Kimono and Design: 150 Years of Makers and Sellers (in Japanese)
Edited by Masakazu Shimada
A5・236 pages
ISBN: 9784623088744
Published by Minerva Shobo, May 25, 2020
3,000 Yen (+ tax)
The book 『きものとデザイン: つくり手・売り手の150年 (Kimono and Design: 150 Years of Makers and Sellers) 』, which Prof. Keiko Suzuki (Art Research Center), Prof. Mari Yoshida (College of Business Administration) and Dr. Mizuho Kamo (the ARC's Visiting Collaborative Researcher) have each contributed a chapter to, has been published.
From the Edo period to the Showa period, the kimono industry had revitalized consumption by innovating with materials, designs and distribution in each era.
While exploring the background of these innovations, this book traces the changes in traditional Japanese clothing culture, the evolution of weaving machines and dyes that had been occurring concurrently, and the evolution of threads as a material.
Furthermore, the book reveals the consumer's preference for design in each era and explains in detail the cycle in which the creation of demand through the rise of retailers led to technological improvements and design innovations, which consequently led to new consumer behaviour.
This book has also been introduced in Newsweek Japan. For more information, please refer to:
https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/nippon/season2/2020/06/278762.php (in Japanese)
External link: https://www.minervashobo.co.jp/book/b506846.html
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3hGpBKt
赤間亮・鈴木桂子・八村広三郎・矢野桂司・湯浅俊彦 編
A5判・216頁 978-4-585-20031-4 勉誠出版
定価 1,944円(税込)
浮世絵をコンピュータで統計的に解析、伝統芸能の動きをモーションキャプチャで分析...。情報技術の進歩が、新たな文化研究を巻き起こしている。この革新に、無縁ではいられない! 文理の壁を超える、最先端の研究者たちが集結。 文化情報学を基礎から学ぶ人のためのガイドブック。
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