文部科学省 共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ研究拠点」 /2017年度 共同研究〔研究設備・資源活用型〕募集2017年1月20日(金)
→ English
1. 研究組織は、研究代表者と研究分担者で構成します。
2. 本センター所属教員(専門研究員・研究員・客員研究員は含まない)を研究分担者とすることを推奨しますが、本センター所属教員を研究分担者としない研究課題も応募できます。この場合、本センター所属教員をコーディネーターとして配置します。
立命館大学 研究部 衣笠リサーチオフィ内
文部科学省 共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ研究拠点」事務局
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (at を @に変えてください)選考および採否通知
立命館大学 研究部 衣笠リサーチオフィス内
文部科学省 共同利用・共同研究拠点「日本文化資源デジタル・アーカイブ研究拠点」事務局
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (at を @に変えてください)
The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, has been vigorously promoting cooperative research between the humanities and cutting-edge information technology, whose research focuses on digital-archiving Japanese cultural properties, both tangible and intangible. In the fiscal year of 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, designated the ARC as a Joint Usage/Research Center. With the establishment of the Digital Archive Research Center for Japanese Cultural Resources, we are pleased to invite researchers to submit joint research proposals to facilitate research and/or utilization of Japanese cultural resources through their digital archiving and database building.
→Guidelines for FY 2017 Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Research Resources
In principle, the research leader of the joint research team should be a faculty member/researcher/curator who belongs to a university or a research institution, including museums, libraries and local governments. Note: a graduate student cannot be a leader.
The joint research team as an organization
1. A research team consists of its research leader and co-researchers.
2.While it is recommended that the team include a faculty member of the Art Research Center* as its team member, you can apply without an ARC member, as well. If that is the case, we may assign a member to join the team as its coordinator. *In this case, the ARC faculty does not include senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and visiting researchers.
Research period
The date when your research proposal is accepted to the end of the fiscal year
- If you hope to continue your research in FY2018, please resubmit your research proposal when we invite to submit research proposals for the next fiscal year.Research funds
The ARC does not provide any research funds. Accepted projects can use the ARC's facilities and research resources.
How to submit a proposal, i.e., "Application Form for Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Research Resources"
Please submit the Form as an e-mail attachment. We will send you a confirmation mail by the next business day. If you did not receive the mail by then, please contact the office of Art Research Center in the following address.
Submit to:
Submit to:
Office of the Art Research Center
Research Office at Kinugasa Campus
Ritsumeikan University
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (change "at" to @)Selection process and notification:
The Art Research Center will evaluate the research proposals and send out the results by e-mail within two business weeks.
If you wish to start your research on April 1, 2017, please submit your application by March 15, 2017 (Wednesday). Otherwise, you can submit the application anytime.
Contact us
Y. Morimoto, S. Okamoto
Office of the Art Research Center
Research Office at Kinugasa Campus
Ritsumeikan University
E-mail:r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (change "at" to @)