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September 16, 2022(Fri)

Day 1: September 16, 2022 (Friday) 15:30-18:40 (JST/ tentative)
Day 2: September 17, 2022 (Saturday) 10:30-18:15 (JST/ tentative)

Venue: Online (ZOOM,YouTube)

ARC members will be informed of the ZOOM URL via e-mail.
*Non-ARC members can participate via YouTube via the following link.

For inquiries, please contact the Office of the Art Research Center:

Organizer: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University and Program for Supporting Research Center Formation, Ritsumeikan University

Read more>>

The FY2021 Annual Report Meeting of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & "Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures" Project, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, was held on February 25 (Sat) & 26 (Sun), 2022.

Please click here for the program (PDF format).

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event was held online via Zoom.

Date: Friday, February 25, 10:00-17:40 (JST) and Saturday, February 26, 10:30-17:45 (JST)
Venue : Online(Zoom)

Organised by:International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & "Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures" Project, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event will be held online via Zoom.

Please click here for the program.

For inquiries, please contact us at r-darc (at) (change "at" to @).


10:30-11:45 「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告(各15分・質疑応答含む)

26. コラボレーション型プロジェクト︓AI とゲームシステムによる「遊べる京都⽂化資源アーカイブ」の構築」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像学部 准教授 斎藤 進也
  コラボレーションG ︓ゲームという⼿段を通じた浮世絵などの画像公開システム開発プロジェクト
  コラボレーションG ︓近代のまちを語るものたちー古写真・絵葉書・映像資料の時空間データベースの構築ー プロジェクト
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像研究科 修⼠課程 1 回⽣ 岡⽥ 陸
27. 「江⼾・明治・⼤正期の⼤規模⽂化情報の連環による知的⽣産プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・⽂化情報学専修・博⼠課程前期課程 ⼾塚 史織
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科 1 回⽣ ⼭本 睦⽉
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科 博⼠課程後期課程 安宅 望
28. 「空間ビッグデータの活⽤の可能性について」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⽮野 桂司
29. 共同研究「ボロブドゥール寺院と當麻寺の三次元計測可視化」
  プロジェクト代表者:立命館大学 先端総合学術研究科・教授 竹中 悠美
  発表者:立命館大学 先端総合学術研究科一貫性博士課程・7回生 向江 駿佑
30. 「『遊び』をテーマとした⻑江家住宅のリアルX バーチャル展⽰会プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 特任助教 佐藤 弘隆

11:45-13:00 -休憩(75分)-
13:00-13:45 【国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 テクニカルサポートボード ワークショップ】

ARC リサーチスペース と Intelligent Production Tool "KINUKAKE"
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⾐笠総合研究機構 准教授 ⾦⼦ 貴昭
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮

13:45-14:15 「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

31. 「ゲームという⼿段を通じた浮世絵などの⽂化的な素材公開プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 THAWONMAS Ruck
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科博⼠後期課程 WEI Zhenao
32. 「古典籍での遊び ―AIによる甲骨字トレースから甲骨への復元、および日本古典籍修復への試みに関するプロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・准教授 孟 林
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科博⼠後期課程1年⽣ LYU Bing
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科修⼠1年⽣ WANG Ziming

14:15-14:45 国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

33. 「徳島城博物館所蔵甲冑コレクションの3D データベースの構築」
  課題代表者︓徳島⼤学総合科学部 准教授 塚本 章宏
34. 「『鴨川古写真GIS データベース』の構築と河川環境の変遷分析に関する研究」
  課題代表者︓近畿⼤学総合社会学部 准教授 飯塚 公藤
14:45-15:00 -休憩(15分)-

国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

35. 「欧⽶の⽇本美術品のデジタル・アーカイブによるWEB 版総合⽬録構築とその活⽤」
  課題代表者︓メトロポリタン美術館 アソシエイト・キュレーター Monika BINCSIK
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
36. 「インド国⽴サラール・ジャング博物館所蔵⽇本美術デジタル・アーカイブ」
  課題代表者︓京都⼥⼦⼤学家政学部 准教授 前﨑 信也
37. 「芳賀⽮⼀『⽇本⼈名辞典』からの歴史⼈物情報の抽出および情報構造化」
  課題代表者︓尾道市⽴⼤学 経済情報学部 准教授 ⽊村 ⽂則
38. "Qaitʼbay Citadel (14771479):Visualizing the Main Coastal Fortification of Medieval Alexandria、Egypt"
  課題代表者:Advisor of NRIAG President for Cultural Heritage、National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) SOLIMAN
39. "Expanding the Study of Japanese Photography and Gender:Modules for Teaching and Public Access"
  課題代表者・発表者︓Assistant Professor、The University of British ColumbiaKelly Kelly M. MCCORMICK
  発表者︓Curatorial Fellow, Wellesley College Carrie CUSHMAN
40."Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilising Digital Resources for Japanese Studies"
課題代表者︓Lecturer in Digital Japanese Arts and Humanities、Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) 松葉 涼⼦


41. ⼝述史と資料に基づく⽣活空間のGIS データベース化︓滋賀県栗東市の旧街道筋集落を中⼼に
  課題代表者︓慶應義塾⼤学法学部・准教授 笠井 賢紀
42."Digital Database and Visualization of Borobudur Maritime Landscape and JapanIndonesia Maritime Connection"
  課題代表者︓Researcher、Research Center for Area Studies、Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency Fadjar I.THUFAIL
43. "Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D HighDefinition Visualization Contents"
  課題代表者︓ResearcherResearch Center for Area StudiesIndonesian National Research and Innovation Agency Fadjar I.THUFAIL
44." Cultural salons and the visual arts in Kyoto and Osaka、1750-1900:Digitizing Kamigata surimono and paintings"
  課題代表者︓ Emeritus ProfessorSOASUniversity of London Andrew GERSTLE
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮

17:40-17:45 閉会挨拶

Date: Friday, February 25, 10:00-17:40 (JST) and Saturday, February 26, 10:30-17:45 (JST)
Venue : Online(Zoom)

Organised by:International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & "Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures" Project, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event will be held online via Zoom.

