Hongbin Zha
> English
![]() Hongbin Zha received PhD degree in electrical engineering from Kyushu University, Japan, in 1990. After working as a research associate at Kyushu Institute of Technology, he joined Kyushu University in 1991 as an associate professor. He was also a visiting professor in the Centre for Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing, Surrey University, Unite Kingdom, in 1999. Since 2000, he has been a professor at the Key Lab on Machine Perception (MOE), Peking University, China. |
His research interests include computer vision, digital geometry processing, and robotics. He has published more than 200 technical publications in journals, books, and international conference proceedings. He received the Franklin V. Taylor Award from the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society in 1999, and Best Paper Awards in Euromed 2010. He served as a Guest Editor for IEEE Trans. SMC, Trans. IEICE, and The Visual Computer. He has been Program Committee Chair of IEEE ROBIO'06, Local Arrangement Committee Chair of IROS'06, Program Committee Chair of VSMM'06, Program Committee Chair of CAD/Graphics 2007, Program Committee Co-Chair of ACCV'07, Program Committee Chair of ACCV'09, Publicity Committee Co-Chair of ICCV'09, Local Arrangement Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2009, General Chair of ACCV'10 and 3DIMPVT 2011, Program Committee Co-Chair of ACPR’11, and Area Chair of ICCV 2011. He is a Member of IEEE Computer Society. |

- ブログ内検索
- 最近更新された記事
- 「デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの現在と未来」
- 概要
- 11月19日(土) 10:00-17:30
- 11月20日(日) 9:30-17:30
- 11月19日(土)・20日(金) 両日
- 長尾 真(ながお まこと)
- Simon C Lin
- 金田章裕(きんだ あきひろ)
- 並木誠士(なみき せいし)
- Ellis Tinios(エリス・ティニオス)