Talk on kamigata Kabuki by kataoka Ainosuke: Emanations of the Softly Fragrant
Talk Salon
Time: Jul 30 (Mon) 7-8:30 pm
Place: Osaka Pefectural New Annex, North Building 4th fl. multy purpose room
July Grand Kabuki Performance-10 Year Anniversary after Rebuilding of the Shochiku Theatre
Period: Jul 2-26
Day Performance: 11 am
Evening Performance: 4:15 pm
Performance content:
Day performance:
1) Narukami (From the 18 Ichikawa Line Masterpieces)
2) Hashi Benkei
3) yoshitsune senbonzakura
Evening performance:
1) Toribeyama Shinju (Love suicide at Toribeyama)
2) Migawari zazen (From 10 New and Old Theatre Plays)
3) Onnagoroshi abura no jigoku (The woman killer and the hell of oil