「ARC Winter Newsletter」が発行されました (2023年1月) ※本文は英語です2023年1月25日(水)With the establishment of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) in 2019, the Art Research Center strives to push the internationalization of research activities that transcend disciplines and geographic boundaries.
Keynote speech by Prof. Hans B. Thomsen (University of Zurich) on Academia and Museums: The Importance of Collaborative Projects.
>>Program & RegistrationWe were delighted to welcome Her Imperial Highness Princess Akiko of Mikasa, and Professor Emeritus Henry Smith (Columbia University) to the ARC.
HIH Princess Akiko of Mikasa was previously a postdoctoral researcher at the ARC while Professor Emeritus Henry Smith is a member of the ARC-iJAC External Evaluation Committee.ARC-iJAC Project Spotlights: An Interview with Kelly Midori McCormick (University of British Columbia) and Carrie Cushman (Hartford Art School)Supported by the ARC-iJAC, a team led by Dr. Kelly Midori McCormick and Dr. Carrie Cushman has been conducting research under the theme Expanding the Study of Japanese Photography and Gender: Modules for Teaching and Public Access.
Resulting from this, they have launched the bilingual website Behind the Camera--part database, part educational tool--spotlighting a diverse range of international experts on the history of Japanese photography from the perspective of gender and power.
>>Read full interview.This project is actively seeking contributors in Japan and around the world for new modules on the history of Japanese photography from new perspectives. If you have a proposal for a module, please reach out. On November 28, 2022, a signing ceremony for the MoU was held at Akita International University. The MoU provides a stable framework to advance collaborative projects in digital humanities, such as integrating AIU's Akita Folkloric Performance Art Archives with audiovisual records of more than 300 folkloric performance arts in the ARC Portal Database System. >>Read full article.
In November 2022, we were pleased to welcome Prof. Adam Habib to the ARC where he discussed the possibility of establishing a partnership in digital humanities with Prof. Ryo Akama. >>Read full article. Supported by the ARC, the Japan Foundation Kyoto Office organizes the annual event to provide an opportunity to experience traditional Japanese culture. The performances, filmed by the ARC, are available online for a year.Upcoming Events
January 28 (Sat), 2023, 16:00-18:00 JST
International Online Symposium
Topic: Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: As Seen through Case Studies in Central Europe
<<Program & Registration>>
January 31 (Tue), 2023, 9:50-18:00 JST
Graduate Student Colloquium
Topic: Arts and Culture Studies of East Asia in the Post-Media Era: Themes and Perspectives
<<Zoom URL>>
(no registration required)
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