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[イベント情報]April 1, 2022(Fri)The Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, is pleased to announce the start of our international joint research project 'Creative Collaborations: Salons and Networks in Kyoto and Osaka 1780-1880' (「上方文化サロン:人的ネットワークから解き明かす文化創造空間 1780-1880」), supported by JRP-LEAD with UKRI, an international joint research program under UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The research project--a collaborative scholarly enterprise among researchers and institutions in Japan and the UK--aims to analyse the cultural and social impact of art and literary salons and the collective creation of art (gassaku) in early modern Japan, particularly in the Kyoto-Osaka region during 1780-1880.
Addressing the COVID-19 challenges, the project also examines how a Japan-UK research project can be conducted efficiently using digital online technologies for remote collaboration and keeping physical traveling to a minimum.
Furthermore, the project fosters early-career researchers in Japanese studies by providing an opportunity for young researchers to gain hands-on experience in the basic aspects of digital humanities within an international research environment.
This project is led by the Principal Investigators (PI), Professor Ryo Akama, the current Director of the ARC, and Dr. Akiko Yano, Curator in the Department of Asia at the British Museum. The core team comprises researchers from the Art Research Center (ARC), Kansai University (KU), the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, the British Museum (BM), and SOAS, University of London.
The project duration is three years, and its research outcomes will be presented in an exhibition at the British Museum in 2024.
[イベント情報]March 28, 2022(Mon)The Kunitachi College of Music Library in Tokyo holds one of the most extensive collections of materials on early modern Japanese music--the Takeuchi Dokei Collection--which belonged to the late Professor Takeuchi Dokei, a significant contributor to Japanese music research.
In addition to ukiyo-e and banzuke already available online, we are pleased to announce that we have further released 5,100 volumes of nagauta shohon (thin lyric booklets) to the public through the Art Research Center's Virtual Institute.
→ https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/vm/kunitake/d/
The distinctive feature of this collection is that it comprises a large number of copies of the same piece of music. For example, there are 73 authentic copies of Kyōganoko Musume Dōjōji (『京鹿子娘道成寺』) with many variations.
We hope this collection may serve you as a valuable online resource for research on the history of Japanese music, kabuki, publication culture, and the study of ukiyo-e prints.
[イベント情報]March 21, 2022(Mon)The online exhibition 'The Three Kingdoms: The Fellowship of the Water Fishes' is held from February 14 to March 31. As part of this exhibition, we invite you to join our online lecture on March 21, 2022 (free of charge).
The lecture will be given by Prof. Isao Umebayashi (Shitennoji University) whose research project 'Collection and Preservation of Traditional Games from around the world, the Systematization and the Study of Cultural Relevance of them' is among the FY 2021 adopted joint research projects of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC).
Furthermore, Prof. Akinori Nakamura (College of Image Arts and Sciences, Ritsumeikan University) and Prof. Koichi Hosoi (College of Image Arts and Sciences, Ritsumeikan University), will be presenting their research findings from the Program for Supporting Research Center Formation, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.
We look forward to your participation!
◆Online Lecture 'The Three Kingdoms: The Fellowship of the Water Fishes' ◆
Date:March 21 (Mon), 2022 16:00-17:30
→ https://ritsumei-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/97815419256 (Webinar ID: 978 1541 9256)
Organizer: Executive Committee of the Exhibition 'The Three Kingdoms: The Fellowship of the Water Fishes'
Co-organizer: Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies (RCGS), International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
◆Online Exhibition 'The Three Kingdoms: The Fellowship of the Water Fishes' ◆Open until March 31: https://suigyo.gameexhibition.net
[イベント情報]March 7, 2022(Mon)The FY2021 Annual Report Meeting of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & "Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures" Project, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, was held on February 25 (Sat) & 26 (Sun), 2022.
Please click here for the program (PDF format).
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event was held online via Zoom.
[イベント情報]March 6, 2022(Sun)As part of the online exhibition 'Encountering Asia: Traveling, Imagination, and Creation of Arts', we will hold an online gallery talk.
<Event> Online Gallery Talk
Date: March 6 (Sun), 2022 13:00 - 15:00 JST → Register here.
Participation: free of charge, via Zoom (e-mail notification will be sent upon registration)
<Online Exhibition> Encountering Asia: Traveling, Imagination, and Creation of Arts (めぐりあいアジア─芸術の移動・想像・創成─)
Exhibition period: March 1 (Tues) - 31 (Thurs), 2022
Free of charge (online).
The online exhibition 'Encountering Asia: Traveling, Imagination, and Creation of Arts' is jointly held by the Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University, and the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.
The project 'Creation of Asian Art Studies', adopted by the Program for Asia-Japan Research Development of the Asia-Japan Research Institute, aims to open up new horizons in the study of the diverse arts in Asia--including Japan--by bringing together a wide range of disciplines, including esthetics, art history, theatre studies, and other arts disciplines, as well as literature, print bibliography, history, comparative cultural history, human geography, and digital humanities.
