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  2. International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC)

International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC)

arc_researchspace_en.pngThe Digital Archive Research Center for Japanese Cultural Resources promotes academic digital archiving of information concerning Japanese culture. It provides a digital environment--the ARC Research Space--and facilities accommodating the various requirements of a diverse range of research, and encourages humanities scholars of Japanese culture to conduct research in Applied Humanities employing Digital Humanities (DH) approaches.

The wealth of scholarly information digitized and scientifically managed in the digital archives will be a valuable resource that adds depth to and expands new horizons for research in the humanities.

Main Objectives:

  1. digitalecosystem_en.pngPromoting development of digital archives by encouraging everyday research activities in the humanities to be "born-digital."
  2. Creating a constructive cycle of research activities in which digital archives dramatically increase research efficiency.
  3. Providing an environment in which the efficiency of digital archives facilitates large-scale projects of a scope previously unthinkable, and producing advanced research results.

→ Download the ARC-iJAC pamphlet here.


FY 2024 International Joint Research with Research Fund

The application for FY 2025 International Joint Research with Research Fund is open until January 20 (Mon), 2025, 12:00 noon (JST). Successful projects will receive research funds from the ARC-iJAC.

Learn more about the application here.

FY 2024 International Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment

The ARC provides its facilities and equipment such as rooms, equipment for digitalization, and cloud storage for members of joint research projects. The members can also create their own Virtual Institute or manage a database by using our platform. If you wish to use the Center's facilities and equipment, please read the guidelines below and submit a proposal.

FY 2024 International Joint Research to Utilize the ARC System for Educational Purposes

The ARC Research Space, an integrated digital archiving system for research purposes, can serve educational purposes as well. If you wish to apply for initiatives aimed at educational purposes utilizing our online system, please submit your application form to r-darc (at) (change "at" to @).

FY 2024 International Joint Research to Utilize the ARC Research Space (Database System etc.) for Dissemination of Information

Applicants can publish, disseminate, and share the data or cultural resources in their possession through the ARC Research Space which represents ARC online databases. This service is available to those who wish to publish and distribute cultural resources, to restart an online database that has been out of operation, or to have the ARC take over the hosting of databases that have been operated in a local environment, while receiving technical support. Please submit your application form to r-darc (at) (change "at" to @).

Provision of ArcGIS Account

As one of the ways to support the activities of international joint research projects, the Art Research Center (ARC) provides ArcGIS Online accounts that can be used with the GIS platform ArcGIS, a web-based mapping software of Esri, Inc. Members of international joint research projects can use the accounts issued by the ARC under the conditions as stated below. If you wish to use the account, please contact us at ml-tech-support[ at ] (replace [ at ] with @). Please state as the subject of the email 'Request for ArcGIS Online account' and include 1. name, 2. registered project name, and 3. email address in the email.

- Researchers who are registered in an international joint research project (including co-researchers and graduate students).
Note: If you have not yet registered for an international joint research project, please first submit an application for International Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment [D]. If the purpose of your project is related to educational purposes, please apply for International Joint Research to Utilize the ARC System for Educational Purposes [E]. →Click here for details.
- One account will be issued per person.
- Each user can use 250 credits. Please contact us if you wish to use more.
- The account must be renewed each fiscal year.
- If the maximum number of registrants is reached, we may not be able to issue accounts or continue the use across fiscal years, even if an application is received.

Adopted Joint Research Projects

FY 2024 Adopted Joint Research Projects

FY 2023 Adopted Joint Research Projects

FY 2022 Adopted Joint Research Projects

FY 2021 Adopted Joint Research Projects

FY 2020 Adopted Joint Research Projects

FY 2019 Adopted Joint Research Projects


Committees for 2024

Support Contents for Joint Research Projects