『Salon culture in Japan: making art, 1750−1900』
矢野明子 編
British Museum Press 2024年6月20日出版
商品コード: 9780714124964
Full description:
Salon culture in Japan: making art, 1750-1900 celebrates the British Museum's rich collection of technically sophisticated artworks created as part of Japanese cultural salons in the late 18th and 19th centuries, featuring lively figures in daily life and festivals, elegant birds and flowers, ferocious animals, and lyrical landscapes.
This book accompanies the special 2024 display in the British Museum Mitsubishi Corporation Japanese Galleries, City life and salon culture in Tokyo and Osaka: 1770-1900.
In early modern Japan, cultural salons were creative spaces for people of all ages and social levels to pursue painting, poetry and other artistic endeavours, as serious but amateur practitioners. They all used a pen- or art-name. Individuals were therefore able to socialise and interact broadly through these artistic activities, regardless of official social status as regulated by the shogunal government. The idea of communal and collaborative creativity seems to have been especially ingrained around the area of Kyoto and Osaka. Each of the two cities had a distinct character: Kyoto was the national capital, where the emperor and aristocrats resided, and Osaka was the centre of commerce.
Only a fraction of these technically sophisticated artworks has previously been published in colour. With five essays by leading experts that explore this fascinating cultural phenomenon from different angles, and eight shorter insights that delve into specific historical aspects and the personal connections and legacies of cultural figures, this book offers a new perspective on Japanese art and society in the late 18th and 19th centuries.
『Fashion and the Floating World: Japanese ukiyo-e Prints』
Anna Jackson, Masami Yamada (ARC客員協力研究員) 著
V&A Publishing 2024年10月10日出版
商品コード: 9781838510503
Full description:
This sumptuous book explores the important world that woodblock prints played in the fashionable world of Edo-period Japan (1603-1868). 140 ukiyo-e - 'pictures of the floating world' offer us a vivid view of the culture of entertainment, style and glamour that developed in bustling urban centres. Expert curators bring to life the scenes and figures depicted, and highlight the fashions, dress accessories and hairstyles shown in these colourful and compelling images by artists such as Utagawa Kunisada and Utagawa Hiroshige.
Benefitting from the V&A's world-leading collection and including many rarely seen prints, this is a fascinating glimpse into an exciting world of celebrity actors, courtesans, kimono retailers, fabric workshops, makeup brands, theatre managers, brothel keepers and restaurant owners.
ニコル・クーリッジ・ルーマニエール 松葉涼子 編
352頁 ISBN 978-4-385-16248-5
三省堂 2020年11月20日発行
定価 3,500円(税別)
ARC客員協力研究員の松葉涼子先生(Senior Digital Humanities Officer, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)が編者・日本語版監修である「Manga:大英博物館マンガ展図録マンガ!」が出版されました。
前﨑 信也、山本 真紗子 編
B5判変型・160頁 ISBN 978-4-7946-0626-6
IBCパブリッシング 2020年7月3日発行
定価 3,500円(税別)
ARC客員協力研究員の前﨑信也先生(京都女子大学家政学部生活造形学科 准教授)と山本真紗子先生(立命館大学文学部 授業担当講師)が編者である「MADE IN KYOTO 京都の匠:世界を変える日本の伝統工芸」が出版されました。
なお、本書はARCにおいて編者らが取り組んだ研究課題「日本工芸における作品・工程のデジタル・アーカイブ」および京都女子大学平成30年度「学長採択型課題解決プロジェクト」、京都市立芸術大学 芸術資源研究センター 研究プロジェクト「京都工芸アーカイブ」の成果を含んでいます。
島田昌和 編
A5・236頁 978-4623088744 ミネルヴァ書房
定価 3,000円(+税)
https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/nippon/season2/2020/06/278762.php (in Japanese)
販売サイト: https://amzn.to/3hGpBKt
"A Guide to Japanese Katagami Designs", written by the ARC's Visiting Collaborative Researcher KAMO Mizuho, has been published by SEIGENSHA Art Publishing. The book contains beautiful images of Japanese patterns and explanations about the designs suited for general readers.
You can read the introduction of the book written by the author by clicking the following link:
青幻舎 2020年4月25日出版
文庫本336項 定価 1,650円(税込)
役者評判記刊行会 編
450頁 978-4757609464 和泉書院
定価 15,000円(+税)
役者評判記刊行会 会員:
赤間亮/新井恵/池山晃/神楽岡幼子/金子貴昭/倉橋正恵/黒石陽子/齊藤千恵/佐藤かつら/田草川みずき/野口隆/水田かや乃/光延真哉 顧問:武井協三/土田衞/鳥越文藏/原道生/服部幸雄(故人)/松崎仁(故人)