July 7, 2010

Digital Humanities 2010

Nine members of our Center will present their research at the forthcoming Digital Humanities 2010, which will be held at King's College London, UK. This conference is one of the biggest and most prestigious ones for digital humanities in Europe and North America.

【Date】 July 7-10, 2010
【Place】 King's College London, UK
【Hosted by】 The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO)

DH2010 HP ≫  http://dh2010.cch.kcl.ac.uk/

The nine presenters are as follows:

Akama, Ryo
The Origins and Current State of Digitization of Humanities in Japan

Batjargal, Biligsaikhan
An Approach to Ancient-to-modern and Cross-script Information Access for Traditional Mongolian Historical Collections

Inaba, Mitsuyuki
An Open Source Toolkit for Flexible Browsing of Historical Maps on the Web
A Platform for Cultural Information Visualization Using Schematic Expressions of Cube

Ohno, Shin
An Open Source Toolkit for Flexible Browsing of Historical Maps on the Web

Okamoto, Takaaki
Text-Image linking of Japanese historical documents: Sharing and exchanging data by using text-embedded image file

Saito, Shinya
A Platform for Cultural Information Visualization Using Schematic Expressions of Cube

Seiya, Tsuruta
Generation of Emotional Dance Motion for Virtual Dance Collaboration System

Sookhanaphibarn, Kingkarn
Visualization and Analysis of Visiting Styles in 3D Virtual Museums

Toledo, Alejandro
Contexts, Narratives, and Interactive Visual Analysis of Names in the Japanese Hyohanki Diary



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