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  1. To make the vast amount of database of resources on Japanese culture kept at the Art Research Center available to joint researchers in and outside of Japan, while providing the hitherto accumulated digital archiving and database management technologies as the basis for research project activities to promote information archiving and the circulating of joint research on knowledge.
  2. To widely implement public recruit in and outside of Japan for Digital Humanities research projects to contribute to the creation of a broader research community than conventionally available, while utilizing the network of people at overseas Japanese culture research centers established thus far (including art museums and museums).
  3. To develop, propose and share practical methods in regard to the passing of highly specialized cultural resources database on to future generations.

Project Features

Support Contents for Joint Research Projects

Wnted Member ART RESEARCH Database Virtual institute Google Arts & Culture Image Use Procedure Guide Second Life/Virtual Museum Tablet Art Research Center Studio 数奇な運命をたどった『酒呑童子絵巻』を修復し、みんな で共有・活用したい。 Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Clutural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University 立命館大学大学院 文学研究科 行動文化情報学専攻「文化情報学専修」