October 1, 2010

The Center Research Members in the second half FY2010


Project Members
Name Research Field Research Group Title & Affiliation
Ryo Akama History of Japanese culture Center Director;
Leader of Japanese Culture
Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Kozaburo Hachimura Image Analysis & Computer Graphics Center Vice-Director;
Leader of Digital Archiving Technology
Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Keiji Yano GIS Secretary-general of the Center;
Leader of Historical GIS
Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Masaaki Kidachi Japanese archaeology Kyoto Culture Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Takao Sugihashi Japanese history Kyoto Culture Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Mika Tomita Japanese film history Leader of Kyoto Culture Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Ikuyo Matsumoto Japanese cultural history Kyoto Culture Associate Professor, Yokohama City University;
Visiting Associate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization
John Carpenter Japanese arts and cultures Japanese Culture Reader, SOAS, University of London;
Visiting Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization
Kazuaki Kimura Japanese literature Japanese Culture President, Poole Gakuin University;
Adjunct Lecturer, Graduate School of Letters
Kohei Furukawa Electronic system information technology Japanese Culture Associate Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences
Seigo Wada Japanese archaeology Japanese Culture Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Tatsunori Kawasumi Environmental archaeology Historical GIS Associate Professor, College of Letters
Akihiro Kinda Human geography Historical GIS President, National Institutes for the Humanities;
Visiting Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization
Satoshi Tanaka Computer Science Historical GIS Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Tomoki Nakaya GIS Historical GIS Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters
Ruck Thawonmas Artificial intelligence Digital Archiving Technology Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Hiromi Tanaka Information and Communication Engineering Digital Archiving Technology Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Akira Maeda Multilingual information processing Digital Archiving Technology Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Yoichi Yamashita Sound-data processing Digital Archiving Technology Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Mitsuyuki Inaba Software engineering Leader of Web Technology Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science
Masayuki Uemura Electronic engineering Web Technology Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences
Akinori Nakamura Theory of the video game industry Web Technology Associate Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science
Koichi Hosoi Content industrial history Web Technology Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science


Special Adviser
Name Research Group Title & Affiliation
Masao Kawashima Kyoto Culture Professor Emeritus, Ritsumeikan University


Visiting Professors
Name Research Group Title & Affiliation
John Carpenter Japanese Culture Reader, SOAS, University of London;
Visiting Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization;
Project Member
Akihiro Kinda Historical GIS President, National Institutes for the Humanities;
Visiting Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization;
Project Member
Ikuyo Matsumoto Kyoto Culture Associate Professor, Yokohama City University;
Visiting Associate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization;
Project Member
Keiko Suzuki Research Manager Visiting Associate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization
Yoshikazu Nishikawa Research Manager Visiting Associate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization


