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  4. 赤間亮教授がハイデルベルク大学主催のデジタル・ヒューマニティーズ・カンファレンスで特別講演を行いました(※本文は英語です)




On February 4 (Sat), 2023, Professor Ryo Akama--Director of the Art Research Center (ARC)--delivered a special lecture on The ARC Research Space: Aiming at Perfecting a Comprehensive Digital Research Space at the digital humanities conference Materials, Media, and Methods: Digital Issues in East Asian Studies.

The hybrid conference, which focused on the problems, challenges, and breakthroughs with digital technologies in East Asian Studies research, was hosted by the Institute of East Asian Art History (IKO) and the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (HCTS), Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg and organized in cooperation with Nanjing University of the Arts.

Poster design: Xiaojie Chang. Poster image: Xiaojie Chang, via AI image generator DreamStudio, 2023.