Please click here for the program.

For inquiries, please contact us at r-darc (at) (change "at" to @).


10:00-10:05 開会挨拶


「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

1. 「近代のまちを語るものたち-古写真・絵葉書・映像資料の時空間データベ ースの構築-プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者・発表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部・准教授 河⾓ 直美
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・博⼠課程後期課程 宮⽥ 悠史
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・博⼠課程前期課程 辻 俊成
2. 「ARC 所蔵資料データベースの評価データセット作成プロジェクト」

  プロジェクト代表者・発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 前⽥ 亮
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・特任助教 SONG Yuting
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⾐笠総合研究機構・専⾨研究員 BATJARGAL Biligsaikhan
3. 「⽂化財保全を⽬的とした⾳響デジタルアーカイブ プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者:⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 ⻄浦 敬信
4. 「『ゼロ世代』WEB コンテンツ保存プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・教授 ⽵中 悠美
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・⼀貫制博⼠課程8 回⽣ 向江 駿佑
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・⼀貫制博⼠課程5 回⽣ 森 敬洋
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・⼀貫制博⼠課程3回⽣ Moon JHee
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・⼀貫制博⼠課程2回⽣ 張 芸馨
5. 「創造と学習を横断する遊びプロジェクト II」
  プロジェクト代表者:⽴命館⼤学 政策科学部・教授 稲葉 光⾏
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・初任研究員 シン・ジュヒョン
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科・⼀貫制博⼠課程2回⽣ 宮本 敬太

6. コラボレーション型プロジェクト︓「『浮世絵』で遊ぶ」
  プロジェクト代表者・発表者 ︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部 教授 前⽥ 亮
  コラボレーションG 代表者・発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・⽂化情報学専修・博⼠課程前期課程 ⼾塚 史織
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学研究科・博⼠課程後期課程 WANG Jiayun
7. コラボレーション型プロジェクト︓「針を使わない⾳楽レコード盤からの⾳波抽出」
プロジェクト代表者・発表者 ︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 ⻄浦 敬信
  コラボレーションG ︓アート・リサーチセンター スタジオ
8. 「⽇本におけるメディア・ミックスの検証 インタラクティブ技術を中⼼に」
プロジェクト代表者 ︓⽴命館⼤学 映像学部・教授 中村 彰憲

12:05-13:00 -休憩(55分)-
13:00-14:15 国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告(各15分・質疑応答含む)

9. 「漫画・アニメの「創り⽅」と「楽しみ⽅」のアーカイブのためのコンテンツ処理技術の開発」
  課題代表者・発表者︓関⻄⼤学総合情報学部 准教授 ⼭⻄ 良典
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部 教授 ⻄原 陽⼦
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部 教授 仲⽥ 晋
10. 「京都を起点とした染⾊技術及びデザインのグローバルな展開に関する研究」
  課題代表者︓関⻄学院⼤学 ⾮常勤講師 上⽥ ⽂
11. 「演劇上演記録データベースを活⽤した、演劇資料画像検索閲覧システムの構築に関る研究」
  課題代表者︓松⽵⼤⾕図書館 主任司書 武藤 祥⼦
  発表者:松⽵⼤⾕図書館 司書 井川 繭⼦
  発表者:明治⼤学兼任講師 村島 彩加
12. 「全国⾼地性集落に関するデジタル資料化およびデータベース化プロジェクト」
  課題代表者︓公益財団法⼈ 古代学協会 客員研究員 森岡 秀⼈
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学⽂学部・特任助教 宇佐美 智之
13. 「ヨーロッパ所在の⽇本古写経データベース構築と機械学習による解析」
  課題代表者︓岡⼭⼤学 ヘルスシステム統合科学学域 講師 相⽥ 敏明
  発表者:筑紫⼥学園⼤学 ⽂学部 アジア⽂化学科 准教授 ⼩林知美
  発表者:⽇本学術振興会RPD 相⽥ 愛⼦



「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告(各15分・質疑応答含む)

14. 「メタヒストリーあるいは記憶の場としての⽇本⽂化資源研究プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者:⽴命館⼤学 映像学部・教授 細井 浩一
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・博⼠課程後期課程/RARA学生フェロー ⽑利 仁美
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・博⼠課程後期課程 宮⽥ 悠史
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・博⼠課程後期課程 辻 俊成

  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究・博⼠課程4回⽣/Nextフェローシップ⽣ 中村 由⾐
16.「京都ストリート⽂化アーカイブ- 街を彩った⼤衆⽂化の記憶とその可視化-プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者・発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像学部 准教授 斎藤 進也
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 映像学部 教授 ⽵⽥ 章作
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⽊⽴ 雅朗


