The ARC Autumn Newsletter (October 2020) is available2020年10月27日(火)With the establishment of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) last year, the Art Research Center strives to push internationalization of research activities that transcends disciplines and geographic boundaries.Warm greetings from Ritsumeikan University's Kinugasa Campus, Kyoto:
Important Notice: Temporary closure of the Art Research Center for visitors effective from April 8, 2020 in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Read more >>Special video of the Mio no Kai (澪の会) traditional Kyoto dance performance available on YouTube until Dec. 6, 2020 With a history extending back to the Edo period, Kyomai (Kyoto style of the Japanese traditional dance) has been passed from generation to generation by the Inoue school whose current headmaster Yachiyo Inoue V has been designated as a Living National Treasure by the Japanese government.
Started as a study session by Yachiyo Inoue V in 1981, Mio no Kai (澪の会) is usually held four times a year with an audience limited to just 70 persons. Due to COVID-19, however, the event was cancelled this year. Instead, we provide you with the unique opportunity to watch this performance online.Based on the agreement with the Katayama Family Foundation for the Preservation of Noh and Traditional Kyoto Dance, the ARC has been in charge of the video recording, editing and distribution. Read more >>An Interview with Prof. Keiji Yano, Deputy Director of the ARC Professor Yano, an expert in the field of human geography and geographical information science, talks about digitizing the historical city of Kyoto and preserving cultural heritage. He supervised the recent launch of the Gion Festival Digital Museum, a bilingual online platform with cultural resources related to the Gion Festival and the city of Kyoto, digitally archived by the ARC over several years. Read more >>This video introduces the contents of the Gion Festival Digital Museum and provides an overview of the site's features and navigation.The ARC Day 2020 The ARC Day, an annual event where the faculty members of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, introduce their research projects for the new fiscal yearin brief presentations, was held as a web event on Saturday, August 1, 2020. For the first time, four collaborative research projects with the common theme「"遊び": アート・エンターテインメント研究」 ("Play": Art Entertainment) were presented with the purpose to develop research activities that further integrate humanities and sciences to create new future directions for the ARC while fostering graduate students and young researchers.
Click here for details and handouts >>The Katayama Noh Online Special Performance in Nagoya available on YouTube until Oct. 10, 2021 The ARC has been working with the Katayama Family that holds an invaluable position as nohgaku performers in Kyoto, to film and digitally archive their performances for over 20 years.This video is released as a result of the research project "Study on the Effective Promotion of Noh Theater to the Global Audience", conducted by the Katayama Family Foundation for the Preservation of Noh and Traditional Kyoto Dance and the ARC.
It is one of the FY 2020 Adopted Joint Research Projects (International Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment) of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC). Read more>>The Otojiro & Sadayakko Kawakami's Album of European and American Performance Materials is published in the ARC's Shochiku Otani Library Special Data Browsing System
The Shochiku Otani Library Special Data Browsing System has been developed by the ARC-iJAC. Read more>>≪New Series≫ Introducing ARC Databases:
Film and Drama Scripts Database (シナリオデータベース)Background:- Based on bibliographic information on approximately 40,000 film and drama scripts in the collection of Waseda University's Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum that had been deposited at the ARC from 1997 to 2002.
- Mainly film and drama scripts of the early days of television from the 1940s to the beginning of the Heisei era (1989).
What's Next:- The ARC is going to expand this database by digitizing the contents of around 4000 of these scripts that have been left at the ARC as duplicates, for the purpose of research only.
- With a basis for new research opportunities being provided, researchers will be able to analyze, compare and contrast the contents of popular Japanese film and drama scripts, which have not been digitally available before, using AI technology.
To steadily enrich our database, we are more than happy to hear from you if you would like to contribute to our database with your script.Upcoming Events Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 18:00-18:45
75th International ARC Seminar (Webinar)
"Some Thoughts on 『改正絵入南都名所記 (Kaisei e iri Nanto meishoki)』--Regarding the Characteristics and Sources of its Illustrations"
Speaker: Mr. Nozomu ATAKA (Ph.D. Candidate, Digital Humanities for Arts and Cultures, Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)Watch online
Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 18:00-19:30
76th International ARC Seminar (Webinar)
"Thoughts on Edo-period book design"
Speaker: Dr. Ellis TINIOS (Honorary Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK)Previous Issues:
Summer Newsletter 2020
Spring Newsletter 2020view this email in your browser Copyright © 2020 Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University. All rights reserved.
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