[イベント情報]September 27, 2024(Fri)
On September 10 and 11, 2024, the British Museum and the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, hosted a symposium at SOAS University of London as part of the 3-year international joint research project 'Creative Collaborations: Salons and Networks in Kyoto and Osaka 1780-1880 (上方文化サロン:人的ネットワークから解き明かす文化創造空間 1780-1880),' supported by UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The research project, led by the Principal Investigators (PI) Prof. Ryo Akama (Director of the ARC/College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University) and Dr. Akiko Yano (Curator, Department of Asia, British Museum), aims to investigate the cultural and social impact of art and literary salons and the collective creation of art (gassaku) in early modern Japan, particularly in the Kyoto-Osaka region circa 1780-1880 by analysing over 5,000 objects in collections at the British Museum and in Japan.
During the course of this project, these works have been digitally archived and their textual inscriptions transcribed into an extensive online research database--the 'Kamigata Bunkajin Sogo Database' (「上方文化人総合データベース」)--established and operated by the ARC, providing a new portal for research on early modern Japanese culture with the possibility of incorporating other collections on different themes in the future.
<ARC Virtual Institute: Salons and Networks in Kyoto and Osaka>
The symposium was held in Japanese and English, and open to the public.
The book of abstracts of all the speakers' presentations is available for download →here.
Presentations marked with (※) were held in Japanese.Day 1: September 10, 2024 9:00-9:10 Greetings
Akiko Yano (British Museum)9:10-11:00 Session 1: Poetry (haiku) circles and artists Speaker 1
Scott Johnson (Professor Emeritus, Kansai University): Notes on "A Haiku Journey to Osaka"Speaker 2
Yokoya Ken'ichiro (Otsu City Museum of History): 中嶋来章と俳諧摺物―義仲寺をめぐる絵師と俳壇 (※)Speaker 3
Ida Taro (Professor, Kindai University):『花月帖』から見える東西のサロンの交流 (※)Speaker 4
Sugimoto Yoshihisa (Professor, Tohoku University): 渡辺南岳と中村芳中の江戸行―俳諧と絵画の交流 (※)Discussant: Alfred Haft (British Museum) 11:05-12:55 Session 2: Osaka, a centre of literati culture Speaker 1
Nakatani Nobuo (Professor Emeritus, Kansai University; online): Kimura Kenkadō and his fellow artistsSpeaker 2
Tsukuda Ikki (Issa-an tea master; online): 煎茶サロンの仕掛け・語らいを生む絵画 (※)Speaker 3
Paul Berry (Professor Emeritus, Kansai University of Foreign Studies): Nature of literati world in OsakaSpeaker 4
Akeo Keizo (Professor, Osaka University of Commerce): 文化サロンとしての蔵屋敷 (※)Discussant: Andrew Gerstle (Professor Emeritus, SOAS University of London) 13:00-14:00 Break 14:00-14:50 Session 3: Independent paper Akama Ryō (Professor, Ritsumeikan University): 幕末明治の京都・大阪における文化サロン人物ネットワークのデータアーカイブと分析システム (※)
Commentator: Matsuba Ryoko (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)14:50-15:10 Break 15:10-17:00 Session 4: Literary and artistic circles: publications, popularisation and commercial aspects Speaker 1
Xiangming Chen (PhD student, University of Oxford): Guide to literati: Kenkadō, Osaka publishing and reception of Qing artSpeaker 2 John Carpenter (Metropolitan Museum of Art): Collaborative paintings with poetry inscriptions as records of Kyoto salon culture Speaker 3 Yamamoto Yoshitaka (National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL)): Court nobles among renowned masters and friends: The imperial court and albums of calligraphy and painting in the early 19th-century Kyoto-Osaka region Speaker 4 Jingyi Li (Assistant Professor, Occidental College in Los Angeles; online): Commercialized gatherings and commodified literati in 19th-century shogakai Discussant: Ellis Tinios (Professor Emeritus, University of Leeds) Day 2: September 11, 2024 9:30-11:20 Session 5: Connections and networks via art Speaker 1
Iwasa Shin'ichi (Osaka Museum of History): 江戸時代後期の京坂と近隣地域における合作書画の諸相について-制作背景と揮毫者を中心に-(※)Speaker 2
Yamamoto Yukari (Wako University): 春画とサロン―長崎来舶清人との関係を中心に (※)Speaker 3 Hirai Yoshinobu (The National Museum of Modern Art (MOMAK)): 京・大坂における長崎派風の伝播の諸相 (※) Speaker 4 Timothy Clark (Honorary Research Fellow, British Museum): Maruyama-Shijō art at the British Museum Discussant: Rosina Buckland (British Museum) 11:20-12:00 General discussion
Symposium 'Creative Collaborations in Kyoto, Osaka and Beyond, 1770-1900'
Date: September 10, 9:00-17:00 & September 11, 9:30-12:00 (BST)
Venue: RG01, SOAS University of London
Organizer (UK): British Museum
Organizer (Japan): International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan UniversityHeader image credit: Tanida Sukenaga (artist, 1748-1825) and six haiku poets, Six poets (imitating the theme of 'Six Immortal Poets'). Surimono, colour woodblock print, 1808. British Museum, 1987,0729,0.2.