  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 島川 博光
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 准教授 ⾕ 徹也
  プロジェクト代表者・発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⻄林 孝浩
  共同研究者・発表者 ︓⽴命館⼤学 先端総合学術研究科 教授 ⽵中 悠美
21.「ARC 所蔵藤井永観⽂庫資料の予備的調査」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⼤⽥ 壮一郎

16:30-16:40 -休憩(15分)-
16:40-17:40 国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告(各15分・質疑応答含む)

22.「京都⼤徳寺塔頭⽟林院所蔵 ⼤徳寺273 世⼤⼼義統の著作を編纂した板⽊データベースの構築」
  課題代表者︓花園⼤学国際禅研究所 客員研究員 森 慈尋
23."Tracing the Reception of Japanese Art in the West: Case Study of Freiburg im Breisgau"
  課題代表者︓Professor, University of Zurich Hans B. THOMSEN
24."Natural Language Processing for a Geospatial Exploration of Japanese Ukiyo-e Prints"
  課題代表者︓Associate Professor, Stockholm University Ewa MACHOTKA
25.「⼤英博物館所蔵⽇本絵画コレクションのデジタル化と活⽤ ―江戸時代後期の京坂絵師による作品に焦点をあてて
  課題代表者︓⼤英博物館アジア部三菱商事キュレイター ⽮野 明⼦

10:30-11:45 「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告(各15分・質疑応答含む)

26. コラボレーション型プロジェクト︓AI とゲームシステムによる「遊べる京都⽂化資源アーカイブ」の構築」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像学部 准教授 斎藤 進也
  コラボレーションG ︓ゲームという⼿段を通じた浮世絵などの画像公開システム開発プロジェクト
  コラボレーションG ︓近代のまちを語るものたちー古写真・絵葉書・映像資料の時空間データベースの構築ー プロジェクト
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 映像研究科 修⼠課程 1 回⽣ 岡⽥ 陸
27. 「江⼾・明治・⼤正期の⼤規模⽂化情報の連環による知的⽣産プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科・⽂化情報学専修・博⼠課程前期課程 ⼾塚 史織
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科 1 回⽣ ⼭本 睦⽉
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学研究科 博⼠課程後期課程 安宅 望
28. 「空間ビッグデータの活⽤の可能性について」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⽮野 桂司
29. 共同研究「ボロブドゥール寺院と當麻寺の三次元計測可視化」
  プロジェクト代表者:立命館大学 先端総合学術研究科・教授 竹中 悠美
  発表者:立命館大学 先端総合学術研究科一貫性博士課程・7回生 向江 駿佑
30. 「『遊び』をテーマとした⻑江家住宅のリアルX バーチャル展⽰会プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 特任助教 佐藤 弘隆

11:45-13:00 -休憩(75分)-
13:00-13:45 【国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 テクニカルサポートボード ワークショップ】

ARC リサーチスペース と Intelligent Production Tool "KINUKAKE"
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⾐笠総合研究機構 准教授 ⾦⼦ 貴昭
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮

13:45-14:15 「⽇本⽂化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点」プロジェクト 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

31. 「ゲームという⼿段を通じた浮世絵などの⽂化的な素材公開プロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・教授 THAWONMAS Ruck
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科博⼠後期課程 WEI Zhenao
32. 「古典籍での遊び ―AIによる甲骨字トレースから甲骨への復元、および日本古典籍修復への試みに関するプロジェクト」
  プロジェクト代表者︓ ⽴命館⼤学 情報理⼯学部・准教授 孟 林
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科博⼠後期課程1年⽣ LYU Bing
  発表者:⽴命館⼤学 理⼯学部電⼦情報⼯学科修⼠1年⽣ WANG Ziming

14:15-14:45 国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

33. 「徳島城博物館所蔵甲冑コレクションの3D データベースの構築」
  課題代表者︓徳島⼤学総合科学部 准教授 塚本 章宏
34. 「『鴨川古写真GIS データベース』の構築と河川環境の変遷分析に関する研究」
  課題代表者︓近畿⼤学総合社会学部 准教授 飯塚 公藤
14:45-15:00 -休憩(15分)-

国際共同利⽤・共同研究拠点 国際共同研究課題 成果報告 (各15分・質疑応答含む)

35. 「欧⽶の⽇本美術品のデジタル・アーカイブによるWEB 版総合⽬録構築とその活⽤」
  課題代表者︓メトロポリタン美術館 アソシエイト・キュレーター Monika BINCSIK
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮
36. 「インド国⽴サラール・ジャング博物館所蔵⽇本美術デジタル・アーカイブ」
  課題代表者︓京都⼥⼦⼤学家政学部 准教授 前﨑 信也
37. 「芳賀⽮⼀『⽇本⼈名辞典』からの歴史⼈物情報の抽出および情報構造化」
  課題代表者︓尾道市⽴⼤学 経済情報学部 准教授 ⽊村 ⽂則
38. "Qaitʼbay Citadel (14771479):Visualizing the Main Coastal Fortification of Medieval Alexandria、Egypt"
  課題代表者:Advisor of NRIAG President for Cultural Heritage、National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) SOLIMAN
39. "Expanding the Study of Japanese Photography and Gender:Modules for Teaching and Public Access"
  課題代表者・発表者︓Assistant Professor、The University of British ColumbiaKelly Kelly M. MCCORMICK
  発表者︓Curatorial Fellow, Wellesley College Carrie CUSHMAN
40."Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilising Digital Resources for Japanese Studies"
課題代表者︓Lecturer in Digital Japanese Arts and Humanities、Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) 松葉 涼⼦


