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JAPAN SEARCH has launched an online gallery and two accompanying promotional videos about the world of kabuki based on the virtual exhibition The Most Curiosity Kabuki World of the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University.

>>JAPAN SEARCH Online Gallery 'The Most Curiosity Kabuki World'

>>ARC Virtual Exhibition 'The Most Curiosity Kabuki World'

〇 PV The Most Curiosity Kabuki World (Part 1)

〇 PV The Most Curiosity Kabuki World (Part 2)

The video of the one-day workshop Digitization of Historical Cities in Egypt and Japan, held on November 6, 2021, as part of the FY 2021 ARC-iJAC project Qait'bay Citadel (1477-1479): Visualizing the Main Coastal Fortification of Medieval Alexandria, Egypt (PI: Dr. Mohamed Soliman), is now available on YouTube.

*Please scroll down for more information regarding the workshop.


We kindly invite you to join the one-day workshop Digitization of Historical Cities in Egypt and Japan.

Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021 16:00-18:30 JST (09:00 - 11:30 Cairo Time)

Organizer: Research Project Qait'bay Citadel (1477-1479): Visualizing the Main Coastal Fortification of Medieval Alexandria, Egypt, supported by the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.

PI: Dr. Mohamed Soliman, DMUCH, Ritsumeikan University, Japan / National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt

Co-PI: Prof. Mona Gamal El-Din, Dean of EECE, Egypt - Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), Egypt

Sponsorship: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

Registration: <Registration closed>

Background: In the time of natural disasters, VR technology became a world requirement for Digital Humanities. Tourism is considered one of the hardest hits by the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as the typical approach of humanities, basically archaeology. Exceptional restrictions and the state of emergency imposed everywhere prevent the world and local movement. On the other hand, the fire disaster at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in April 2019 made the world aware of the necessity of 3D laser measurement data and panoramic images of the Notre Dame Cathedral left behind by the art historian Andrew Tallon (1969 - 2018). Systems that require specialized knowledge are becoming easier to use in the form of applications.

Visualizing historical cities in Japan and Egypt is targeted to document a cultural heritage, which exposes to natural and man-made disasters. Consequently, this workshop aims to promote the advanced technology applications in the field of humanities and strengthen the scientific collaboration among Japanese and Egyptian institutions and scholars, taking into consideration achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Objectives of this workshop: (1) Showcasing the diverse contributions and sharing knowledge of Japanese and Egyptian institutions in Digital Humanities. (2) Enlarging network and strengthening future scientific collaboration among Japanese and Egyptian scholars in Digital Humanities.


Saturday, November 6, 2021

(Note: As in Japan Standard Time)

Time Item

Opening remarks

● Prof. Keiji Yano-Ritsumeikan University, Japan

● Prof. Mona Gamal al-Din, Dean of the School of Energy Resources, Environment, Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering, E-JUST, Egypt

● Prof. Gad el-Qady, President of National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt

Presentation 1: Prof. Keiji Yano (Ritsumeikan University): Virtual Kyoto Project
Presentation 2: Mikiharu Takeuchi (Ritsumeikan University): Virtual Heian-kyo on WebGIS
Presentation 3: Mohamed Soliman (Ritsumeikan University/NRIAG) & Naoyo Sekihiro (Kyoto City Archaeological Research Institute): Generating metashape of Kyoto City Archaeological Museum collection 京都市考古資料館
17:10- 17:20 Break
17:20-17:40 Presentation 4: Ahmed Gomaa (NRIAG): Cultural Heritage Documentation in Historical Cairo Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner Case study of Moheb El-Din Abu El-Tayeb Hall and El-Kadi House
17:40-18:00 Presentation 5: Mohamed Soliman (Ritsumeikan University/NRIAG) & Doaa Ali (Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities): Visualization of Qait'bay Citadel Project: new horizon for Alexandria cultural heritage.
18:00-18:20 Presentation 6: Wakako Kumakura (ILCAA-TUFS) and Naoko Fukami (Director of JSPS Station-Cairo): Preserving Materials as Resources: An Attempt through Qalawun VR Project and Database of Historical Monuments in Islamic Cairo
18:20-18:30 Closing

December 20, 2021(Mon)

We are pleased to announce the Call for Manuscript Submissions for the Art Research Center's journal ART RESEARCH volume 22-2. The publication has been reborn as an online journal.