[イベント情報]February 28, 2022(Mon)On February 28, 2022, the Asahi Shimbun featured an article on the joint research project led by Professor Masaaki Kidachi (College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University) on climbing kilns in Gojo-zaka, Kyoto.
[イベント情報]February 26, 2022(Sat)Date: Friday, February 25, 10:00-17:40 (JST) and Saturday, February 26, 10:30-17:45 (JST)
Venue : Online(Zoom)Organised by:International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & "Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures" Project, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event will be held online via Zoom.
Please click here for the program.
For inquiries, please contact us at r-darc (at) st.ritsumei.ac.jp (change "at" to @).
2月26日(土) 10:30-11:45 「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告(各15分・質疑応答含む)
26. コラボレーション型プロジェクト︓AI とゲームシステムによる「遊べる京都⽂化資源アーカイブ」の構築」
プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像学部 准教授 斎藤 進也
コラボレーションG ︓ゲームという⼿段を通じた浮世絵などの画像公開システム開発プロジェクト
コラボレーションG ︓近代のまちを語るものたちー古写真・絵葉書・映像資料の時空間データベースの構築ー プロジェクト
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像研究科 修⼠課程 1 回⽣ 岡⽥ 陸
27. 「江⼾・明治・⼤正期の⼤規模⽂化情報の連環による知的⽣産プロジェクト」
プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・⽂化情報学専修・博⼠課程前期課程 ⼾塚 史織
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科 1 回⽣ ⼭本 睦⽉
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科 博⼠課程後期課程 安宅 望
28. 「空間ビッグデータの活⽤の可能性について」
プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⽮野 桂司
29. 共同研究「ボロブドゥール寺院と當麻寺の三次元計測可視化」
プロジェクト代表者:立命館大学 先端総合学術研究科・教授 竹中 悠美
発表者:立命館大学 先端総合学術研究科一貫性博士課程・7回生 向江 駿佑
30. 「『遊び』をテーマとした⻑江家住宅のリアルX バーチャル展⽰会プロジェクト」
プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 特任助教 佐藤 弘隆11:45-13:00 -休憩(75分)- 13:00-13:45 【国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 テクニカルサポートボード ワークショップ】
ARC リサーチスペース と Intelligent Production Tool "KINUKAKE"
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⾐笠総合研究機構 准教授 ⾦⼦ 貴昭
発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮13:45-14:15 「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)
31. 「ゲームという⼿段を通じた浮世絵などの⽂化的な素材公開プロジェクト」
プロジェクト代表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 THAWONMAS Ruck
発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科博⼠後期課程 WEI Zhenao
32. 「古典籍での遊び ―AIによる甲骨字トレースから甲骨への復元、および日本古典籍修復への試みに関するプロジェクト」
プロジェクト代表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・准教授 孟 林
発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科博⼠後期課程1年⽣ LYU Bing
発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科修⼠1年⽣ WANG Ziming14:15-14:45 国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)
33. 「徳島城博物館所蔵甲冑コレクションの3D データベースの構築」
課題代表者︓徳島⼤学総合科学部 准教授 塚本 章宏
34. 「『鴨川古写真GIS データベース』の構築と河川環境の変遷分析に関する研究」
課題代表者︓近畿⼤学総合社会学部 准教授 飯塚 公藤14:45-15:00 -休憩(15分)- 15:00-17:55
16:30-16:40国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)
35. 「欧⽶の⽇本美術品のデジタル・アーカイブによるWEB 版総合⽬録構築とその活⽤」
課題代表者︓メトロポリタン美術館 アソシエイト・キュレーター Monika BINCSIK
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
36. 「インド国⽴サラール・ジャング博物館所蔵⽇本美術デジタル・アーカイブ」
課題代表者︓京都⼥⼦⼤学家政学部 准教授 前﨑 信也
37. 「芳賀⽮⼀『⽇本⼈名辞典』からの歴史⼈物情報の抽出および情報構造化」
課題代表者︓尾道市⽴⼤学 経済情報学部 准教授 ⽊村 ⽂則
38. "Qaitʼbay Citadel (1477―1479):Visualizing the Main Coastal Fortification of Medieval Alexandria、Egypt"
課題代表者:Advisor of NRIAG President for Cultural Heritage、National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) SOLIMAN
39. "Expanding the Study of Japanese Photography and Gender:Modules for Teaching and Public Access"
課題代表者・発表者︓Assistant Professor、The University of British ColumbiaKelly Kelly M. MCCORMICK
発表者︓Curatorial Fellow, Wellesley College Carrie CUSHMAN
40."Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilising Digital Resources for Japanese Studies"
課題代表者︓Lecturer in Digital Japanese Arts and Humanities、Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) 松葉 涼⼦-休憩(15分)-
41. ⼝述史と資料に基づく⽣活空間のGIS データベース化︓滋賀県栗東市の旧街道筋集落を中⼼に
課題代表者︓慶應義塾⼤学法学部・准教授 笠井 賢紀
42."Digital Database and Visualization of Borobudur Maritime Landscape and Japan―Indonesia Maritime Connection"
課題代表者︓Researcher、Research Center for Area Studies、Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency Fadjar I.THUFAIL
43. "Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D High―Definition Visualization Contents"
課題代表者︓Researcher、Research Center for Area Studies、Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency Fadjar I.THUFAIL
44." Cultural salons and the visual arts in Kyoto and Osaka、1750-1900:Digitizing Kamigata surimono and paintings"
課題代表者︓ Emeritus Professor、SOAS、University of London Andrew GERSTLE
発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮17:40-17:45 閉会挨拶 [イベント情報]February 16, 2022(Wed)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In collaboration with Ako City, the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, organized the Chushingura Ukiyo-e International Symposium--Spreading the Legend of Chushingura to the World--on February 11, 2022.