[イベント情報]October 5, 2023(Thu)25th Anniversary International Symposium
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of its establishment in 1998, the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, held an international symposium on September 30, 2023 under the theme Liberal Arts Innovation in Digital Humanities and Digital Archives--Exploring Further Possibilities. The event was held in a hybrid format.
Event Overview:
The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, is marking the 25th anniversary of its establishment in 2023. As a center of arts and culture research at Ritsumeikan University in the academic metropolis of Kyoto, the ARC has since its establishment pursued new research utilizing digital technologies. This kind of research based on digital technology research methods came to be called Digital Humanities (DH) and has attracted attention as the most advanced field in humanities research. As a result, the role of the ARC continues to grow in importance, and the Center has gained traction as a driving force in Digital Humanities both in Japan and overseas.
Further, the digital environment, the foundation of Digital Humanities, is built on digital archives. Designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as an International Joint Usage / Research Center, the ARC has taken on many research projects from abroad in its capacity as the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art & Culture (ARC-iJAC), thus strengthening its research activities.
The digital archives, in which the ARC has accumulated research focusing on Japanese traditional culture over the past 25 years, have been interlinked with the open archives of other institutions and continue to form part of the big data of Japanese cultural resources. Furthermore, as seen in the rapid spread of the Metaverse and Generative AI research, in the current present in which humans are beginning to open up digital space as another area for engagement, this kind of big data of cultural resources is not only expected to become a source for specialist academic research but also a digital resource common to all humankind that shall be more open for social use.
The horizons of digital humanities, opened up by digital archives, bring new societal reforms and expansions that should be called "public humanities". On the occasion of this 25th anniversary, we are holding a commemorative international symposium: inviting guests who have provided valuable advice for the Center's activities to discuss the Center's achievements and future direction while further promoting cooperation with related institutions and researchers in Japan and abroad.
Ryo AKAMA (Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University/Director of the ARC)
Akihiko TAKANO (Visiting Research Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)
Shigeo SUGIMOTO(Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba)
Graeme EARL(Professor & Head of College, SOAS University of London)
Koichi HOSOI (Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, Ritsumeikan University/Deputy Director of the ARC)
【Moderator】Travis Seifman(Research Manager of the ARC, Ritsumeikan University)
>>Website of the Ritsumeikan University Saturday Seminar Series
[イベント情報]September 30, 2023(Sat)25th Anniversary International Symposium
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of its establishment in 1998, the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, will hold an international symposium.
Date: September 30 (Sat), 2023, 15:00 - 17:30 JST
Hybrid event (Soushikan Hall 101, Kinugasa Campus & online)Speakers:
Ryo AKAMA (Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University/Director of the ARC)
Akihiko TAKANO (Visiting Research Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)
Shigeo SUGIMOTO(Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba)
Graeme EARL(Professor & Head of College, SOAS University of London)
Koichi HOSOI (Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, Ritsumeikan University/Deputy Director of the ARC)
【Moderator】Travis Seifman(Research Manager of the ARC, Ritsumeikan University)Participation is free of charge・Advance registration required (max. 400)
As the Art Research Center (ARC) celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2023, we sincerely thank you for your continued support. As a token of our appreciation, we have prepared a free gift for all those who attend the symposium at the venue.
Event Overview:
The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, is marking the 25th anniversary of its establishment in 2023. As a center of arts and culture research at Ritsumeikan University in the academic metropolis of Kyoto, the ARC has pursued new research utilizing digital technologies since its establishment. This kind of research based on digital technology research methods came to be called Digital Humanities (DH) and has attracted attention as the most advanced field in humanities research. As a result, the role of the ARC continues to grow in importance, and the Center has gained traction as a driving force in Digital Humanities both in Japan and overseas.
