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The ARC Day 2020 was held on August 1
August 1, 2020(Sat)

The ARC Day, an annual event where the faculty members of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, take turns to introduce their research projects for the new fiscal year in brief presentations, took place on Saturday, August 1, 2020.

To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, this event was held online via Zoom and broadcasted live on YouTube.

For the first time on the ARC Day, four collaborative research projects had been presented which share a common theme「"遊び": アート・エンターテインメント研究」 ("Play": Art Entertainment). The purpose of these collaborative projects is to develop research activities that further integrate humanities and sciences to create new future directions for the ARC while fostering and supporting young researchers and graduate students, who are working jointly on these projects.

To stimulate these young researchers and graduate students in their research endeavors, they also actively participated in the ARC Day as discussants in the Q&A sessions that followed the research presentations.

Program of the ARC Day 2020

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August 1st(Sat) 14:00~17:10(JST)
14:00-14:05 Opening remarks
14:05-14:35 Session 1
Firstly, each project leader will introduce their projects within 3 minutes in the order of the program. Then, the rest of the session will be spent on Q&As. We will take questions from the participants on Zoom and questions from YouTube participants via Twitter。
1. 「Research Project on the Japanese Cultural Resources using the Concept of "Metahistory" or "Les lieux de mémoire"」
Project leader: Koichi HOSOI, Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
2. 「A System Development Project for Exhibition of Images such as Ukiyo-e through the Means of Games」
Project leader: Ruck THAWONMAS, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
3. 「Play between Creativity and Learning」
Project leader: Akinori NAKAMURA, Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
(Presenter: Akito INOUE, Lecturer, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU)
4. 「Digital Archive of the Techniques, Processing and Enjoyment of Manga and Anime with its Focus on International Spread and Propagation of Culture」
Project leader: Ryosuke YAMANISHI, Associate Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
5. Collaborative Project ①
Project leaders:Prof. HOSOI, Prof RUCK, Prof. NAKAMURA
(Presenter: Mr. Toshinari TSUJI, M1, Graduate School of Letters, RU)
14:35-15:05 Session 2
6. 「Play and Discovery in Kanji Characters」
Project leader: Lin MENG, Associate Professor, College of Science and Engineering, RU
7. 「Construction and Transmission of a Kyoto Street Culture Archive」
Project leader: Shinya SAITO, Associate Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
8. 「Playing in the City of Kyoto - Construction of a Virtual Kyoto Using VR and AR」
Project leader: Naomi KAWASUMI, Associate Professor, College of Letters, RU
(Presenter: Hirotaka SATO, Assistant Professor, College of Letters, RU)
9. Collaborative Project ②
Project leaders: Prof. RUCK, Assoc. Prof. SAITO, Assoc. Prof. KAWASUMI (Assis. Prof. SATO)
10. Collaborative Project ③
Project leaders: Prof. MAEDA, Assoc. Prof. MENG, Assoc. Prof. Fumio GOTO (The Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture/ Grad. School of Professional Teacher Education)
15:05-15:35 Session 3
11. 「Acoustic Sound Reconstruction and Playing-Support with Traditional Instruments」
Project leader: Takanobu NISHIURA, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
12. 「A Project on the Intellectual Linkage of Large-Scale Cultural Information」
Project leader: Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
13. 「Project of developing Evaluation Datasets for ARC Collection Databases」
Project leader: Akira MAEDA, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
14. 「Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D High-Definition Visualization Contents」
Project leader: Dr. Fadjar I. THUFAIL, Senior Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
(Presenter: Satoshi TANAKA, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU)
15:35-15:50 Break
15:50-16:20 Session 4
15. 「Collection and Preservation of Traditional Games from around the World, the Systematization and the Study of Cultural Relevance of Them」
Project leader: Isao UMEBAYASHI, Part-time Lecturer, Shitennoji University
16. 「Visualization for Re-experiencing the Psychology/ Festival using VR Technology」
Project leader: Kyoko HASEGAWA, Lecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
17. 「Generation Z Web Content Archiving Project」
Project leader: Yumi TAKENAKA, Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU
18. Collaborative Project ④
Project leaders: Prof. TAKENAKA, Dr. HASEGAWA
16:20-16:50 Session 5
19. 「Digital Archive Project of Japanese Arts in the Collection of Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, India」
Project leader: Shinya MAEZAKI, Associate Professor, Dept. of Apparel and Space Design, Kyoto Women's University
20. 「Edo Period Map goes Digital - The O Edo ezu as an Interactive Resource」
Project leader: Michael KINSKI, Professor, Japanese Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt
21. 「Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilizing Digital Resources for Japanese Studies」
Project leader: Ryoko MATSUBA, Senior Digital Humanities Officer, SISJAC
22. 「A Database Construction of Japanese Medieval Handwritten Copies of Sutras Located in Europe and their Analysis Using Machine Learning」
Project leader: Toshiaki AIDA, Lecturer, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health System, Okayama University
16:50-17:05 Buffer(15分)
Q&A Session (Questions from each session and other questions)
17:05-17:10 Closing remarks