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ARC-iJAC Activities


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2022年度ARC-iJAC事業の一環として、松竹大谷図書館とアート・リサーチ・センター(ARC)の協定に基づき 松竹大谷図書館の「松竹大谷図書館所蔵・芝居番付検索閲覧システム」に統合され、ARCが開発・公開いたしました。

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2022年8月 1日(月)

[PNG] OSP 2022 Graphic.png

3rd Online Summer Programme in Japanese Cultural Studies: "Tourism and Heritage in Post-Lockdown Japan", 1 - 12 August 2022 / <Applications now closed.>

Organized by the Centre for Japanese Studies at the University of East Anglia and the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) in partnership with Toshiba International Foundation and the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, the 2022 Online Summer Programme in Japanese Cultural Studies will be held online from August 1 to August 12.

This programme is free for all attendees, requiring no prior training in Japanese or Japanese Studies. Now in its third year, the programme was conceived as a temporary replacement for in-person summer schools, which were prevented due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, the programme has attracted incredible interest from across the globe, demonstrating a strong appetite for Japanese Studies internationally.

This edition of the programme considers directly the impacts of the Coronavirus on Japan. The curriculum will be based around the theme of "Tourism and Heritage in Post-Lockdown Japan". Throughout the world, tourism has been one of the industries most profoundly affected by the pandemic. For Japan in particular, which has sought to become a "Tourism Nation" and was host for the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games, the consequences have been significant. At the time of this announcement, while Japan has begun to gradually open to overseas tourists, the strict tour group system is a far cry from the experiences of the 34 million who visited in 2019. It therefore seems appropriate that we take this time to reconnect with Japan and explore what tourism in Japan will mean post-COVID-19. We will also consider Japan's cultural heritage, too, and how COVID-19 has affected the heritage industry, exploring the uses and value of heritage in the absence of international tourism. Over the two-week period, we will be joined by world-leading scholars, practitioners, and industry professionals based in Japan.

No prior knowledge of these fields is necessary, and with the variety of topics and interests represented by our speakers, we hope that there is something for specialists and non-specialists alike.

Over two weeks, we will be holding panels with experts based in Tokyo, Kyoto and Fukuoka to discuss "Responding to Tourist Practices", "Heritage Without Tourism" and "Local Heritage, Global Heritage":

OSP_map.pngIn addition to live virtual talks, participants will also have the opportunity to engage in asynchronous activities, join networking sessions, and will be issued a Certificate of Participation on completion of the programme. Participation is free of charge.

Deadline for applications: Thursday 30th June 2022 (Applications now closed.)

For more details, please visit:




  • 開催期間:2022年7月23日(土)〜9月19日(月・祝)
  • 時  間:9時~17時(入館は16時30分まで)
  • 場  所:なら歴史芸術文化村 文化財修復・展示棟 地下1階展示室
  • 料  金:無料
  • 主  催:なら歴史芸術文化村
  • 共  催:天理大学、立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター、奈良県立大学地域創造研究センター、東京藝術大学 文化財保存学保存修復彫刻研究室

>> 詳しくは「なら歴史芸術文化村」公式ホームページをご覧ください。.








Byobu Matsuri1 Byobu Matsuri2
「春夏秋冬山水屏風」谷口靄山 「和歌の浦」川北露峰

会  期: 2022年7月14日(木)~7月16日(土)
会  場: 京都市指定有形文化財 長江家住宅 主屋南棟(京都市下京区新町通仏光寺上ル394)
開館時間: 10:00~19:00(最終受付18:30)
見 学 料 : 700円 (当住宅の保全・修繕に使用します)



株式会社フージャースホールディングス(髙木) TEL:075-353-7512

立命館大学広報課(名和)           TEL:075-813-8300









Byobu Matsuri1 Byobu Matsuri2
「春夏秋冬山水屏風」谷口靄山 「和歌の浦」川北露峰

会  期: 2022年7月14日(木)~7月16日(土)
会  場: 京都市指定有形文化財 長江家住宅 主屋南棟(京都市下京区新町通仏光寺上ル394)
開館時間: 10:00~19:00(最終受付18:30)
見 学 料 : 700円 (当住宅の保全・修繕に使用します)



株式会社フージャースホールディングス(髙木) TEL:075-353-7512

立命館大学広報課(名和)           TEL:075-813-8300





講師:独立行政法人国立文化財機構 奈良文化財研究所 企画調整部文化財情報研究室 主任研究員 高田 祐一先生

タイトル:「文化財情報プラットフォームとしての全国遺跡報告総覧と文化財総覧 WebGIS」



※ARCメンバー以外の方は Youtubeよりご参加いただけます。こちらからご覧下さい。

Professor Hans Bjarne Thomsen has held the Chair for East Asian Art History at the Institute of Art History, University of Zurich, since 2007. His publications include Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Ernst Grosse Collection (2019). Supported by the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Prof. Thomsen conducted his research project 'Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: Case Study of Freiburg im Breisgau' in FY 2021, followed by the project 'Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: The Case of Monte Verità' in FY 2022.

IMG_20220711_152607.jpgProfessor Thomsen, thank you very much for your time today. How did you first connect with the Art Research Center (ARC)?

Prof. Thomsen: I met Professor Akama in Geneva more than a decade ago. Since then, we have embarked on several projects digitizing and cataloging Japanese woodblock prints at the Print Cabinet in Geneva.

