Talk on kamigata Kabuki by kataoka Ainosuke: Emanations of the Softly Fragrant
Talk Salon
Time: Jul 30 (Mon) 7-8:30 pm
Place: Osaka Pefectural New Annex, North Building 4th fl. multy purpose room
Free entrance but limited attendance (up to 250 persons)
Please apply for admission: send a return postcard with your name and address and sate the number of people wishing to attend, age and phone number.
Forward your request to:
Osaka City, Chuo-ku, Otemae 3-1-43 Osaka-fu Shinbekkan Kitakan 1st floor
Osaka Prefecture Culture Information Center, clearly stating: Attention: Talk Salon
Deadline: 2007 Jul 17日(Tue)
Information: TEL 06-4790-8511
TrackbackURL: https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/mt_field/mt-tb.cgi/4161