January 30, 2009

News Letter No. 5 is off the press now.

The Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures has just published its News Letter No. 5. Each issue features some research projects which the Center’s research groups are conducting.

Click here, and you can read the News Letter’s back numbers as PDF files.

January 30, 2009


The Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures has just published its News Letter No. 5.

Click here, and you can read the News Letter’s back numbers as PDF files.

January 30, 2009


Vol. 01
pdf.jpg Japanese(2008.1.31) 2.3MB
pdf.jpg English(2008.1.31) 2.4MB

Vol. 02
pdf.jpg Japanese(2008.3.31) 1.8MB
pdf.jpg English(2008.3.31) 1.4MB

Vol. 03
pdf.jpg Japanese(2008.6.30) 1.7MB
pdf.jpg English(2008.6.30) 1.5MB

Vol. 04
pdf.jpg Japanese(2008.9.30) 1.2MB
pdf.jpg  English(2008.9.30) 0.8MB

Vol. 05<Supecial Issue>
Japanese(2009.1.10) 6.1MB
pdf.jpg  English(2009.1.10) 6.5MB

FY in 2007

data.jpg Japanese

pdf.jpg Japanese 13.0MB

Compressed File Manuscripts(.exe) 10.6MB

January 1, 2009

GCOE Seminar in January, 2009

■Vol.44 : January 27 (Tue.), 2009
Feature: Students for the Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures Educational Program

1.Masumi Yoshida (Student for the Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures Educational Program / M1, Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)
"Heiankyo seen from the route of movement of nobles"

2.Fukiko Nakao (Student for the Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures Educational Program / M1, Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)
"A consideration of the spread of Tenjin worship"

3.Sachie Takahashi (Non-Degree (Non-Ritsumeikan) Student for the Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures Educational Program)
"On the Potential of Using Motion Capture in Noh Dancing Practice"

> More info (※ Japanese only)

■Vol.43 : January 20 (Tue.), 2009

1.Keisuke Asada (RAⅡ/ Web Technology Group / D1, Graduate School of Policy Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
"The features and the present situation of the Virtual Worlds"

2.Shinya Maezaki (RAⅡ/ Japanese Culture Group /D3, Department of Art and Archaeology, SOAS, University of London)
"Researching Japanese Ceramic Collections in the West"

> More info (※ Japanese only)

■Vol.42 : January 13 (Tue.), 2009

1.Atsuko Ōya (RAⅠ / Kyoto Culture Group / D2, Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)
"A report for archival material of Makino Mamoru Collection in C.V. Starr East Asian Library at Columbia University A phase of film exhibitions in Kyoto during the emerging period of moving picture theaters"

2.Takashi Obana (PD / Web Technology Group)
"Research of “Game-play Capture System” for Videogame studies"

> More info (※ Japanese only)

TIME : 18:00~19:30
PLACE : 【Kinugasa campus(KIC), Ritsumeikan University】 Art Research Center
【Biwako Kusatsu campus(BKC), Ritsumeikan University】 The Internet (Power Live)

※Participation through the Internet (PowerLive) is available. If you wish to do so, please contact Nishikawa at: nyoshi■fc.ritsumei.ac.jp (please replace ■ with @).

※ Handouts will be available from the afternoon of the day of the seminar at the following website (for a limited time only).
 https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/dhjac/ppt/haihusiryo-index.html (※ Japanese only)