The purpose of the journal is to widely publicize the results of the research projects and activities conducted by the Art Research Center and its partner institutions and collaborative researchers. As an academic journal specializing in arts and culture, it has received many contributions from industry experts every year.

Since its establishment in 1998, the Art Research Center (ARC) has been selected for several national grants as a center of excellence for research in culture, art, and information science. In FY2019, the center assumed the role as the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art & Culture (ARC-iJAC) upon its accreditation by the MEXT as an International Joint Usage/Research Center. The ARC is highly regarded as a leading hub for the digital archiving of Japanese art and culture.

Our online journal will be published several times a year, and at the end of the fiscal year, a print booklet summarizing all contributions will be distributed..

By accepting manuscripts any time from now, we hope to greatly increase the submission opportunities for researchers.

We look forward to receiving your manuscript submission.

Read more>>

The video of the symposium Scientific Knowledge Generation facilitated by Visualization (7): 'Visual Thinking' that brings a Comprehensive Knowledge of Humanity to Life, organized by the Science Council of Japan in cooperation with the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, is now available on YouTube.


Public Online Symposium (*held in Japanese)

The Science Council of Japan Presents:

Scientific Knowledge Generation facilitated by Visualization (7): 'Visual Thinking' that brings a Comprehensive Knowledge of Humanity to Life

<<Registration closed >>

Date: December 13 (Monday), 2021 13:00-17:50 (Japan Standard Time)

Organizer: Subcommittee for Scientific Knowledge Generation facilitated by Visualization, General Engineering Committee, Science Council of Japan

Co-Organizer: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

Visualization Society of Japan

Japan Society for Simulation Technology

The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

The Society for Art & Science

Computer Graphic Arts Society

Computer Graphics and Visual Informatics, Information Processing Society of Japan

IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities

Center for Interdisciplinary AI and Data Science, Ochanomizu University

Participation: Via Zoom (free of charge)

<<Register here:>>

(Note: The symposium will be recorded and available on the ARC YouTube Channel

Purpose of the Event: We are entering an era in which a wide variety of Big Data generated every day has an enormous impact on science, society, culture, education, the human body and mind. The effects are highly complex and diverse.

For this reason, 'visualization' that supports the effective use of a wide variety of Big Data in an integrated manner to obtain comprehensive knowledge is required. Through such visualization, our thinking will be accelerated and deepened into 'Visual Thinking'.

This symposium, the seventh in the series, is a comprehensive report on the ongoing discussion of the ways of visualization in the era of Big Data and has been held for three and a half years since the 'Visualization Subcommittee for Contributing to the Generation of Scientific Knowledge' was established at the Science Council of Japan. At the same time, it is an opportunity to discuss various ideas about visualization in the future.

Program: (in Japanese)

For inquiries, please contact Satoshi Tanaka (Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University). E-mail: stanaka* (please replace * with @).


The Art Research Center (ARC) is pleased to inform that we are organizing two sessions of the Ritsumeikan University Saturday Seminars, a public lecture series by Ritsumeikan University. Participation is free of charge.

1. Ritsumeikan University Special Saturday Lecture (3349th session) >> Click here to register<<

Date and Time: January 22 (Sat), 2022 13:00 - 14:30 (JST)

Speaker: Hirotaka Sato (Assistant Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

Topic: デジタル・アーカイブによる地域文化資源の発見と活用 (→ Synopsis)

2. Ritsumeikan University Special Saturday Lecture (3350th session) >> Click here to register<<

Date and Time: January 29 (Sat), 2022 13:00 - 15:00 (JST)

1. Speaker: Rika Yamamoto (Associate Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

Topic: ツーリズムが求める産業遺産の歴史性とデジタルテクノロジー (→ Synopsis)

2. Speaker: Nozomu Ataka (Research Assistant, International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University)

Topic: 文化資源から見たツーリズム 〜小型案内記・絵図から見た江戸時代の奈良半日観光 (→ Synopsis)


Yukio Teratoko (Associate Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

Yuji Miyata (Research Assistant, International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University)

**Jointly organized with the Institute of Humanities, Human and Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University.

Participation: Online via Zoom (free of charge)

Registration: Advance registration is required (limited capacity of 400)

Please refer to the website of the Ritsumeikan University Saturday Seminar Series for details (in Japanese).

**Please note that these lectures will be held in Japanese.

The 96th International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, December 15, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

Topic: Growing Fashion Business--成長する世界のファッション産業(LGBTQとサーキュラーエコノミーをベースに2025年には売上350兆円へ)

Speaker: Hitoshi TAJIMA (President, Ueda College of Fashion, Osaka)

Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: online via Zoom, free of charge (no reservation required)

*This Webinar is open to everyone, and non-ARC members are also invited to participate via YouTube.


