January 18, 2013

We are pleased to announce the recruitment of Senior Researcher for Academic Year 2013. (Application Deadline: On Janyuary 18, 2013)

> 日本語  
We are pleased to announce the recruitment of Senior Researcher under the “Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures”, Ritsumeikan University for Academic Year 2013. 

Please refer to the guidelines below for more detail information. 


【Application Deadlines】
Janyualy 18 (Fri.), 2013  by 17:00 (Please keep the deadline.) 

word.jpgGuideline for Senior Researcher Application(57KB)

【Application Forms】
word.jpgApplication for Senior Researcher(88KB)
word.jpgCurriculum Vitae(49KB)
word.jpg Research Plan Proposal(42KB)

■Contact us at:
Research Office (Kinugasa) c/o Ishima
Shugakukan, 2nd Fl., Kinugasa Campus Ritsumeikan University 
56-1 Toji-in Kita-machi Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8577 Japan
Phone: +81-75-465-8476 (9:00AM-5:30PM JST)ext. 511-2825 
E-mail : arc-jimu■arc.ritsumei.ac.jp
※Please change ■ to @ and send e-mail to us.  
※The Office will be closed between December 26, 2012 and January 6, 2013 for a winter break.



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