Sankyokai Kabuki

Time: May 27 (Tue) 2 pm and 6 pm & May 28 1 pm and 5 pm
Place: MInami-za (Kyoto) こちら
The plays in this production are all originally noh plays 演目と配役 :
Tsukimi zato

4th Miyoshi-Kai Performance

 Time: May 24 (Sat)  5:30 pm
 May 25 (Sun) 12 pm & 5 pm
 Place:Wahha Hall
 Play Titles:
 Date kurabe Okuni kabuki
 (Miuri no Kasane)
 Okyo no yurei 

Super Kabuki-Yamato Takeru

Period: May 4 (Sun)~27 (Tue)
Day performance: 11 am
Evening performance: 4:30 pm
Place: Osaka Shochiku Company
For details and cast list in Japanese, look here