Visiting Scholars and Researchers
Name Research Group Title & Affiliation
Sachiko Idemitsu Kyoto Culture Curator, Idemitsu Museum of Arts
Manabu Ueda Kyoto Culture Assistant, The Tsubouchi Memorial THEATRE MUSEUM Waseda University
Noboru Tani Kyoto Culture  
Jianli Zhang Kyoto Culture Associate Professor and Vice GM, Department of Japanese Society & Culture, Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Rieko Uejima Kyoto Culture Adjunct Lecturer, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Tomohiro Saeki Kyoto Culture Adjunct Lecturer, Kobe Sukugawa Gakuin University
Lucia Dora Dolce Kyoto Culture Associate Professor, SOAS, University of London
C. Andrew Gerstle Japanese Culture Professor, SOAS, University of London
Ellis Tinios Japanese Culture Honorary Lecturer, University of Leeds
Hidenori Onishi Japanese Culture Adjunct Lecturer, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University
Kazuko Kameda-Madar Japanese Culture Ph.D. candidate, University of British Columbia
Kiyofumi Kusui Japanese Culture Adjunct Lecturer, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University
Timothy Thornburn Clark Japanese Culture Head of the Japanese Section, Department of Asia
Masae Kurahashi Japanese Culture Adjunct Lecturer, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
Julie N. Davis Japanese Culture Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Jianhua Rao Japanese Culture Doctoral student, Southwest University
Akiko Yano Japanese Culture Research Fellow (Postdoctoral), SOAS, University of London
Matjaž Matošec Japanese Culture PhD Candidate, Lecturer, Utrecht University
Marketa Hanova Japanese Culture Curator of Japanese Art, National Gallery in Prague, Collection of Oriental Art
Lim Beng Choo Japanese Culture Associate Professor, FASS, National University of Singapore
Laura Moretti Japanese Culture Lecturer, Newcastle University
Hiroyuki Tamada Historical GIS Special Assistant Professor, Graduate School, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Yuzuru Isoda Historical GIS Associate Professor, College of Asia Pacific Studies, APU
Manabu Inoue Historical GIS Full-time Lecturer, Department of International Tourism, Heian Jogakuin
Keigo Matsuoka Historical GIS Temporary Lecturer, College of Asia Pacific Studies, APU
Yutaka Takase Historical GIS Freelance Translator
Dai Kawahara Historical GIS CAD Center Corporation
Mamiko Sakata Digital Archiving Technology Associate Professor, Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha University
Hideo Toyama Digital Archiving Technology Adjunct Lecturer of Hanazono Univ., Tetsukayama Univ., and College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University
Minako Nakamura Digital Archiving Technology Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
Masaru Tsuchida Digital Archiving Technology NTT Comunication Science Laboratories
Mieko Marumo Digital Archiving Technology Professor, College of Arts, Nihon University
Naoki Saiwaki Digital Archiving Technology Associate Professor, Human Life and Environment, Nara Women's University
Sachie Takahashi Digital Archiving Technology  
Woong Choi Digital Archiving Technology Assistant Professor,Information and Computer Engineering,Gunma National College of Technology
Toru Fujimoto Web Technology Adjunct Lecturer, Tokyo Polytechnic University
Lynne Marie Siemens Web Technology Assistant Professor, University of Victoria


Postdoctoral Fellows (PDs)
Name Research Group
Takuji Hanada Kyoto Culture
Masako Yamamoto Kyoto Culture
Princess Akiko of Mikasa Japanese Culture
Aki Ishigami Japanese Culture
Takaaki Okamoto Japanese Culture
Takaaki Kaneko Japanese Culture;
PD, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Shinya Maezaki Japanese Culture;
PD, Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO)
Ryoko matsuba Japanese Culture
Naomi Akaishi Histrical GIS
Takashi Kirimura Histrical GIS;
PD, Ritsumeikan University
Ayako Matsumoto Histrical GIS;
PD, Ritsumeikan University
Akihiro Tsukamoto Histrical GIS;
PD, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn Digital Archiving Technology
Wataru Wakita Digital Archiving Technology
Takashi Obana Web Technology
Shinya Saito Web Technology


Research Assistants (RAs)
RA Type-Ⅰ
Name Research Group Year of the doctoral course at Ritsumeikan University
Mizuho Kamo Japanese Culture D2, Graduate School of Letters
Ping Zhou Japanese Culture D3, Graduate School of Letters
Chise Saito Japanese Culture D2, Graduate School of Letters
Bincsik Monika Japanese Culture D2, Graduate School of Letters
Biligsaikhan Batjargal Digital Archiving Technology D1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Worawat Choensawat Digital Archiving Technology D2, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Alejandro Toledo Nolasco Digital Archiving Technology D2, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Shin Ono Web Technology D3, Graduate School of Policy Sciences
RA Type-Ⅱ
Name Research Group Year of the doctoral course at Ritsumeikan University
Sota Mikami Japanese Culture D2, Graduate School of Letters
Nobushiro Takahashi Japanese Culture D1, Graduate School of Letters
Kenichi Honda Histrical GIS D3,Graduate School of Letters
Takafusa Iizuka Histrical GIS D1,Graduate School of Letters
Nao Shikanai Digital Archiving Technology D1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Michiru Tamai Web Technology D1, Graduate School of Policy Sciences
RA Type-Ⅲ
Name Research Group Year of the doctoral course at Ritsumeikan University
Toshikazu Seto Histrical GIS D2, Graduate School of Letters;
DC2, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


