Peter Bol
> English
![]() Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages Civilization, Director of the Center for Geographic Analysis. |
Peter K. Bol is the Charles H. Carswell Professor East Asian Languages and Civilizations. His research is centered on the history of China’s cultural elites at the national and local levels from the 7th to the 17th century. He is the author of "This Culture of Ours": Intellectual Transitions in T'ang and Sung China, Neo-Confucianism in History, coauthor of Sung Dynasty Uses of the I-ching, co-editor of Ways with Words, and various journal articles in Chinese, Japanese, and English. He led Harvard’s university-wide effort to establish support for geospatial analysis in teaching and research; in 2005 he was named the first director of the Center for Geographic Analysis. He also directs the China Historical Geographic Information Systems project, a collaboration between Harvard and Fudan University in Shanghai to create a GIS for 2000 years of Chinese history. In a collaboration between Harvard, Academia Sinica, and Peking University he directs the China Biographical Database project, an online relational database currently of 112,000 historical figures that is being expanded to cover the Chinese political elite over the last 2000 years. |

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- 最近更新された記事
- 「デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの現在と未来」
- 概要
- 11月19日(土) 10:00-17:30
- 11月20日(日) 9:30-17:30
- 11月19日(土)・20日(金) 両日
- 長尾 真(ながお まこと)
- Simon C Lin
- 金田章裕(きんだ あきひろ)
- 並木誠士(なみき せいし)
- Ellis Tinios(エリス・ティニオス)