41. ⼝述史と資料に基づく⽣活空間のGIS データベース化︓滋賀県栗東市の旧街道筋集落を中⼼に
  課題代表者︓慶應義塾⼤学法学部・准教授 笠井 賢紀
42."Digital Database and Visualization of Borobudur Maritime Landscape and JapanIndonesia Maritime Connection"
  課題代表者︓Researcher、Research Center for Area Studies、Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency Fadjar I.THUFAIL
43. "Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D HighDefinition Visualization Contents"
  課題代表者︓ResearcherResearch Center for Area StudiesIndonesian National Research and Innovation Agency Fadjar I.THUFAIL
44." Cultural salons and the visual arts in Kyoto and Osaka、1750-1900:Digitizing Kamigata surimono and paintings"
  課題代表者︓ Emeritus ProfessorSOASUniversity of London Andrew GERSTLE
  発表者︓⽴命館⼤学 ⽂学部 教授 ⾚間 亮

17:40-17:45 閉会挨拶

July 30, 2021(Fri)

Day 1: July 30, 2021 (Friday) 13:00-17:05

Day 2: July 31, 2021 (Saturday) 10:00-16:40 (tentative)

Venue: Online (ZOOM, YouTube)

If you would like to participate via ZOOM, please contact our secretariat and we will provide you with the URL after registration.
Art Research Center Secretariat:

To watch ARC Days 2021 on YouTube, please click here.

Organizer: International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC), Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University and Program for Supporting Research Center Formation, Ritsumeikan University

Read more>>

Due to the extension of the state of emergency declared by Kyoto Prefecture, we regret to inform that this event has been changed to a non-audience event. The event will be recorded and the video distributed as scheduled from July 1 (Thurs) to August 31 (Tues). Please refer to the registration details below to apply for watching the event video online.

Those who have already applied for the on-site event will be contacted individually.

祇園祭・鷹山の復興 ~2022年の山鉾巡行に向かって~祇園祭・鷹山の復興 ~2022年の山鉾巡行に向かって~

The Gion Festival in Kyoto, designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO, is one of the most important Japanese festivals.

A highlight of the festival is the magnificent parade of decorated floats known as the Yamahoko Junkō.

Amongst these, the Taka-yama float boasts a long history of participating in the parade that dates back to the 15th century.

However, the float has been absent from the festival since 1826, when a great storm damaged its decorations. The situation was further worsened by a fire that destroyed most parts of the float in 1864.

In recent years, there has been a movement to revive the Taka-yama float - a long-cherished wish of the townspeople.

Finally, the Taka-yama float is due to return to the Gion Festival in July 2022 for the first time in 200 years.

Besides reporting on the progress of its reconstruction and showcasing its return in a virtual Yamohoko parade, this event also intends to expand the circle of Takayama supporters and raise the momentum for its long-anticipated return to the Gion Festival.

*The event will be held in Japanese.

Date: June 19 (Saturday), 2021 13:00 - 16:00 (entry from 12:00)

Organizer: The Asahi Shimbun

Co-organizers: Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, Taka-yama Preservation Association

Supported by: Kyoto City, NHK Kyoto Broadcasting Station, Gion Festival Yamahoko Association

Sponsored by: Hatena Co., Ltd


1. Attend the event at the venue → The event has been changed to a non-audience event.

For inquiries, please contact: 06-6201-0638 (weekdays 10am-5pm)

2. Watch the event video online (available from July 1 - August 31, 2021)

Please register by scanning the QR code on the flyer or go to the events section on the 朝日 ID-website.

Read more>>

Based mainly on the Art Research Center's Ukiyo-e Portal Database, a collaborative research group consisting of Yingtao Tian (Google Brain Tokyo) and the members of the ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH)--Tarin Clanuwat, Chikahiko Suzuki, and Asanobu Kitamoto--has published a paper on "Ukiyo-e Analysis and Creativity with Attribute and Geometry Annotation," which will be presented at the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity.

To take a holistic approach to obtain deep insights into the object and style of Ukiyo-e, the collaborative research group conducted a large-scale, quantitative study on Ukiyo-e, analyzing over 11,000 prints from the ARC Ukiyo-e Portal Database.


As a result, the group has published the ARC Ukiyo-e Faces Dataset, a first-of-its-kind, extensive dataset of faces in Ukiyo-e with coherent labels and annotations created by the automatic extraction of facial regions from Ukiyo-e images using state-of-the-art machine learning models.

With more than 665,000 woodblock prints and curated metadata, the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, provides one of the largest digital archives of Ukiyo-e prints in the world.

We strive to continue our efforts to build a digital environment for Japanese art and culture that bridges information technology and humanities research and facilitates large-scale, born-digital style research with advanced research results.


ARC Ukiyo-e Faces Dataset:

Research paper: Yingtao Tian, Tarin Clanuwat, Chikahiko Suzuki, Asanobu Kitamoto, "Ukiyo-e Analysis and Creativity with Attribute and Geometry Annotation," arXiv:2106.02267, 2021.

The FY2020 Annual Report Meeting of the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & Program for Supporting Research Center Formation, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, was held on February 19 (Sat) & 20 (Sun), 2021.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event was held online via Zoom and YouTube.