Graduate students in doctoral degree who have a research plan for a doctoral dissertation with a theme relevant to the fields of Digital Humanities
Name Research Group Title & Affiliation
Atsuko Oya Kyoto Culture D4, Graduate School of Letters
Eun Jin Jung Kyoto Culture D3, Graduate School of Letters
Yumiko Sakabe Japanese Culture D1, Graduate School of Letters
Yasunori Yamamoto Digital Archiving Technology D1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering


Research Assistants (Researcher and Research Assistant)
Name Title & Affiliation
Yuji Hamada Studio Leader, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
Kenji Hattori Information Transmission Staff, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University


Ritsumeikan Research Collaborators (Faculty,Graduate Students,etc.)
Name Research Group Title & Affiliation
Aimi Sako Kyoto Culture Associate Professor, College of Letters
Yuichiro Momosaki Kyoto Culture Lecturer, College of Letters
Toshio Tsukamoto Japanese Culture Adjunct Lecturer, College of Letters
Hiroki Nanbu Japanese Culture Adjunct Lecturer, College of Letters
Kenichi Yano Japanese Culture Professor, College of Letters
Yuzuru Isoda Historical GIS Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University(APU)
Norifumi Kawahara Historical GIS Associate Professor, College of Letters
Susumu Nakata Historical GIS Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Kazumasa Hanaoka Historical GIS Assistant Professor, College of Letters
Akio Muranaka Historical GIS Lecturer, College of Letters
Fuminori Kimura Digital Archiving Technology Assistant, College of Science and Engineering
Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi Digital Archiving Technology Chair Professor, Research Organization of Science and Engineering
Kook Cho Digital Archiving Technology Assistant, College of Science and Engineering
Taro Tezuka Digital Archiving Technology Lecturer, College of Science and Engineering
Takanobu Nishiura Digital Archiving Technology Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Frank Rinaldo Digital Archiving Technology Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Masanori Morise Digital Archiving Technology Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Ross F. Walker Digital Archiving Technology Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Akihiro Saito Web Technology Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences
Graduate Students, etc.
Name Research Group Title & Affiliation
Takumi Komai Kyoto Culture Doctoral student, Graduate School of Letters
Atsuko Namekawa Kyoto Culture Researcher, Graduate School of Letters
Naoto Yoshioka Kyoto Culture Doctoral student, Graduate School of Letters
Yuko Kishimoto Japanese Culture D2, Doctoral student, Graduate School of Letters
Daniel Sastre De La Vega Japanese Culture D3,Graduate School of CoreEthics and Frontier Sciences
Young Joo Choi Japanese Culture D2, Doctoral student, Graduate School of Letters
Nozomi Futamata Japanese Culture M1, Doctoral student, Graduate School of Letters
Akio Kondo Historical GIS Research Associate, Graduate School of Letters
Yasutaka Watanabe Historical GIS Research Associate, Graduate School of Letters
Sho Itsubo Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Takahiko Osaki Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Kunihiko Ohara Digital Archiving Technology M2, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Ko Oda Digital Archiving Technology M2, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Junichi Oda Digital Archiving Technology M2, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Kohei Kato Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Hideyuki Shimazaki Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Yoshiki Sugisaki Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Shuhei Takehisa Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Seiya Tsuruta Digital Archiving Technology D5, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Takaaki Dokai Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Ryota Nakamura Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Narumitsu Hanafusa Digital Archiving Technology M1, Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Takashi Hirose Digital Archiving Technology M2, Graduate School of Science and Engineering


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