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FY 2019 Adopted Joint Research Projects

A. International Fixed Theme
No.themes No.Title / Affiliation / Name
1 Making WEB Union Catalogue of the Japanese arts in Europe and U.S.A. and the application
欧米の日本美術品のデジタル・アーカイブによる WEB 版総合目録構築とその活用
Assistant Curator, Department of Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art Monika BINCSIK
B. Open Themes
No.Title / Affiliation / Name
1 Archiving and Utilization of Japanese Performing Arts Materials on JPARC (Japanese Performing Arts Research Consortium)
University of California at Santa Barbara, Associate Professor, Department Chair  Katherine Saltzman-Li
2 Fundamental research for digital reproduction of Kabuki in Genroku era
Professor, English and International Studies, Meijyo University  Masami IWAI
3 A Study on Regional Learning Support System for The Changes of Townscape of Kyoto
Research Associat, School & Graduate School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University  Akira TAKAHASHI
4 Research of Kyoto-based Global Development of Printing Techniques and Designs
Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology  Mizuho KAMO
5 演劇上演記録データベースを活用した、演劇資料画像検索閲覧システムの構築に関る研究
Chief Librarian, Shochiku Otani Library  Sachiko MUTO
6 Study on Construction of "Old photograph GIS database on Kamo River" and Transition Analysis of River Environment
Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Policy, Aichi University  Takafusa IIZUKA
7 The Significance Of Yokota Shokai In Film Production And Movie Screening From New Materials
Part-time Lecture, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University/Video director, Kenichiro Hase Office  Kenichiro HASE
8 Research on Construction of Global Archive of Playbill by Utilizing Art Research Center Banzuke Portal Database
Project Researcher, Kinugasa Research Organization  Masae KURAHASHI
9 Construction of 3D Model Database of Japanese Armor in the possession of Tokushima City Tokushima Castle Museu
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University  Akihiro TSUKAMOTO
10 An Analysis and a Database Construction of Old Japanese Manuscripts using Single Image Super-resolution ; Focusing on the Fujii Eikan Bunko Collection stored by the Art Research Center
古写経の単一画像超解像による解析とデータベース構築 ――ARC所蔵藤井永観文庫を中心として――
Lecturer, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University  Toshiaki AIDA
C. Utilize Research Resources
No.Title / Affiliation / Name
1 A Basic Study on Primary Sources related to Urashima Legend in the possession of Itoi Bunko Library in Maizuru City
Associate Professor, College of Human Sociology, Eiwa Gakuin University  Eriko HATA
2 The Relationship Between Publication and Urban Culture on Kamigata and Edo in 18 Century
Assistant Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies Aki ISHIGAMI
3 Representation of Ghost in Japanese Horror Movies: Focusing on the Impact of Kabuki
Part-time Lecture, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University  Mikyung BAK
4 Infrastructure Development of Digital Research Environment for Modern Woodblock-printed Kuchi-e (Frontispieces)
researcher of frontispiece  Tomoo ASAHI
5 Shinozuka School 'Kyō-mai' Dance: Documenting and Preserving its History, and Music and Dance Forms
Associate Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University  Scott P. KOGA-BROWES
6 Study on advertising materials that early advertisement trade journal "Press Art" distributed
Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University  Yukie TAKEUCHI
7 Digitization of "The Masaoka Shiki Collection" belong to Hosei University Library and publication on archive
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Hosei University  Nobuaki Nakamaru
8 「目玉の松ちゃん・尾上松之助 活動写真デジタル資料館」の内容拡充
Representative, Matsunosuke Onoe's relics Preservation Society  Yoshitaka Matsuno
9 Multi-Label Classification of Stencil Images in the Katagami Database
Professor, Center for Calculator, Gakushuin University  Tetsuji Kuboyama
10 "Kyoto News" preservation and utilization project
Representative, The Toy Film Museum in Kyoto   Yoneo OTA
11 A Study on Kyoto-Haikai through the 18th and 19th Centuries Concerning Hanakuyo
Part-time Lecturer, Ritsumeikan University  Chiyoko TAKEUCHI
12 Digitalizing & Archiving of the Journal "KYOTO TOMORROW" Published by Citizens
Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University  Jun Oguro

→FY 2014 Adopted Joint Research Projects

→FY 2015 Adopted Joint Research Projects

→FY 2016 Adopted Joint Research Projects

→FY 2017 Adopted Joint Research Projects

→FY 2018 Adopted Joint Research Projects