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  3. Guidelines for FY 2022 International Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment

Guidelines for FY 2022 International Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment


With the aim of promoting academic digital archiving of information concerning Japanese culture, the ARC invites proposals for "International Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment" throughout the year. The members of joint research projects can use the ARC' facilities and equipment such as rooms, equipment for digitalization, and cloud storage. It is also possible to create a Virtual Institute or manage a database by using our platform.

Facility and Equipment Rental

Notice for a special type of "Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Research Resources" !

The research leader can recruit co-researchers, even after the proposal is adopted. In recruiting, the ARC can provide some support for you.

Research theme that recruits members



  • The research leader of the joint research team should be a faculty member/researcher/curator who belongs to a university or a research institution within and outside Japan.
    Note: a graduate student cannot be a leader.

Organization of a research team

  1. A research team consists of a researcher (research leader) or researchers (research leader and co-researchers).
  2. While it is recommended that the team includes a faculty member of the ARC as its team member, you can also apply without one. In either case, the ARC-iJAC's Technical Support Board will support you. Successful applicants can contact the Technical Support Board for more details.

  3. You can recruit (an) additional member(s) after your proposal is selected. The ARC will assist the recruitment.
The Center faculty members

Research period

    • FY2022: April 1, 2022 (Or from the date your proposal was accepted if it was applied and selected during the fiscal year) - March 31, 2023

Research expenses

Any expenses incurred in research activities need to be covered by the research leader or co-researchers.

Guidelines for FY 2022 Joint Research to Utilize the Center's Facilities and Equipment

How to submit a proposal, i.e., "Application Form for International Joint Research to Utilize Facilities and Equipment"

Please submit the Form as an e-mail attachment. We will send you a confirmation mail by the next business day. If you did not receive the mail by then, please contact the office of Art Research Center in the following address.

  1. Application Form (FY 2022)
    Art Research Center - International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Ritsumeikan University Application Form for FY 2022 International Joint Research to Utilize Facilities and Equipment

  2. Submit to:
    Art Research Center - International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC)
    Office of the Art Research Center
    Research Office at Kinugasa Campus
    Ritsumeikan University
    E-mail:r-darc (at) "at" to @)
  3. Selection process and notification:
    The Art Research Center will evaluate the research proposals and send out the results by e-mail within two business weeks.
    ※We accept proposals throughout the fiscal year. However, if you wish to start your project from April 1, 2022, please submit your proposal by Monday, March 15, 2022.

Research outcomes

  1. We expect digital publications and making research results available online, as well as improvement and dissemination of databases.
  2. After the end of the fiscal year, the research team is expected to submit its research outcomes in a report, which the ARC will publish on its website and include in its bulletin Art Research.
  3. Copyrights related to the research outcomes belong to their authors/creators/database builders.
  4. Research outcomes should be shared with researchers from other universities and research institutions, unless there are special circumstances.


  1. The research leader and co-researchers can use the ARC's facilities and digital resources by following the ARC's rules.
  2. The research leader and co-researchers are eligible for applying for a visiting researcher of the Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University - the umbrella organization to which the ARC belongs.
  3. Before submitting a research proposal, in principle, the research leader needs to secure agreements not only from his or her research organization for applying for the Joint Research but also from the team's co-researchers for their participations.
  4. When you use the ARC's databases and cloud storage, please comply with the Rules on Database System and Cloud Storage Usage, (please refer to the ARC's website) set out by the Art Research Center.
Contact us:

N. Shiraishi, Emily, and E. Nakamura
Art Research Center - International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC)
Office of the Art Research Center
Research Office at Kinugasa Campus
Ritsumeikan University
E-mail:r-darc (at) (change "at" to @)

Support Contents for Joint Research Projects

Wnted Member ART RESEARCH Database Virtual institute Google Arts & Culture Image Use Procedure Guide Second Life/Virtual Museum Tablet Art Research Center Studio 数奇な運命をたどった『酒呑童子絵巻』を修復し、みんな で共有・活用したい。 Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Clutural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University 立命館大学大学院 文学研究科 行動文化情報学専攻「文化情報学専修」