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Freie Universität Berlin - Kobe University - Ritsumeikan University Joint Workshop on 'Landscape and New Media in Art, Film and Theatre'
2019年6月 1日(土)

Freie Universität Berlin - Kobe University - Ritsumeikan University Joint Workshop on
'Landscape and New Media in Art, Film and Theatre'

Landscape and New Media in Art, Film and Theatre

June 1st(Sat.) 10:00 a.m. ~4:50 p.m.(Registration from 9:30)
2nd(Sun.) 10:00 a.m. ~4:25 p.m.(Registration from 9:30)
Multi-purpose room, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
Admission Free/Reservation Required/language is English
cosponsored by Freie Universität Berlin, Kobe University, Ritsumeikan University
Access to Art Research Center(ARC), Ritsumeikan University
56-1 Tojiin-kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 6038577
Access Map:
Campus Map (ARC No. 27):
Booking Information

Admission free, and all welcome, but booking is required.
Please contact us at: arc-jimu■ chenge from ■ to @)
①Name /名前 ②Institution/所属 ③e-mail address/メールアドレス ④Date for participation(June 1st or 2nd or Both days) /参加希望日(6月1日・2日・両日のいずれか)

 立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター(ARC)は、ベルリン自由大学・神戸大学と共同で、国際ワークショップ〈Landscape in Art, Film and Theatre and New Media〉を開催致します。

PROGRAM ※language is English

June 1st, 2019(Sat.)
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:05 Opening Address Prof. Ryo AKAMA, Professor, College of Letters, RU
10:05-12:05 Young Researchers' Workshop(20 min. Presentation & 10 min. Q&A for each)

①A Genuine Gift? Context, Provenance and Authenticity Issues of Dong Qichang's "After Mi Youren' s 'Wonderful Scenery of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers'"
 YANG, Piaopiao, Doctoral candidate, Frie Universiäet Berlin (FU Berlin) 

②Landscapes in Kimono design of the early Showa period  
 Taeko EDAKI, Doctoral candidate, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences (CEFS), RU 

③Overcoming the Loneliness of Seniors: A Case Study of Ageless Theatre in Singapore 
 Akemi MINAMIDA, Doctoral candidate, Kobe University (KU) 

④Japanese Literature and Art: Building the Digital Archive of Woodblock Kuchi-e Prints and Its Impact
 Kana TSUNEKI, Doctoral candidate of Graduate School of Letters, RU
12:05-13:30 - Lunch - Meeting Room 1, Art Research Center
13:30-16:50 Landscape Workshop (20 min. Presentation & 10 min. Q&A for each)

①Between Visibility and Invisibility: Diagram of Landscape in Harun Farocki's film works
 Hiromi MATSUI, Professor, KU 

②The Wayu 卧游 Concept and Style of the Korean Landscape Art
 LEE-KALISCH, Jeong-hee, Professor, FU Berlin 

③Possibilities of the Spatial Humanities by Digital- archiving Old Photographs by using GIS
 Naomi KAWASUMI, Associate Professor, College of Letters, RU
- Coffee Break -
④Some Steps Toward Games for Art Exposition 
 THAWONMAS Ruck,Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering (CISE), RU 

⑤The Beauty and Burden in Japanese Snowscapes
 Yumi TAKENAKA Kim, Professor, CEFS, RU 

⑥Scenographic Beauty - Framing Japanese and European Performing Arts in Landscapes
 BERGMANN Annegre, Professor, FU Berlin

June 2nd, 2019(Sun.)
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-12:00 Young Researchers' Workshop (20 min. Presentation & 10 min. Q&A for each)

①Praying Hands: Poetry and Pictures in Sakutaro Hagiwara's Howling at the Moon
 Masako HASHIMOTO, Doctoral candidate, CEFS, RU 

②Visualization to assist sandplay therapy based on 3D scanned data
 Hiroki ITO, Master's student, CISE, RU 

③"Shoga itchi" in the 1950s: Shinoda Tōkō as a Case of Modernism in Sho
 Akiko MUKAI, Collaborative Researcher, Research Center for Promoting Intercultural Studies (RCPIS), KU  

④The Cityscape as an Auspicious Image in Gusuban Nianhua
 ZHANG Xian, Doctoral candidate, CEFS, RU
12:00-13:30 - Lunch - Meeting Room 1, Art Research Center
13:30-16:20 Landscape Workshop (20 min. Presentation & 10 min. Q&A for each)

①The aesthetics of landscape in contemporary and traditional vision
 Yuko NAKAMA, Professor, College of Social Sciences, RU 

②The Season of Landscape Films in Japan: Masao Adachi, Nagisa Oshima and Yoji Yamada
 Fumiaki ITAKURA, Associate Professor, KU 

③High-quality Transparent Visualization for 3D Scanned Data of Cultural Heritage Objects
 Satoshi TANAKA, Professor, CISE, RU
- Coffee Break -
④Landscapes of the Mind: Conceptions of Nature in Premodern Japanese Lacquer Art
 PAPIST-MATSUO, Antje,Lecturer, FU Berlin 

⑤Landscape of Incarceration: Works by Chiura Obata, Munio Makuuchi, and Roger Shimomura
 Hiroko IKEGAMI, Professor, KU
16:20-16:25 Closing Address Prof. LEE-KALISCH, Jeong-hee,Professor, FU Berlin