Further, the digital environment, the foundation of Digital Humanities, is built on digital archives. Designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as an International Joint Usage / Research Center, the ARC has taken on many research projects from abroad in its capacity as the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art & Culture (ARC-iJAC), thus strengthening its research activities.
The digital archives, in which the ARC has accumulated research focusing on Japanese traditional culture over the past 25 years, have been interlinked with the open archives of other institutions and continue to form part of the "big data" of Japanese cultural resources. Furthermore, as seen in the rapid spread of the Metaverse and Generative AI research, in the current present in which humans are beginning to open up digital space as another area for engagement, this kind of big data of cultural resources is not only expected to become a source for specialist academic research but also a digital resource common to all humankind that shall be more open for social use.
The horizons of digital humanities, opened up by digital archives, bring new societal reforms and expansions that should be called "public humanities". On the occasion of this 25th anniversary, we are holding a commemorative international symposium: inviting guests who have provided valuable advice for the Center's activities to discuss the Center's achievements and future direction while further promoting cooperation with related institutions and researchers in Japan and abroad.
>>Website of the Ritsumeikan University Saturday Seminar Series
[イベント情報]July 21, 2023(Fri)The Science Council of Japan presents:
Public Symposium: Scientific Knowledge Generation facilitated by Visualization (8): Cross-Disciplinary Digital Perspectives based on Visualization
From the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, Professor Ryo Akama (Director of the ARC/College of Letters) and Professor Satoshi Tanaka (College of Information Science and Engineering) will deliver presentations in the 2nd part of the program.
Date: July 21 (Fri), 2023, 13:00-17:10 (JST)
Venue: Auditorium, Science Council of Japan
Entry is free of charge (maximum capacity of 200 persons). Advance registration is required.Please register here >>https://tra-vis08.peatix.com/view
Event outline:
慶應義塾大学理工学部 藤代 一成 (ifujishiro@keio.jp)
立命館大学情報理工学部 田中 覚(stanaka@is.ritsumei.ac.jp)
お茶の水女子大学理学部 伊藤 貴之 (itot@is.ocha.ac.jp)
Organized by: 日本学術会議 総合工学委員会 科学的知見の創出に資する可視化分科会 Co-organized by: 可視化情報学会、日本応用数理学会、日本機械学会、日本シミュレーション学会、画像電子学会、芸術科学会、画像情報教育振興協会(CG-ARTS)、情報処理学会コンピュータグラフィックスとビジュアル情報学研究会、慶應義塾大学知的環境研究センター、立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター、お茶の水女子大学文理融合 AI・データサイエンスセンター Supported by: 日本自動車技術会 [イベント情報]January 28, 2023(Sat)The International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, is pleased to announce the International Online Symposium 'Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: As Seen through Case Studies in Central Europe'.
This event is held in English with live simultaneous interpretation in Japanese available.
Date: January 28 (Sat), 2023
Time: 16:00 - 18:00 JST / 8:00 - 10:00 CET
Topic: 'Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: As Seen through Case Studies in Central Europe'
Organizer: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University1. Opening Remarks: Prof. Ryo Akama (Director of the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University) & Emily Li (University Research Administrator, Ritsumeikan University)
2. Keynote Speech: Professor Hans B. Thomsen (Chair for East Asian Art History, University of Zurich)
Title: 'Academia and Museums: The Importance of Collaborative Projects'
3. Individual PresentationsA: Dr. Klaus J. Friese (Lecturer, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
Title: 'Siebold's Collection in Munich: A New Type of Museum?'
B: Sabine Sophia Bradel (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Zurich)
Title: 'Japanese Woodblock Prints in a Private Collection in Winterthur, Switzerland'Read more>>
C: Matilde E. Tettamanti (MA, University of Zurich)
Title: 'A First Examination of the Japanese Art Collection of Monte Verità in Ascona, Switzerland'[イベント情報]December 18, 2022(Sun)Professor Keiji Yano, Deputy Director of the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, will serve as chair for the public symposium 'Current Status and Issues of Place Name Standardization: Toward the Establishment of a Place Name Database and a Place Name Standardization Organization', organized by the Science Council of Japan.
Date: December 18 (Sun), 2022, 13:00-17:00 JST
Participation: Online
Anyone is welcome to attend (registration required).[イベント情報]October 3, 2022(Mon)The Modern Architecture WEEK 2022 was held in cooperation with the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, from 27 September (Tue) to 2 October (Sun), 2022.
