Call for Manuscript Submissions for ART RESEARCH, vol. 23-1, 23-2, and 23-3(Application is closed)April 28, 2022(Thu)
We are pleased to announce the Call for Manuscript Submissions for the Art Research Center's journal ART RESEARCH vol. 23-1, 23-2, and 23-3. The publication has been reborn as an online journal.
As an academic journal specializing in arts and culture, the purpose of ART RESEARCH is to widely publicize the results of the research projects and activities conducted by the Art Research Center (ARC), Ritsumeikan University, and its partner institutions and collaborative researchers.
Since its establishment in 1998, the Art Research Center (ARC) has been selected for several national grants as a center of excellence for research in culture, art, and information science. In FY2019, the center assumed the role as the International Joint Digital Archiving Center for Japanese Art & Culture (ARC-iJAC) upon its accreditation by the MEXT as an International Joint Usage/Research Center. The ARC is highly regarded as a leading hub for the digital archiving of Japanese art and culture.
Our online journal will be published three times per year, and at the end of the fiscal year, a print booklet compiling all contributions will be distributed.
We accept manuscripts anytime as we hope to increase the submission opportunities for researchers.
We look forward to receiving your manuscript.
Journal title: ART RESEARCH, vol. 23-1, vol. 23-2, and vol. 23-3
Format: A4 size, two columns for both horizontal and vertical writing
Publication dates: Three times per year as stated below (scheduled)
Publication Deadline for manuscript submission Publication date (scheduled) Vol. 23-1June 15 (Wed), 2022, 24:00 JST[Closed]Mid-October 2022Vol. 23-2September 15 (Thurs), 2022, 24:00 JSTEnd of December 2022Vol. 23-3October 31 (Mon), 2022, 24:00 JSTEnd of February 2022Contents: Research papers and research notes related to culture, art, and information science (investigation reports, introduction of materials, technical notes, etc.)
Those that match the theme of a research project related to the Art Research Center are particularly welcome.
【Manuscript Submission Guidelines】
Manuscript Submission Guidelines【manuscript format (word)】
Manuscript format(別ウィンドウ)How to apply
Only complete manuscripts will be accepted.
Please send us your manuscript and the required information via e-mail by the due date.
The manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and notifications of acceptance / rejection will be sent upon review.
Please include in your application:
1. Manuscript
2. Indication on the type of manuscript (research paper, research note)
3. Address and telephone number
Send your application to: journal■st.ritsumei.ac.jp (Person in charge: Kitahara, and Emily)
※Please change "■" to "@" ※Please state "Art Research Manuscript Submission" in the subject lineRemarks: Please contact us if you would like to have a back number of the journal, a print booklet published at the end of the fiscal year.
※Should you have any difficulties submitting your work via e-mail, please contact the Art Research Center Secretariat in advance.
※For manuscripts other than research papers and research notes, please contact the Art Research Center Secretariat.
※Please note that your personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the editing of Art Research.
Vol. 23-1 Schedule June 15 (Wed), 2022, 24:00 JST
Deadline for manuscript submission Mid-July 2022 Notice of acceptance/ recjection July - September 2022 Peer review, rewriting and proofreading
*2 peer reviewers
Mid-October 2022 Online publication of journal Vol. 23-2 September 15 (Thurs), 2022, 24:00 JST Deadline for manuscript submission Mid-October 2022 Notice of acceptance/ recjection October - December 2022 Peer review, rewriting and proofreading
*2 peer reviewers
End of December Online publication of journal Vol. 23-3 October 31 (Mon), 2022, 24:00 JST Deadline for manuscript submission Mid-November 2022 Notice of acceptance/ recjection November 2022 - January 2023 Peer review, rewriting and proofreading
*2 peer reviewers
End of February 2023 Online publication of journal End of March 2023 Publication of print version comprising all three volumes For more information, please contact:
Art Research Center Secretariat (Person in charge: Kitahara, and Emily)
TEL: +81-75-466-3411(ext. 511-2933)
FAX: +81-75-466-3415 (ext. 511-2935)
E-mail: journal■st.ritsumei.ac.jp (please change "■" to "@")
* Please state "Journal Inquiry" in the subject line.