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  4. A function to fine-tune the order of search results in the Ukiyo-e Portal Database has been added


A function to fine-tune the order of search results in the Ukiyo-e Portal Database has been added
August 5, 2021(Thu)

You can now edit the 'chronological order' field, for which subtle changes can be made.

For example, if a work was published on January 15, 1832 (Tenpō 3), you can subtly change the order of alignment by entering '183201・15' for January 15, 1832 (in the case of a leap month, '・' should be replaced by '閏') and then rearranging the order by inserting any number or symbol in the xxx part, such as '183201・15xxx'.

When you perform a search or search again, you can select the sorting criteria 'year for sorting' (at the bottom of the pull-down menu) to display the results in the order you specify.