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91st International ARC Seminar (Webinar) on Wednesday, October 6, from 18:00 JST
October 6, 2021(Wed)

The 91st International ARC Seminar will be held as a Webinar on Wednesday, October 6, starting at 18:00 JST.

The program is as follows:

Topic: The Goals of Japan Search「ジャパンサーチが目指すもの」

Speaker: Akihiko TAKANO (Professor, Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division,
National Institute of Informatics and ARC-iJAC Steering Committee Member)

Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 18:00 - 19:30 JST

Participation: Online via Zoom, free of charge (no reservation required)

*This Webinar is open to everyone, and non-ARC members are also invited to participate via YouTube.

**Please note that the latter half of the seminar will not be available on Youtube. It will be a discussion between Professor Takano and young researchers.