ARC Summer Newsletter (July 2020)2020年7月15日(水)
Summer Newsletter 2020
With the establishment of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) last year, the Art Research Center strives to push internationalization of research activities that transcends disciplines and geographic boundaries.Warm greetings from Ritsumeikan University's Kinugasa Campus in Kyoto:NEWS
Important Notice: Temporary Closure of the Art Research Center for Visitors effective from April 8, 2020.In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the Art Research Center has been closed for visitors since April 8.The Art Research Center (ARC) launches The Gion Festival Digital Museum 2020: The Past, Present, and Future of the Gion FestivalOn July 1, 2020, The Gion Festival Digital Museum 2020: The Past, Present, and Future of the Gion Festival has been launched.
Due to the coronavirus, the Gion Festival in Kyoto, celebrated for more than 1,100 years, is taking place on a much smaller scale this year. To provide an opportunity to learn about this festival despite the situation, the ARC has published its research online so people around the world can virtually experience this festival.
go to The Gion Festival Digital Museum 2020 >>In this context, the ARC is holding a web round table from the Nagae Family Residence on July 19, 2020 at 15:00 JST. Topic: Effectivity and Possibility of Digital Archives for Local Communities from a Digital Humanities Point of View. read more>>The ARC-iJAC co-hosted the 2020 Annual Conference of the Japan Art Documentation Society (JADS) on June 27 and 28As part of this year's conference, held online due to the coronavirus, the ARC-iJAC hosted a symposium on 「芸術文化資源デジタル・アーカイブの国際的共同利用 -- オンライン環境での知的生産システムとそのツール」 (The International Joint Usage of Digital Archives for Arts and Cultural Resources: Intelligent Production Systems and their Tools in an Online Environment).In supporting the activities of the Japan Art Documentation Society (JADS), the ARC-iJAC aims to contribute to the establishment of an online knowledge cycle for arts and cultural resources.An Interview with Prof. Koichi Hosoi, Director of the ARCProf. Hosoi talks about recent updates in digital game research at Ritsumeikan, since having successfully expanded the "Game Archive"-project over the last two decades. Furthermore, he explains the internationalization efforts of the ARC-iJAC and the importance of virtual education and gamification in light of the pandemic. read more >>The ARC-iJAC welcomed Prof. Dr. Michael Kinski (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany) as a guest speaker for the 71st International ARC SeminarProf. Dr. Kinski is a specialist in Japanese Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and gave a presentation on "ドイツにおけるデジタル・ヒューマニティーズ。日本学を例として (Digital Humanities in Germany. Japanese Studies and Beyond)".Download seminar handout (free) >>
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Kinski for being our guest speaker.Now open to accept author registrations for the bulletin Art Research, Vol. 21The 21st volume of the ARC's annual bulletin Art Research is scheduled for publication in mid-March 2021.
We are now accepting applications to register as an author to contribute to this bulletin. read more >>Upcoming Events Sunday, July 19, 2020 15:00-16:30 (scheduled)
The Gion Festival Digital Museum Round Table
Live from the Nagae Family Residence
"Effectivity and Possibility of Digital Archives for Local Communities from a Digital Humanities Point of View"
Click here for the event schedule>>Wednesday, July 22, 2020 18:00-19:30
73rd International ARC Seminar (Webinar)
"Digitizing Borobudur: A Perspective on Technological Co-Production"Speaker: Fadjar I. Thufail (Senior Researcher, Research Center for Area Studies, Indonesian Institute of Sciences)Access link to be announced on the websiteview this email in your browser Copyright © 2020 Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University. All rights reserved.
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