February 19 (Fri)
13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks
13:05-14:35 Report Session/ Program for Supporting Research Center Formation (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

1. A Project on the Intellectual Linkage of Large-Scale Cultural Information
Project Leader: Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
2. Playing in the City of Kyoto - Construction of a Virtual Kyoto Using VR and AR
Project Leader: Naomi KAWASUMI, Assoc. Professor, College of Letters, RU
Presenter: Hirotaka SATO, Asst. Professor, College of Letters, RU
3.Construction and Transmission of a Kyoto Street Culture Archive
Project Leader: Shinya SAITO, Assoc. Professor, Coll. of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
4. A System Development Project for Exhibition of Images Such as Ukiyo-e Through the Means of Games - Encourage Players to Smile While Playing Games Bring More Enjoyment
Project Leader: Ruck THAWONMAS, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Presenter: Sunee SAE-LAO, M2 (Graduated in Sep 2020), Coll. of Information Science and Engineering
5. Acoustic sound reconstruction and playing-support with traditional instruments
Project Leader: Takanobu NISHIURA, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
6. Project of developing evaluation datasets for ARC collection databases
Project Leader: Akira MAEDA, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Presenters: Jiayun WANG, D3, Grad. School of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Yuting SONG, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Grad. School of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Biligsaikhan BATJARGAL, Senior Researcher, Kinugasa Research Org., RU

14:35-14:50 -Break (15 mins)-
14:50-15:20 Report Session/ Program for Supporting Research Center Formation(15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

7. Play between creativity and learning
Project Leader: Akinori NAKAMURA, Professor, Coll. of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
Presenter: Yasuo KAWASAKI, Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies
8. Collaborative Project ①The Construction of a "Playable Kyoto Cultural Resources Archive" using AI and a Time Travel Game System
Project Leaders: Ruck THAWONMAS, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Presenters: Shinya SAITO, Assoc. Professor, Coll. of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
Naomi KAWASUMI, Associate Professor, College of Letters, RU

15:20-16:20 Report Session/ARC-iJAC(15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

9. Infrastructure Development of Digital Research Environment for Modern Woodblock-printed Kuchi-e (Frontispieces)
Project Leader: Tomoo ASAHI, Independent Researcher
Presenter: Kana TSUNEKI, Ph.D. Candidate, Grad. School of Letters, RU / Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Kurume College

10. A Study on the Construction of a Theater Material Image Search System that Utilizes the Theater Performance Record Database
Project Leader: Sachiko MUTO, Chief Librarian, Shochiku Otani Library
11. Fundamental research for digital reproduction of Kabuki in Genroku era  
Project Leader: Masami IWAI, Professor, English and Int'l Studies, Meijyo University
12. A Database Construction of Old Japanese Manuscripts and an Analysis Using Machine Learning
Project Leader: Toshiaki AIDA, Lecturer, Grad. School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health System, Okayama University

16:20-16:35 -Break (15 mins)-
16:35-17:50 Report Session/ARC-iJAC (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

13. A Study on the Construction of "The Kamo River Old Photograph GIS Database" and Analysis of River Environment Transitions
Project Leader: Takafusa IIZUKA, Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Policy, Aichi University
14. A Study of a System to Support Community Study on Kyoto's Townscape and its Changes
Project Leader: Akira TAKAHASHI, Visiting Researcher, Cyber Media Center, Osaka University
15. Digital Archive of the Techniques, Processing and Enjoyment of Manga and Anime with its Focus on International Spread and Propagation of Culture 
Project Leader: Ryosuke YAMANISHI, Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
Presenters: Dr. Ryosuke YAMANISHI, Susumu NAKATA, Professor, Yoko NISHIHARA, Assoc. Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
16. Digital Archive Project of Japanese Arts in the Collection of Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, India
Project Leader: Shinya MAEZAKI, Associate Professor, Dept. of Apparel and Space Design, Kyoto Women's University
17. Cultural salons and the visual arts in Kyoto and Osaka, 1750-1900: Digitizing Kamigata surimono and paintings
Project Leader: Andrew GERSTLE, Emeritus Professor, SOAS University of London

February 20 (Sat)
13:00-14:15 Report Session/Program for Supporting Research Center Formation (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

1. Research project on the Japanese cultural resources using the concept of "Metahistory" or "Les lieux de mémoire"
Project Leader: Koichi HOSOI, Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
Presenter: Hitomi Mori, D2, Yuji MIYATA, D1, Toshinari Tsuji, M1, Graduate School of Letters, RU
2. Play and Discovery in Kanji Characters
Project Leader: Lin MENG, Assoc. Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
3. Visualization for Re-experiencing the Psychology/Festival using VR Technology
Project Leader: Kyoko HASEGAWA, Lecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
4. Generation Z Web Content Archiving Project
Project Leader: Yumi TAKENAKA, Professor, Grad. School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU
Presenter: Shunsuke Mukae, D7, Grad. School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU
5. Collaborative Project ② Learning about Kyoto Ukiyo-e landscapes by Playing Minecraft.
Project Leaders: Prof. Koichi HOSOI, Prof. Ruck THAWONMAS, Prof. Akinori NAKAMURA
Presenter: Toshinari TSUJI, Graduate School of Letters, RU

14:15-14:30 Break (15 mins)
14:30-15:00 Report Session/Program for Supporting Research Center Formation (15mins. each incl. Q&As)

