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Japan at the Victoria & Albert Museum: acquiring and recording the collections

講師: Dr. Gert van Tonder (Associate Professor, Kyoto University)
コーディネーター: Jaroslaw Kapuscinski (Associate Professor, Stanford University)


13:30~14:30/公開セミナー (Lecture)
14:40~16:00(終了予定)/エクスカーション(Excursion) 竜安寺内
場所:【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 多目的ルーム


Open Lecture for Ritsumeikan's Student collaborated with Stanford Program in Kyoto.
(Speak in English)

Structural Analysis of a Dry Rock Garden.

The 'ma' of a room has famously been described as the empty space that fills its walls. In this lecture, a previous analysis of the empty space or 'interval' between structural components in the dry rock garden at Ryoanji is revisited to suggest how human visual perception may be linked with the notion of 'ma'. Can one directly SEE 'ma'? The approach provides an avenue for a more critical grasp of the structural organization and perceptual impact of 'ma' in other designed spaces.