Public Online Symposium (*held in Japanese)

The Science Council of Japan Presents:

Scientific Knowledge Generation facilitated by Visualization (7): 'Visual Thinking' that brings a Comprehensive Knowledge of Humanity to Life

<<Register here:>>

Date: December 13 (Monday), 2021 13:00-17:50 (Japan Standard Time)

Organizer: Subcommittee for Scientific Knowledge Generation facilitated by Visualization, General Engineering Committee, Science Council of Japan

Co-Organizer: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

Visualization Society of Japan

Japan Society for Simulation Technology

The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

The Society for Art & Science

Computer Graphic Arts Society

Computer Graphics and Visual Informatics, Information Processing Society of Japan

IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities

Center for Interdisciplinary AI and Data Science, Ochanomizu University

Participation: Via Zoom (free of charge)

<<Register here:>>

(Note: The symposium will be recorded and available on the ARC YouTube Channel

Purpose of the Event: We are entering an era in which a wide variety of Big Data generated every day has an enormous impact on science, society, culture, education, the human body and mind. The effects are highly complex and diverse.

For this reason, 'visualization' that supports the effective use of a wide variety of Big Data in an integrated manner to obtain comprehensive knowledge is required. Through such visualization, our thinking will be accelerated and deepened into 'Visual Thinking'.

This symposium, the seventh in the series, is a comprehensive report on the ongoing discussion of the ways of visualization in the era of Big Data and has been held for three and a half years since the 'Visualization Subcommittee for Contributing to the Generation of Scientific Knowledge' was established at the Science Council of Japan. At the same time, it is an opportunity to discuss various ideas about visualization in the future.

Program: (in Japanese)

For inquiries, please contact Satoshi Tanaka (Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University). E-mail: stanaka* (please replace * with @).






実施日時: 2021年12月9日(木) 午後20:00-21:30 

申込方法: 下記フォームから参加登録をお願い申し上げます。追ってZoomのURLを送付させていただきます。










※当日のZOOM URLは改めてご連絡いたします。


Tel: 075-465-8476 (ext.2825)


The Art Research Center (ARC) and the Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage (R-DMUCH), Ritsumeikan University, are delighted to announce the release of the Heian-kyo Site Database. This web-based platform contains the results of research on the Heian-kyo excavation sites.

Features of the Heian-kyo Site Database:

1. Construction of an open data infrastructure that "allows anyone to learn about Heian-kyo whenever and wherever they want".

2. Visualization of the results of more than 5,000 excavations of the Heian-kyo site.

3. Aiming at creating a virtual environment where the public can freely contribute to and publish information related to Heian-kyo in the future.

hak2.JPGIn collaboration with the Kyoto City Lifelong Learning Center, the ARC and the R-DMUCH have been conducting research by utilizing the 'Model of a Reconstruction of Heian-kyo' exhibited at the Heian-kyo Sousei-kan in Kyoto (京都市平安京創生館), amongst others.


A large amount of excavation research related to Heian-kyo has been carried out mainly by the Kyoto City Archaeological Research Institute. The purpose of our database is to visualize the results of this research on an online map, which anyone can freely access and download.

Therefore, this is a platform where "anyone can learn about Heian-kyo whenever and wherever they want".

The map displays various excavation sites and contains approximately 5,000 research summary documents. About 400 of these sites can be viewed by overlaying the excavation plans with a map of modern Kyoto.

hak4.JPGThe Geographical Information System (GIS) data on this site, including excavation sites, excavation plans, and restoration drawings, are available for download as open data. Furthermore, we present a 'Heian-kyo Site Story Map' that gives insights into the history of the various excavation sites.

In the future, we will continue to add new digitized archaeological information, and we aim to create an environment where the public can freely contribute and publish information related to Heian-kyo.

<<Access Heian-kyo Site Database>>

<<Access Heian-kyo Story Map>>

*This database has been built with ArcGIS Hub by Esri and was launched on November 25, 2021.

December 8, 2021(Wed)

On December 8, 2021, the Yomiuri Shimbun featured an article on the launch of the Heian-kyo Site Database--a project led by Prof. Keiji Yano, Deputy Director of the Art Research Center (ARC).

For more information on the database, please click here.

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