6. Collaborative Project ③ About the Digitization, Preservation and Organization of the Shirakawa Shizuka Collection
Project Leaders: Lin MENG, Associate Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering
Akira MAEDA, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Fumio GOTO, Associate Professor, The Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture/Grad. School of Professional Teacher Education
Presenter: LI Kangying, D2, Grad. School of Information Science and Engineering, RU
7. Collaborative Project ④ Visualization of Mind of Generation Z
Project Leaders: Prof. Yumi TAKENAKA, Dr. Kyoko HASEGAWA
Presenters: Takahiro MORI, D4, Grad. School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU

15:00-16:00 Report Session/ARC-iJAC (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

8. Research of Kyoto-based Global Development of Printing Techniques and Designs
Project Leader: Aya UEDA, Part-time Lecturer, Kwansei Gakuin University/ Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
9. Construction of a 3D Model Database of Japanese Armor in the Collection of the Tokushima Castle Museum, Tokushima City
Project Leader: Akihiro TSUKAMOTO, Associate Professor, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University
10. Automatic Extraction of Personal Information of Historical Characters from Nihon Jinmei Jiten by Yaichi Haga and Creation of Structured Data
Project Leader: Fuminori KIMURA, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and Information Science, Onomichi City University
11.「Developing Online Education and Research Using the Holdings of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive at the University of California, Berkeley」
Project Leader: Jonathan ZWICKER, Assoc. Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Presenter: Prof. Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU

16:00-16:15 -Break(15mins.)-
16:15-16:45 ARC-iJAC Technical Support Board Workshop
16:45-17:45 Report Session/ARC-iJAC (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

12. A Comprehensive Online Catalog of the Japanese Artworks in Europe and North America: Its Construction and Application 
Project Leader: Monica BINCSIK, Assistant Curator, Department of Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Presenter: Prof. Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
13. Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D High-Definition Visualization Contents
Project Leader: Dr. Fadjar I. THUFAIL, Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Presenters: Dr. Fadjar I. THUFAIL, Liang LI, Assoc. Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
14. 「Edo Period Map Goes Digital - The O Edo ezu as an Interactive Resource」
Project Leader: Michael KINSKI, Professor, Japanese Studies, Frankfurt University
Presenters: Prof. Michael KINSKI / Leo BORN, MA Student, Heidelberg University / Koray BIRENHEIDE, MA Student, Frankfurt University
15. Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilizing Digital Resources for Japanese Studies 
Project Leader: Ryoko MATSUBA, Senior Digital Humanities Officer, SISJAC

17:45-17:50 Closing remarks

Date : Friday, February 19, 13:00~17:50 (JST) and Saturday, February 20, 13:00~17:50 (JST)
Venue : Online(Zoom, YouTube)

Organised by:International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art and Culture (ARC-iJAC) & Program for Supporting Research Center Formation, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

※This event is open to everyone, and non-ARC members are also invited to participate via the following link:
ARC Youtube Channel

Program ※Please note that the program may be subject to change.

February 19 (Fri)
13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks
13:05-14:35 Report Session/Program for Supporting Research Center Formation (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

1. A Project on the Intellectual Linkage of Large-Scale Cultural Information
Project Leader: Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
2. Playing in the City of Kyoto - Construction of a Virtual Kyoto Using VR and AR
Project Leader: Naomi KAWASUMI, Assoc. Professor, College of Letters, RU
Presenter: Hirotaka SATO, Asst. Professor, College of Letters, RU
3.Construction and Transmission of a Kyoto Street Culture Archive
Project Leader: Shinya SAITO, Assoc. Professor, Coll. of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
4. A System Development Project for Exhibition of Images Such as Ukiyo-e Through the Means of Games - Encourage Players to Smile While Playing Games Bring More Enjoyment
Project Leader: Ruck THAWONMAS, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Presenter: Sunee SAE-LAO, M2 (Graduated in Sep 2020), Coll. of Information Science and Engineering
5. Acoustic sound reconstruction and playing-support with traditional instruments
Project Leader: Takanobu NISHIURA, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
6. Project of developing evaluation datasets for ARC collection databases
Project Leader: Akira MAEDA, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Presenters: Jiayun WANG, D3, Grad. School of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Yuting SONG, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Grad. School of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Biligsaikhan BATJARGAL, Senior Researcher, Kinugasa Research Org., RU

14:35-14:50 -Break (15 mins)-
14:50-15:20 Report Session/Program for Supporting Research Center Formation(15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

7. Play between creativity and learning
Project Leader: Akinori NAKAMURA, Professor, Coll. of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
Presenter: Yasuo KAWASAKI, Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies
8. Collaborative Project ①The Construction of a "Playable Kyoto Cultural Resources Archive" using AI and a Time Travel Game System
Project Leaders: Ruck THAWONMAS, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Presenters: Shinya SAITO, Assoc. Professor, Coll. of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
Naomi KAWASUMI, Associate Professor, College of Letters, RU

15:20-16:20 Report Session/ARC-iJAC(15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

9. Infrastructure Development of Digital Research Environment for Modern Woodblock-printed Kuchi-e (Frontispieces)
Project Leader: Tomoo ASAHI, Independent Researcher
Presenter: Kana TSUNEKI, Ph.D. Candidate, Grad. School of Letters, RU / Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Kurume College

