Simon C Lin
> English
![]() Dr. Lin pioneered the Digital Library/Museum Pilot Project in Academia Sinica which later led to the National Digital Archive Program. The “National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan” (NDAP, Taiwan) was first launched in 2002. Over the past few years, the NDAP has generated approximately 322.9 Terabytes of digitized content (with 5.28 millions Items) from 16 thematic groups ranging from Anthropology to Zoology. |
Dr. Lin is also currently the Project Director of the ASGC (Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre), the only WLCG Tier-1 Centre in Asia. In addition, he is responsible for the APGI (Asia Pacific Gird Initiative) in the EGI-InSPIRE (European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe). Before that, he was the Coordinator of the Asia Federation in Enabling Grid for E-sciencE (EGEE) project as well as the Deputy Project Manager of the EUAsiaGrid project coordinating 11 institutes from 8 Asian countries. ASGC assisted 30 sites in Asia Pacific region to join the global e-Science collaboration. Working with scientists of various disciplines, ASGC is successfully leading e-Science applications in Asia from High Energy Physics, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics, Earth Sciences, Climate Change, Digital Archives to Social Sciences. Dr. Lin received his Ph.D. degree from Edinburgh University in Theoretical Physics. His current research interests include Grid & Cloud Computing, Computational Physics, Statistical Physics and Field theory, and Digital Archives. He has been adjunct professor in several universities. |

- ブログ内検索
- 最近更新された記事
- 「デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの現在と未来」
- 概要
- 11月19日(土) 10:00-17:30
- 11月20日(日) 9:30-17:30
- 11月19日(土)・20日(金) 両日
- 長尾 真(ながお まこと)
- Simon C Lin
- 金田章裕(きんだ あきひろ)
- 並木誠士(なみき せいし)
- Ellis Tinios(エリス・ティニオス)