Special Contribution
How Had Ukiyo-e Depicted Yokai? : The historical development of Ukiyo-e prints featuring Yokai. Ryo Akama R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Research Note
Class practice of Japanese classic at a college of technology (KOSEN): Think about the fusion of Japanese classic and science through the experience of the online education system for transcribing pre-modern Japanese cursive characters Midori Ogita R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
International ARC Seminar Report
The History and Future of the Society of Photographic Techniques for Cultural Properties Tadao Inoue R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Current situations and issues of digital archives Yukihiro Fukusima R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
ARC Event Review
Review of the 87th & 88th International ARC Seminar by Kazufumi Fukada, Takashi Obana and Jon-Paul Dyson: Efforts to Utilize Video Game and Related Materials as Cultural Resources - As an Example of Activities of Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies and the Strong National Museum of Play Hitomi Mohri R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Review of the 83rd International ARC Seminar by Dominic Oldman: International ARC Seminar Report -- About the lecture on "ResearchSpace" at the British Museum and its trial Mitsuhiro Tsuda R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Review of the 86th International ARC Seminar by Yoshiyuki Senkai: Linkage of management resources and services related to museum management ――Report of presentation by Mr. Yoshiyuki Senkai, Director of Itsuo Museum Yuji Miyata R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Review of the 82nd International ARC Seminar by R. Michael Feener: Maritime Asia Heritage Survey A Database of Maritime Networks in Asia Fadjar I. Thufail R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Introduction to Research
Acoustic digital archives and high-realistic sound synthesis for Gion festival music --Toward the tradition support and sound field reproduction Takanobu Nishiura R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Introduction to a Collection
On the Takaya Shin Playbill Collection : Theatrical Materials from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Periods Shiori Totsuka R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Technical Support Newsletter
How to Generate the IIIF Manifest from the ARC Portal Database Takaaki Kaneko R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)
Developing an API that can generate machine-readable data from ARC portal databases Biligsaikhan Batjargal, Mitsuhiro Tsuda, Masanori Yamaji R-Cube(Ritsumeikan Research Repository)