10. A Study on the Construction of a Theater Material Image Search System that Utilizes the Theater Performance Record Database
Project Leader: Sachiko MUTO, Chief Librarian, Shochiku Otani Library
11. Fundamental research for digital reproduction of Kabuki in Genroku era  
Project Leader: Masami IWAI, Professor, English and Int'l Studies, Meijyo University
12. A Database Construction of Old Japanese Manuscripts and an Analysis Using Machine Learning
Project Leader: Toshiaki AIDA, Lecturer, Grad. School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health System, Okayama University

16:20-16:35 -Break (15 mins)-
16:35-17:50 Report Session/ARC-iJAC (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

13. A Study on the Construction of "The Kamo River Old Photograph GIS Database" and Analysis of River Environment Transitions
Project Leader: Takafusa IIZUKA, Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Policy, Aichi University
14. A Study of a System to Support Community Study on Kyoto's Townscape and its Changes
Project Leader: Akira TAKAHASHI, Visiting Researcher, Cyber Media Center, Osaka University
15. Digital Archive of the Techniques, Processing and Enjoyment of Manga and Anime with its Focus on International Spread and Propagation of Culture 
Project Leader: Ryosuke YAMANISHI, Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
Presenters: Dr. Ryosuke YAMANISHI, Susumu NAKATA, Professor, Yoko NISHIHARA, Assoc. Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
16. Digital Archive Project of Japanese Arts in the Collection of Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, India
Project Leader: Shinya MAEZAKI, Associate Professor, Dept. of Apparel and Space Design, Kyoto Women's University
17. Cultural salons and the visual arts in Kyoto and Osaka, 1750-1900: Digitizing Kamigata surimono and paintings
Project Leader: Andrew GERSTLE, Emeritus Professor, SOAS University of London

February 20 (Sat)
13:00-14:15 Report Session/Program for Supporting Research Center Formation (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

1. Research project on the Japanese cultural resources using the concept of "Metahistory" or "Les lieux de mémoire"
Project Leader: Koichi HOSOI, Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
Presenter: Hitomi Mori, D2, Yuji MIYATA, D1, Toshinari Tsuji, M1, Graduate School of Letters, RU
2. Play and Discovery in Kanji Characters
Project Leader: Lin MENG, Assoc. Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
3. Visualization for Re-experiencing the Psychology/Festival using VR Technology
Project Leader: Kyoko HASEGAWA, Lecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
4. Generation Z Web Content Archiving Project
Project Leader: Yumi TAKENAKA, Professor, Grad. School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU
Presenter: Shunsuke Mukae, D7, Grad. School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU
5. Collaborative Project ② Learning about Kyoto Ukiyo-e landscapes by Playing Minecraft.
Project Leaders: Prof. Koichi HOSOI, Prof. Ruck THAWONMAS, Prof. Akinori NAKAMURA
Presenter: Toshinari TSUJI, Graduate School of Letters, RU

14:15-14:30 Break (15 mins)
14:30-15:00 Report Session/Program for Supporting Research Center Formation (15mins. each incl. Q&As)

6. Collaborative Project ③ About the Digitization, Preservation and Organization of the Shirakawa Shizuka Collection
Project Leaders: Lin MENG, Associate Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering
Akira MAEDA, Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
Fumio GOTO, Associate Professor, The Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture/Grad. School of Professional Teacher Education
Presenter: LI Kangying, D2, Grad. School of Information Science and Engineering, RU
7. Collaborative Project ④ Visualization of Mind of Generation Z
Project Leaders: Prof. Yumi TAKENAKA, Dr. Kyoko HASEGAWA
Presenters: Takahiro MORI, D4, Grad. School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU

15:00-16:00 Report Session/ARC-iJAC (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

8. Research of Kyoto-based Global Development of Printing Techniques and Designs
Project Leader: Aya UEDA, Part-time Lecturer, Kwansei Gakuin University/ Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
9. Construction of a 3D Model Database of Japanese Armor in the Collection of the Tokushima Castle Museum, Tokushima City
Project Leader: Akihiro TSUKAMOTO, Associate Professor, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University
10. Automatic Extraction of Personal Information of Historical Characters from Nihon Jinmei Jiten by Yaichi Haga and Creation of Structured Data
Project Leader: Fuminori KIMURA, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and Information Science, Onomichi City University
11.「Developing Online Education and Research Using the Holdings of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive at the University of California, Berkeley」
Project Leader: Jonathan ZWICKER, Assoc. Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Presenter: Prof. Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU

16:00-16:15 -Break(15mins.)-
16:15-16:45 ARC-iJAC Technical Support Board Workshop
16:45-17:45 Report Session/ARC-iJAC (15 mins. each incl. Q&As)

12. A Comprehensive Online Catalog of the Japanese Artworks in Europe and North America: Its Construction and Application 
Project Leader: Monica BINCSIK, Assistant Curator, Department of Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Presenter: Prof. Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
13. Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D High-Definition Visualization Contents
Project Leader: Dr. Fadjar I. THUFAIL, Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Presenters: Dr. Fadjar I. THUFAIL, Liang LI, Assoc. Professor, Coll. of Information Science and Engineering, RU
14. 「Edo Period Map Goes Digital - The O Edo ezu as an Interactive Resource」
Project Leader: Michael KINSKI, Professor, Japanese Studies, Frankfurt University
Presenters: Prof. Michael KINSKI / Leo BORN, MA Student, Heidelberg University / Koray BIRENHEIDE, MA Student, Frankfurt University
15. Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilizing Digital Resources for Japanese Studies 
Project Leader: Ryoko MATSUBA, Senior Digital Humanities Officer, SISJAC

17:45-17:50 Closing remarks

August 1, 2020(Sat)

The ARC Day, an annual event where the faculty members of the Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, take turns to introduce their research projects for the new fiscal year in brief presentations, took place on Saturday, August 1, 2020.

