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第30回 [番外編] 国際ARCセミナー
June 29, 2016(Wed)

第30回 [番外編] 国際ARCセミナーを開催いたします。

1. "Tsukioka Kogyo's Noh Prints"

講師: Katherine Saltzman-li 先生(カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校)

2. "Individuality in an Age of Reproduction: On the Actor's Image in Nineteenth-Century Japan"

講師: Jonathan Zwicker 先生(ミシンガン大学 日本学研究センター所長)

2016年6月29日(水) 18:00-19:30
【衣笠】立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター2F 多目的ルーム

"Individuality in an Age of Reproduction: On the Actor's Image in Nineteenth-Century Japan"
Jonathan Zwicker

Using a variety of printed materials, this lecture examines the status o The opening decades of that century were a moment of emerging tension between an epistemology of reproducibility and assorted discourses of individuality.
The present talk situates the mass reproduction of the actor's image in prints and novels within a framework bounded on one end by technologies of reproduction and on the other by an increasing anxiety over the status of the unique and the authentic.


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