FY 2019 Adopted Joint Research Projects
A. International Fixed Theme
No. | themes No. | Title / Affiliation / Name |
1 | ② | Making WEB Union Catalogue of the Japanese arts in Europe and U.S.A. and the application 欧米の日本美術品のデジタル・アーカイブによる WEB 版総合目録構築とその活用 |
Assistant Curator, Department of Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art Monika BINCSIK | ||
B. Open Themes
No. | Title / Affiliation / Name |
1 | Archiving and Utilization of Japanese Performing Arts Materials on JPARC (Japanese Performing Arts Research Consortium) |
University of California at Santa Barbara, Associate Professor, Department Chair Katherine Saltzman-Li | |
2 | Fundamental research for digital reproduction of Kabuki in Genroku era 元禄歌舞伎のデジタル再現のための基礎的研究 |
Professor, English and International Studies, Meijyo University Masami IWAI | |
3 | A Study on Regional Learning Support System for The Changes of Townscape of Kyoto 京都の町並み変化に関する地域学習支援システムに関する研究 |
Research Associat, School & Graduate School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University Akira TAKAHASHI | |
4 | Research of Kyoto-based Global Development of Printing Techniques and Designs 京都を起点とした染色技術及びデザインのグローバルな展開に関する研究 |
Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology Mizuho KAMO | |
5 | 演劇上演記録データベースを活用した、演劇資料画像検索閲覧システムの構築に関る研究 |
Chief Librarian, Shochiku Otani Library Sachiko MUTO | |
6 | Study on Construction of "Old photograph GIS database on Kamo River" and Transition Analysis of River Environment 「鴨川古写真GISデータベース」の構築と河川環境の変遷分析に関する研究 |
Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Policy, Aichi University Takafusa IIZUKA | |
7 | The Significance Of Yokota Shokai In Film Production And Movie Screening From New Materials 京都の活動写真製作及び興行における横田商会の意義 |
Part-time Lecture, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University/Video director, Kenichiro Hase Office Kenichiro HASE | |
8 | Research on Construction of Global Archive of Playbill by Utilizing Art Research Center Banzuke Portal Database アート・リサーチセンター番付ポータルデータベースを活用した興行番付のグローバルアーカイブ構築研究 |
Project Researcher, Kinugasa Research Organization Masae KURAHASHI | |
9 | Construction of 3D Model Database of Japanese Armor in the possession of Tokushima City Tokushima Castle Museu 徳島城博物館所蔵甲冑コレクションの3Dデータベースの構築 |
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University Akihiro TSUKAMOTO | |
10 | An Analysis and a Database Construction of Old Japanese Manuscripts using Single Image Super-resolution ; Focusing on the Fujii Eikan Bunko Collection stored by the Art Research Center 古写経の単一画像超解像による解析とデータベース構築 ――ARC所蔵藤井永観文庫を中心として―― |
Lecturer, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University Toshiaki AIDA | |
C. Utilize Research Resources
No. | Title / Affiliation / Name |
1 | A Basic Study on Primary Sources related to Urashima Legend in the possession of Itoi Bunko Library in Maizuru City 舞鶴市糸井文庫蔵浦島伝説関連資料の基礎的研究 |
Associate Professor, College of Human Sociology, Eiwa Gakuin University Eriko HATA | |
2 | The Relationship Between Publication and Urban Culture on Kamigata and Edo in 18 Century 18世紀の上方・江戸における出版と都市文化の関連性 |
Assistant Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies Aki ISHIGAMI | |
3 | Representation of Ghost in Japanese Horror Movies: Focusing on the Impact of Kabuki 日本のホラー映画における幽霊表象の研究:歌舞伎の影響を中心に |
Part-time Lecture, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University Mikyung BAK | |
4 | Infrastructure Development of Digital Research Environment for Modern Woodblock-printed Kuchi-e (Frontispieces) 近代木版口絵のデジタル研究環境基盤整備 |
researcher of frontispiece Tomoo ASAHI | |
5 | Shinozuka School 'Kyō-mai' Dance: Documenting and Preserving its History, and Music and Dance Forms もうひとつの京舞「篠塚流」、その歴史と独自舞踊および音曲の記録検証 |
Associate Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University Scott P. KOGA-BROWES | |
6 | Study on advertising materials that early advertisement trade journal "Press Art" distributed 黎明期広告業界誌『プレスアルト』広告現物の研究 |
Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University Yukie TAKEUCHI | |
7 | Digitization of "The Masaoka Shiki Collection" belong to Hosei University Library and publication on archive 法政大学図書館所蔵の正岡子規文庫資料のデジタル化およびアーカイブ上での公開 |
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Hosei University Nobuaki Nakamaru | |
8 | 「目玉の松ちゃん・尾上松之助 活動写真デジタル資料館」の内容拡充 |
Representative, Matsunosuke Onoe's relics Preservation Society Yoshitaka Matsuno | |
9 | Multi-Label Classification of Stencil Images in the Katagami Database 機械学習による型紙画像分類の自動化 |
Professor, Center for Calculator, Gakushuin University Tetsuji Kuboyama | |
10 | "Kyoto News" preservation and utilization project 「京都ニュース」の保存と活用プロジェクト |
Representative, The Toy Film Museum in Kyoto Yoneo OTA | |
11 | A Study on Kyoto-Haikai through the 18th and 19th Centuries Concerning Hanakuyo 花供養と近世後期京都俳諧の研究 |
Part-time Lecturer, Ritsumeikan University Chiyoko TAKEUCHI | |
12 | Digitalizing & Archiving of the Journal "KYOTO TOMORROW" Published by Citizens 市民が作った雑誌『京都TOMORROW』のデジタル・アーカイブ化 |
Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University Jun Oguro |
→FY 2014 Adopted Joint Research Projects
→FY 2015 Adopted Joint Research Projects
→FY 2016 Adopted Joint Research Projects
→FY 2017 Adopted Joint Research Projects
→FY 2018 Adopted Joint Research Projects