Based on a historical event, Chushingura (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers) tells the story of forty-seven rōnin, or leaderless samurai, from Ako, who avenged the death of their lord.
The symposium began with a welcoming address by the mayor of Ako, Masatoshi Murei, followed by the individual presentations of Professor Satoko Shimazaki (UCLA), Dr. Annegret Bergmann (The University of Tokyo), Kenichiro Ishibashi (Kabuki Researcher), and Professor Ryo Akama (Ritsumeikan University), the current Director of the ARC.
In the second part, Emeritus Professor Andrew Gerstle (SOAS University of London) gave a keynote speech to discuss the question ʻAre the Depictions of Loyalty, Heroism, Tragedy in Kanadehon chushingura universal?ʼ. The symposium concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Akama.
Ako City and the ARC have been collaborating on the digital archiving of the Chushingura Ukiyo-e Collection held by the city which is available in the Ako City Chushingura Ukiyo-e Database on the ARC website.
Based on the database, digital exhibitions have also been launched in the ARC Virtual Institute, which facilitates developing database operation methods and promoting its utilization.
>> Click here to enter the Ako City Chushingura Ukiyo-e Digital Exhibition.
>> Click here for the Ako City Chushingura Ukiyo-e Database.
The symposium took place in the Ako City Culture Hall without an audience to prevent the spread of COVID-19 but was broadcasted online via Zoom.
There were a total of 122 registrations from 15 countries for this event.
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Read more>>The 11th Forum for Knowledge, Arts, and Culture in Digital Humanities will be held online on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
This meeting also serves as a conference for young researchers of the ARC-iJAC.
[About the event]
The Forum for Knowledge, Arts, and Culture in Digital Humanities was launched in 2011 as a platform for presentations and exchange mainly among postgraduate students and young researchers interested in the digital humanities research in arts, culture, and other related fields.
The event offers an opportunity for participants to discover new research themes and methods through human interaction in different fields, and we also welcomed exploratory and adventurous presentations that are slightly different from conventional conference presentations.
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2022, from 13:00 JST
Participation method: Online (via Zoom)
※ Details will be sent by email to presenters and those who have registered to attend.
※ Please note that the event will be held remotely and not at a venue.■ Registration:
Please send an e-mail with your name and affiliation to kacimeeting+2022(at)gmail.com by Wednesday, February 9, 2022. (Please change '(at)' to '@')
Participation is free of charge.
*An online get-together (free of charge) will be held after the research presentations. We would like to make it a place for exchange beyond the boundaries of universities and research fields, so please feel free to join.
Organizer: The Forum for Knowledge, Arts, and Culture in Digital Humanities
Facilitators: Ryo Akama (Ritsumeikan University), Mamiko Sakata (Doshisha University), Naoki Takubo (Kindai University), Takehiko Murakawa (Wakayama University)
Co-organizers: The Kansai Division of the Art Documentation Society and the Kansai Division of the Japan Society of Information and Knowledge
In cooperation with: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.
→Japan Art Documentation Society
Program: →Presentation abstracts (in Japanese) 13:00 開会挨拶 13:05 発表1
Zhang Zian(立命館大学大学院情報理工学研究科)13:30 発表2
季 申予(立命館大学大学院情報理工学研究科)13:55 休憩 14:10 発表3
山口 晶啓(和歌山大学大学院システム工学研究科)14:35 発表4
村川 猛彦(和歌山大学システム工学部)15:00 休憩 15:15 発表5
辻 俊成(立命館大学大学院文学研究科)15:40 発表6
宮田 悠史(立命館大学大学院文学研究科)16:05 発表7
森 敬洋(立命館大学大学院先端総合学術研究科)16:30 休憩 16:45 発表8
川本 純(同志社大学文化情報学部)17:10 発表9
相田 愛子(日本学術振興会特別研究員RPD・金沢大学)17:35 閉会挨拶 17:50 懇親会 The Art Research Center (ARC) is pleased to announce the Chūshingura Ukiyo-e International Symposium. (*This event is held in Japanese)
Date: February 11 (Friday), 2022
Time: 13:30 Japan Standard Time (approx. 3 hours)
Topic: Spreading the Legend of Chūshingura to the World
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