To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, this event was held online via Zoom and broadcasted live on YouTube.

For the first time on the ARC Day, four collaborative research projects had been presented which share a common theme「"遊び": アート・エンターテインメント研究」 ("Play": Art Entertainment). The purpose of these collaborative projects is to develop research activities that further integrate humanities and sciences to create new future directions for the ARC while fostering and supporting young researchers and graduate students, who are working jointly on these projects.

To stimulate these young researchers and graduate students in their research endeavors, they also actively participated in the ARC Day as discussants in the Q&A sessions that followed the research presentations.

Program of the ARC Day 2020

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August 1st(Sat) 14:00~17:10(JST)
14:00-14:05 Opening remarks
14:05-14:35 Session 1
Firstly, each project leader will introduce their projects within 3 minutes in the order of the program. Then, the rest of the session will be spent on Q&As. We will take questions from the participants on Zoom and questions from YouTube participants via Twitter。
1. 「Research Project on the Japanese Cultural Resources using the Concept of "Metahistory" or "Les lieux de mémoire"」
Project leader: Koichi HOSOI, Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
2. 「A System Development Project for Exhibition of Images such as Ukiyo-e through the Means of Games」
Project leader: Ruck THAWONMAS, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
3. 「Play between Creativity and Learning」
Project leader: Akinori NAKAMURA, Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
(Presenter: Akito INOUE, Lecturer, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU)
4. 「Digital Archive of the Techniques, Processing and Enjoyment of Manga and Anime with its Focus on International Spread and Propagation of Culture」
Project leader: Ryosuke YAMANISHI, Associate Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
5. Collaborative Project ①
Project leaders:Prof. HOSOI, Prof RUCK, Prof. NAKAMURA
(Presenter: Mr. Toshinari TSUJI, M1, Graduate School of Letters, RU)
14:35-15:05 Session 2
6. 「Play and Discovery in Kanji Characters」
Project leader: Lin MENG, Associate Professor, College of Science and Engineering, RU
7. 「Construction and Transmission of a Kyoto Street Culture Archive」
Project leader: Shinya SAITO, Associate Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences, RU
8. 「Playing in the City of Kyoto - Construction of a Virtual Kyoto Using VR and AR」
Project leader: Naomi KAWASUMI, Associate Professor, College of Letters, RU
(Presenter: Hirotaka SATO, Assistant Professor, College of Letters, RU)
9. Collaborative Project ②
Project leaders: Prof. RUCK, Assoc. Prof. SAITO, Assoc. Prof. KAWASUMI (Assis. Prof. SATO)
10. Collaborative Project ③
Project leaders: Prof. MAEDA, Assoc. Prof. MENG, Assoc. Prof. Fumio GOTO (The Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture/ Grad. School of Professional Teacher Education)
15:05-15:35 Session 3
11. 「Acoustic Sound Reconstruction and Playing-Support with Traditional Instruments」
Project leader: Takanobu NISHIURA, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
12. 「A Project on the Intellectual Linkage of Large-Scale Cultural Information」
Project leader: Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
13. 「Project of developing Evaluation Datasets for ARC Collection Databases」
Project leader: Akira MAEDA, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
14. 「Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D High-Definition Visualization Contents」
Project leader: Dr. Fadjar I. THUFAIL, Senior Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
(Presenter: Satoshi TANAKA, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU)
15:35-15:50 Break
15:50-16:20 Session 4
15. 「Collection and Preservation of Traditional Games from around the World, the Systematization and the Study of Cultural Relevance of Them」
Project leader: Isao UMEBAYASHI, Part-time Lecturer, Shitennoji University
16. 「Visualization for Re-experiencing the Psychology/ Festival using VR Technology」
Project leader: Kyoko HASEGAWA, Lecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering, RU
17. 「Generation Z Web Content Archiving Project」
Project leader: Yumi TAKENAKA, Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, RU
18. Collaborative Project ④
Project leaders: Prof. TAKENAKA, Dr. HASEGAWA
16:20-16:50 Session 5
19. 「Digital Archive Project of Japanese Arts in the Collection of Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, India」
Project leader: Shinya MAEZAKI, Associate Professor, Dept. of Apparel and Space Design, Kyoto Women's University
20. 「Edo Period Map goes Digital - The O Edo ezu as an Interactive Resource」
Project leader: Michael KINSKI, Professor, Japanese Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt
21. 「Using Digital Archives to Create a Research Network of Japanese Cultural Resources in the UK and Utilizing Digital Resources for Japanese Studies」
Project leader: Ryoko MATSUBA, Senior Digital Humanities Officer, SISJAC
22. 「A Database Construction of Japanese Medieval Handwritten Copies of Sutras Located in Europe and their Analysis Using Machine Learning」
Project leader: Toshiaki AIDA, Lecturer, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health System, Okayama University
16:50-17:05 Buffer(15分)
Q&A Session (Questions from each session and other questions)
17:05-17:10 Closing remarks

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