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  3. Use of ARC Databases and Library

Use of ARC Databases and Library

 The collection of databases at the Art Research Center (ARC) is open to members of research groups whose projects have been accepted by ARC (group applicants), as well as to individual researchers using the facilities at the Digital Archive Research Center for Japanese Cultural Resources independently (individual applicants).

 Scholars conducting joint research with ARC are provided with desks for personal use in the Joint Research Room, and two conference rooms are available for holding events such as seminars. Members of joint research projects who are also ARC's Visiting Researchers can obtain library cards and access ARC's library resources.

User Types

  1. Individual applicant (Independent research)
  2. Group applicant (Joint research [application by the lead researcher])

Support Contents for Joint Research Projects

Wnted Member ART RESEARCH Database Virtual institute Google Arts & Culture Image Use Procedure Guide Second Life/Virtual Museum Tablet Art Research Center Studio 数奇な運命をたどった『酒呑童子絵巻』を修復し、みんな で共有・活用したい。 Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Clutural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University 立命館大学大学院 文学研究科 行動文化情報学専攻「文化情報学専修」