November Bunraku Performance

Performance content:
Day part:
Koi musume mukashi hachijo, The Shirokiya and Suzugamori scenes
Name bestowment on Yoshida Kiyoyuki
and ceremony of publicly announcing the new name 5th Toyomatsu Seijuro
Honcho niju shiko, Jusshuko and the fox fires in the garden scenes
Evening part:
Futatsu chocho kuruwa nikki, The Naniwa Urakenka quarrel scene and the Yawatasato window scene
Hachijin shugo no honjo, Naniwa bay scene, The slaying of  Kazoenosuke and the Masakiyo Honjo scenes

Date and TimeNov 1 (Sat)-Nov 24 (Mon) Holiday on Nov 13 (Thu) Day performance: 11 am
Evening performance: 4 pm
PlaceNational Bunraku Theatre
Fee1st class: 5.800 yen (20% reduction for the handicapped). Students: 4.100 yen 2nd class: General and students 2.300 yen