Event introduction: Sanjo Dori is a unique area in Kyoto with its concentration of modern Western-style buildings built between the Meiji and early Showa periods.
This event is an opportunity to learn about and enjoy these fascinating architectural clusters. Anyone is welcome to attend, so please come and rediscover the fascination of modern Western-style architecture as an aspect of the historical city of Kyoto.
Organizers: Explore Kyoto in History Cluster Executive Committee; Kyoto Sanjo Community Development Council; The Museum of Kyoto
Cooperation in planning & organization: Kyoto Keikan Forum; Kyoto Society of Architects & Building Engineers; Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University; ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH)
>>More information: 京の三条まちづくり協議会
[イベント情報]September 27, 2022(Tue)The Modern Architecture WEEK 2022 is held in cooperation with the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, from 27 September (Tue) to 2 October (Sun), 2022.
Event introduction: Sanjo Dori is a unique area in Kyoto with its concentration of modern Western-style buildings built between the Meiji and early Showa periods.
This event is an opportunity to learn about and enjoy these fascinating architectural clusters. Anyone is welcome to attend, so please come and rediscover the fascination of modern Western-style architecture as an aspect of the historical city of Kyoto.
Organizers: Explore Kyoto in History Cluster Executive Committee; Kyoto Sanjo Community Development Council; The Museum of Kyoto
Cooperation in planning & organization: Kyoto Keikan Forum; Kyoto Society of Architects & Building Engineers; Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University; ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH)
>>More information: 京の三条まちづくり協議会
Read more>>[イベント情報]July 4, 2022(Mon)The Kyoto News Archive was released in the ARC Virtual Institute on June 24, 2022:
< ARC Virtual Institute: The Kyoto News Archive >Kindly supported by the City of Kyoto and the Kyoto Toy Film Museum, the Commemorative Public Symposium 'The Kyoto News Archive: Lights of the Past Reflecting the Future' was held by the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, on July 2, 2022.
In collaboration with the Toy Film Museum in Kyoto, the Art Research Center (ARC) has been building a digital archive of Kyoto News--a series of newsreels produced by Kyoto City between 1956 and 1994 (Showa 31 - Heisei 6).
During that period, the newsreels were shown in movie theaters in Kyoto before the start of the main film. As one of the earliest regional newsreels, they are a valuable historical testimony of Kyoto City. They have recorded a wide range of topics in the city, including seasonal customs and festivals.
As the Kyoto News Archive has partly been completed and opened to the public, the public symposium was held to commemorate the launching of the archive, as well as to report on our research outcomes and discuss the prospects for regional video archives.
Symposium Information
Date: July 2 (Saturday), 2022
Time: 14:00 - 16:30 Japan Standard Time
Topic: The Kyoto News Archive: Lights of the Past Reflecting the Future
Event Venue: Online via Zoom
International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
Supported by: Kyoto City and the Toy Film Museum
Inquiries: Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
E-mail: arc-jimu(at)st.ritsumei.ac.jp (please change "at" to @)
URL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/
(*This event was held in Japanese)
(***UPDATE: Please note that the event will be held online only.***)
The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, is pleased to announce the Commemorative Public Symposium 'The Kyoto News Archive ~Lights of the Past Reflecting the Future~'.
(*This event is held in Japanese)
Date: July 2 (Saturday), 2022
Time: 14:00 - 16:30 Japan Standard Time
Topic: The Kyoto News Archive ~Lights of the Past Reflecting the Future~
Event Venue: online via Zoom
Registration methods:
Click here to register for online participation via ZOOM. (Online: Capacity of 300 seats, first-come-first-served basis)
In collaboration with the Toy Film Museum in Kyoto, the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, has been building a digital archive of Kyoto News--a series of news videos produced by the Kyoto City between 1956 (Showa 31) to 1994 (Heisei 6).
During that period of time, it was shown as a newsreel in movie theaters in Kyoto before the start of the main film. As one of the earliest regional newsreels, the videos are a valuable historical testimony of Kyoto City. They have recorded a wide range of topics in the city, including seasonal customs and festivals.
The Kyoto News Archive has partly been completed and opened to the public, so we are holding a public symposium in commemoration of this video series to report on our research outcomes thus far and to discuss the prospects for regional video archives, including the Kyoto News Archive.
International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
Supported by: Kyoto City, Toy Film Museum
Inquiries: Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
E-mail: arc-jimu(at)st.ritsumei.ac.jp (please change "at" to @)
URL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/