Thanks to the efforts of the ARC in digital archiving of these prints, we have held two exhibitions at the Print Cabinet--one on kabuki prints in 2014 and the other on surimono prints that is currently ongoing.

In 2016, the University of Zurich also held a three-day international symposium on katagami in Zurich where several ARC faculty members presented their research.

You are the leader of two ARC-iJAC international joint research projects. 'Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: Case Study of Freiburg im Breisgau' was conducted in the fiscal year of 2021, while you examine the case of Monte Verità in the current fiscal year. Could you tell us your motivation for these projects?

Prof. Thomsen: There has been a prolonged interest in academia to study Japanese art outside of Japan that goes back to the 1970s. However, the focus has mainly been on meibutsu (名物) and their connections to Japan.

My research interest lies not only in finding and identifying objects that have been traditionally seen as meibutsu but to expand on this. Some Japanese art collections across Germany and Switzerland, such as the collections left behind by Ernst Grosse (1862-1927) and Baron Eduard von der Heydt (1882-1964), have been little explored.

As part of our ARC-iJAC projects, we have been digital archiving and cataloging these artworks as we intend to not only examine their connection and existence within Japanese art history but place them in context of both their Japanese origin and a piece of local Swiss/ German history.

Freiburg.pngIn your ARC-iJAC projects, you also investigate the art collectors and other agents involved in bringing artworks from Japan to Europe. Could you tell us why?

Prof. Thomsen: We hope to get a better understanding of the roles these various pioneers held in spreading public and academic knowledge of Japanese art.

In graduate schools, the students typically look at the most recent texts, whereas older ones are neglected because they are considered 'old history'.

We are inclined to think that there is a sudden burst of light, and we know everything about a subject--but it builds over time. The gradual growth of knowledge on certain subjects tends to be ignored in the West.

Japanese collections had been brought to Europe for particular reasons--the art collectors could have considered them interesting, and perhaps important. The motivations and individual stories of these collectors--two key persons were Ernst Grosse and Baron Eduard von der Heydt--should not be forgotten.

For instance, despite his early influence in East Asian art studies and contributions to the establishment of the Japanese art collections in the West, the role of Ernst Grosse has largely been forgotten. Furthermore, many other people, including middlemen, were involved in the process of knowledge transfer of Japanese art in the West. It was not a simple process.

To 'resurrect' these histories of learning, we should give credit to these pioneers.

Monte Verita.JPGHas there been something particularly fascinating that you found regarding these pioneers?

Prof. Thomsen: For instance, as opposed to Ernst Grosse, von der Heydt had never been to Japan. So, where did he buy his artworks, and how did they arrive there?

Furthermore, von der Heydt gave his East Asian art collection to Museum Rietberg in Zurich. However, some key pieces, including a fine collection of Japanese woodblock prints, never went to Rietberg. Instead, they have remained at his home, a modernist-style Bauhaus building in Monte Verità where they have been largely forgotten and become a part of hotel decoration.

So, what are the pieces he did not give to Museum Rietberg, and what does this tell us about the status of these objects?

We would like to address some of these questions as part of our ARC-iJAC projects, directed toward rediscovering a forgotten history of the reception of Japanese art in the West.

We intend to fully digitize and catalog the collections of Grosse and von der Heydt that have been lost to the public.


Could you please tell us more about your post-COVID plans?

Prof. Thomsen: I plan to continue working with Japanese art collections here in Europe. In the last fifteen years since joining the University of Zurich, I have had the pleasure working with more than 50 different museums--including museums in Switzerland, Germany, Ukraine, France, and Italy.

Regarding our ARC-iJAC projects, we faced the problem during the pandemic that we could not enter the museums for a long time. Therefore, many of the Japanese artworks Ernst Grosse left behind still remain in cardboard boxes. Once we get permission from the museums, I plan to take higher-quality images of the objects that we can replace and add to our ARC database.

I am excited that there is still an incredible research potential in these art collections in Freiburg and Monte Verità, and I hope to continue the delightful research collaboration with the ARC for many years to come.

(This interview was conducted by Yinzi Emily Li.)

solBP1891-A01_001harf.jpg2022年度 ARC-iJACプロジェクト「演劇上演記録データベースを活用した、演劇資料画像検索閲覧システムの構築に関る研究」の一環として7 月 1 日より、歌舞伎座の戦前までの筋書(劇場プ ログラム)について、Web 上で閲覧できるデジタルアーカイブを公開いたしました。

デジタルアーカイブ「芝居番付検索閲覧システム」は、 松竹大谷図書館と立命館大学アート・リサーチセンターとの間で結ばれた協定に基づき、 システムの開発及び公開をアート・リサーチセンターが行っています。


なお、ARCではARC所蔵番付だけでなく、松竹大谷図書館やその他の所蔵者の番付を同時に検索できる番付ポータルデータベースを公開しています。 こちらでは大谷図書館の筋書公開に合わせてARCが所蔵する戦前までの帝国劇場の筋書を公開しました。



問い合わせ先:(公財)松竹大谷図書館 03-5550-1694




京都ニュースアーカイブ バーチャル・インスティテュート(6月24日より公開)
< ARC Virtual Institute: 京都ニュースアーカイブ >





開催日: 7月2日(土)

時 間:14:00 - 16:30


会 場: オンラインにて開催






後援:京都市、一般社団法人 京都映画芸術文化研究所


E-mail: arc-jimu■ ※■を@に直して、お送りください。



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