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Peter Bol

> English

Peter_Bol.jpg ハーバード大学教授、地理分析センター・センター長。

Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages Civilization, Director of the Center for Geographic Analysis.


Geoffrey Martin ROCKWELL

> English

Rockwell.jpg Canadian Institute for Research Computing in the Arts機構長、アルバータ大学教授。

Director of the Canadian Institute for Research Computing in the Arts Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta Adjunct Member of Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia at McMaster University

1987-1995 Ph.D. (Philosophy), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Thesis: A Unity of Voices, A Definition of Philosophical Dialogue
1985-1987 M.A. (Philosophy), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Canada
1977-1982 B.A. (Philosophy), Haverford College, Haverford, PA, U.S.A.



Hongbin Zha

> English

HongbinZha.jpg 北京大学 Key Lab on Machine Perception (MOE)教授。

Hongbin Zha received PhD degree in electrical engineering from Kyushu University, Japan, in 1990. After working as a research associate at Kyushu Institute of Technology, he joined Kyushu University in 1991 as an associate professor. He was also a visiting professor in the Centre for Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing, Surrey University, Unite Kingdom, in 1999. Since 2000, he has been a professor at the Key Lab on Machine Perception (MOE), Peking University, China.


Joe Earle

> English

Earle.jpg ジャパン・ソサエティーのバイス・プレジデント兼ギャラリー・ディレクター。



Alfred Haft

> English

AlfredHaft.jpg 大英博物館プロジェクト・キュレーター。

Alfred Haft is Project Curator in the Japanese Section of the British Museum, and Research Associate of the Sainsbury Institute for Japanese Arts and Cultures. 


田辺幸次(たなべ こうじ)

> English

tanabe.jpg 特定非営利活動法人京都文化協会 理事。

1971年京都市生まれ。1999年 デジタル・パブリッシング・ジャパン(現:㈱セラーテムテクノロジー 大阪証券取引所JASDAQ スタンダード上場) とC2RMF(ルーヴル美術館内フランス国立美術館研究修復センター)とのVFZ美術館アーカイブフォーマット共同研究開発に関わり、同年、㈱ソリューションを立ち上げ、VFZ画像フォーマットに関してOEMを締結。デジタルアーカイブ事業及びコンテンツビジネスを始める。


樫村雅章(かしむら まさあき)

> English

kashimura.jpg 慶應義塾大学文学部講師(非常勤)、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所上席所員(訪問)。



Neil Fraistat

> English

fraistat.jpg メリーランド大学教授、Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities機構長。

Director, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (2006-); Professor of English, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, (1991-); Associate Professor of English, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (1984-91); Assistant Professor of English, Univ. of Maryland (1979-84).


Jieh Hsiang

> English

Hsiang.jpg 国立台湾大学特聘教授、Research Center for Digital Humanitiesセンター長。

Jieh Hsiang received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1982 and taught at SUNY Stony Brook until 1998.
He joint the Department of Computer Science of the National Taiwan University in 1993 and is currently a Distinguished Professor.
He was NTU's University Librarian from 2002 to 2008, and has been the Director of the Research Center for Digital Humanities since 2008.


八村 広三郎 (はちむら こうざぶろう)

> English




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