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September 4, 2008
Ian N. Gregory (Day 1, Part 2)
Ian N. Gregory (Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities, Lancaster University)
A Place in the Humanities
The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has become well established in historical research, especially in those aspects of history concerned with the analysis of statistical sources such as the census, or cartographic ones such as old maps. This work has had a numberof successes in demonstrating the importance of geography in historical analyses. More recently there have been calls for GIS to be used across the humanities. If this is to happen approaches to GIS need to be developed that allow it to be used with texts, the type of source most widely used in the humanities. This paper will review how GIS has been used in historical research to date and demonstrate how it can be applied to new disciplines such as Literary Studies.
September 4, 2008
Eero Hyvönen (Day 1, Part 2)
Eero Hyvönen (Professor of semantic media technology at the Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Media Technology, and a docent of computer science at the University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science)
CultureSampo: Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web 2.0
The presentation will include discussion and demonstrations of the semantic web 2.0 portal CultureSampo portal (http://www.kulttuurisampo,fi/) and the underlying national ontology service infrastucture ONKI (http://www.yso.fi). The systems presented are part of the national FinnONTO project (http://www.seco.tkk.fi/projects/finnonto/) developing a national semantic web infrastructure in Finland and applications based on it.
September 4, 2008
Richard C. Beacham (Day 1, Part 2)
Richard C. Beacham (Professor of Digital Culture, King’s College London)
The Future of the Past: New Developments in Computer Based Cultural Heritage Research
This presentation will consider some recent work undertaken by the King’s Visualisation Lab and its international partners creating virtual objects and architecture embodying and enabling cultural heritage research. These projects also undertake new pedagogical explorations of real time multi-user online environments, and in particular the Second Life Virtual World. Current work in progress includes “Theatron 3”, the building and decoration of some 25 major historical theatres, together with relevant scenery, costumes and performance activities. Other KVL led projects focus on the first scientific survey and publication of the “Roman Villa of Oplontis”, near Pompeii (which will be realised both in a highly detailed 3D model, and a Second Life version), and work on the “Theatres at Pompeii” – including the depiction of virtual performance -- arising from our collaborative archaeological investigations with the University of Melbourne.
September 4, 2008
Neil Fraistat (Day 1, Part 2)
Neil Fraistat (Professor of English & Director of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, University of Maryland)
The Digital Humanities, Local and Global
The emergence of the Digital Humanities as a coherent field in the 1990s was accompanied by and largely a result of the concomitant evolution of the Digital Humanities Center as an institution. Such centers have become important laboratories for the application of information technology to the humanities; powerful advocates for the significance of such work; crucial focal points for the theorization of the Digital Humanities as a field; and local nodes for what is being called in North America “cyberinfrastructure.” I will discuss the history and function of Digital Humanities Centers, focusing especially on their role in cyberinfrastructure and on the centerNet initiative, which seeks to create a truly global network of local digital humanities centers.
September 4, 2008
Aki Ishigami (Day 2, Reports on Research Results by Young Researchers, Participants of the International Training Program)
Aki Ishigami (Postdoctoral Fellow, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)
Survey of Shunga and Ehon in Overseas Collections
As an ITP scholar, I conducted research and taken digital photos of shunga and ehon in the collections of the Honolulu Academy of Arts, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I set my research base in SOAS, University of London, and conducted a survey in the British Museum, as well.
I especially worked hard for the collections of HAA and MFA that needed to be organized and catalogued. I believe it is important for the future study of shunga to make a comprehensive list of extant material in overseas collections, which is my primary concern at this initial stage of my survey. In this presentation, I would like to discuss the collections of each museum and the setup of a Shunga/Ehon Database based on these research outcomes.
September 4, 2008
Satoshi Ōtsuki (Day 2, Reports on Research Results by Young Researchers, Participants of the International Training Program)
Satoshi Ōtsuki (Postdoctoral Fellow, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)
How to Preserve and/or Conserve Historical Districts by Residents Themselves?: Case Studies of Thailand
In case of Southeast Asian countries, it is difficult to conserve and/or preserve historical districts from disasters and overdevelopment by government sectors only, because of limitation of not only their budgets but also legal systems for urban planning and heritage management. Therefore, such preservation and/or conservation need residents’ cooperation.
This presentation will discuss methods for promoting community-based prevention/conservation of historical districts, with case studies of Ayutthaya World Heritage and royal property districts in Thailand.
September 4, 2008
Tetsuo Mizuta (Day 2, Reports on Research Results by Young Researchers, Participants of the International Training Program)
Tetsuo Mizuta (Postdoctoral Fellow, Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)
World Heritage Site Ayutthaya's Flood Loss Estimation as Risk Management, and Lectures as a Feedback of Research Activities
From June 30th to September 27th of 2008, I was sent to Thammasat University, Thailand from the Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage (DMUCH) of Ritsumeikan University. In the first one month, I researched past and present flood damages and flood control plans in Thailand, and also worked as an organizer for a young researchers' workshop. In July and September, I lectured three times at Thammasat University and Chiang Mai University. My lectures' titles are "Japanese City Planning and Urban Planning" and "Japanese Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Plans and its Practices". These are based on my research activities. In August and September, I researched Ayutthaya's value by using questionnaires and the Travel Cost Method. In this research, I tried to reveal residents' and tourists' awareness and preparedness for floods at Ayutthaya.
September 4, 2008
Seiya Tsuruta (Day 2, Reports on Research Results by Young Researchers, Participants of the International Training Program)
Seiya Tsuruta (Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University; G-COE Research Assistant)
Extraction of Emotional Information from Music for Virtual Dance Collaboration System
We have been proposing a Virtual Dance Collaboration System. In the proposed system, so far, while a live dancer dances to the music, a virtual dancer does so by selecting motion clips that are stored in a motion database. However, music affects dance greatly. When music changes during a dance collaboration, the virtual dance collaboration system is necessary to change the virtual dancer's motion. In this research, we aim at regenerating a virtual dancer's motion based on emotional information extracted from music.
September 4, 2008
Atsuko Ōya (Day 2, Reports on Research Results by Young Researchers, Participants of the International Training Program)
Atsuko Ōya (Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University; Research Assistant of Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan GCOE Center)
Handling of Non-film Materials in the Makino Mamoru Collection of C.V. Starr East Asian Library at Columbia University
From October to December, 2008, as an intern I arranged the Makino Mamoru Collection with some archivists in C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. This collection includes a lot of books, magazines and other non-film materials about Japanese film history from the prewar to the postwar era. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the non-film materials in this collection and propose a plan for their database.
September 4, 2008
Shin Ōno (Day 2, Reports on Research Results by Young Researchers, Participants of the International Training Program)
Shin Ōno (Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University; Research Assistant)
Research of visualized environment for historical events
Our center puts tremendous effort to archive historical events and items as digital data. The work itself is important for saving our culture and history. However, we are still struggling how to open and use the archived data. I believe that such contents can be useful for education. Visualizing such contents can support both researchers and learners. Researchers can analyses new relation, coocurrence and difference of historical events and items. Learners can acquire curiosity of the events and motivate them to learn more.
In my research, I am developing the visualized environment for historical events, and in the session, I will demonstrate the system.

- G-COE Scholarship (application period: between November 5 and 6.)
- We are pleased to announce the recruitment of Senior Researcher for Academic Year 2013. (Application Deadline: On Janyuary 18, 2013)
- G-COE Incentive Scholarship (application period: between June 14 and 20.)
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- Report on Harvard-Ritsumeikan Symposium on Digital Humanities
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