quantities of text.
A talented student of mine, Koray Birenheide, created a program called 'DemiScript' that allows us to work with source material--whether premodern, modern, textual or visual--and to present the results of our transcription efforts. A far more advanced tool than expected, I was convinced it could serve as a platform for a larger, more ambitious classroom project.
The ARC-iJAC provided a timely opportunity to put our plan into action by drawing on the materials in the ARC databases and combining the first-hand exploration of primary sources with concerns from urban infrastructure history and art history.
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