About the ARC
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  2. About the ARC
  3. Overview of the Center Facilities

Overview of the Center Facilities

Name of the Building: Art Research Center
Structure: 3 stories with the entrance on the second floor
Total area: 1257.6 ㎡
Completion of the construction: April 21, 1999

The Center consists of 3 floors.
On the first floor, there are 3 archive storage rooms where different kinds of materials are kept. Digitization of materials is also done on this floor. Once digitized, the data are archived on the second floor with other resources such as books and magazine data. These data are then being utilized on the third floor for various research projects.
Besides that, the Center also has facilities for the digitization of intangible cultural properties. While the Multi-Purpose Room (second floor) is available for all kinds of lectures and symposia, and the Reading Room (first floor) for exhibiting the Center's collections, both can be also used for dissemination.

*Please note that the Center contains extremely valuable materials and expensive research equipment which are vulnerable to dirt and dust. For this reason, visitors are kindly requested to change into the slippers provided at the entrance before entering the Center.

Center Map (Facilities and Equipment)

First Floor

The first floor contains the following:
Optimal storage of books / pamphlets and other types of paper materials;
Cool storage for keeping film reels;
Room for analogue material restoration and digitization; and
Reading Room where collections are displayed.

These areas are generally only accessible to the ARC staff. Visitors may, however, enter the Reading Room to view collections on display during an exhibition irregularly held.

Reading Room
・10 mobile display cases
・Display cases fixed to the wall
・5 acrylic display cases

3 Conservation Rooms with climate control
・Room 1: 22℃/ 55% RH
・Room 2: 18℃/ 50% RH
・Room 3: 10℃/ 30% RH

Second Floor(access from front entrance

The second floor contains the following:
Archiving Room where digitized information done on the first floor is archived with added bibliographical data;
Studio for digitizing video images;
5-way simultaneous photographing device and optical motion capture system for digitizing intangible cultural properties three-dimensionally;
Multi-Purpose Room with a 3 screen and project for more three-dimensional lectures;
Administrative office for the Center's management and monitoring of researchers.

Multipurpose Room
・3 projection screens
・5 projectors
・5-directional simultaneous imaging system
・Optical motion capture system
・Cypress floor


Photographing, editing and other tasks related to the Center's various events including lecture and traditional performances, as well as its research work take place here, regardless of whether the activity is held within the university.
Particularly in regard to intangible cultural properties, collaborating with the Katayama School of Kanze Style noh theatre, the Center members have been filming and editing noh performances, using the Center's full audiovisual equipment, as well as digitizing videos, donated by the school, contributing to the preservation and promotion of noh theatre.

・Cameras (including 21 professional cameras)
・HD video editing system
・Professional audio recording platform

The Studio website(外部サイト)

Third Floor

Digitized data archived with bibliographical information are used in the Research Project Rooms on this floor.
There are 8 Project Rooms and 2 Meeting Rooms equipped with internet access and Skype conferencing. Joint researchers can access these rooms.
The Lounge is open to the public and some of the Center's collections can be viewed here.

2 Meeting Rooms
・2 45-inch monitors
・Web camera for video conference

* Prior booking is required for viewing the Center collections. Please apply at the Office.
** Research work is constantly being conducted in all research rooms regardless of the hour. To maintain sound research environment for our researchers, visitors are kindly requested to refrain from entering the rooms without permission. Please also ensure to view the collections quietly.