January 21, 2012

Symposium: " Bungaku-e-no Shatei" (literature on formerly Japanese-owned foreign places)

 We are pleased to announce the following symposium titled “<Gaichi> Bungaku-e-no Shatei”. Please feel free to come and participate.


<Gaichi> Bungaku-e-no Shatei

(pdf.jpg PDF: 2.1MB)

 Images of “gaichi”—foreign colonies or territories once owned by Japan—have been created in various forms of media, such as newspapers, magazines and travel guides. Meanwhile, this formation of the image of gaichi has become the foreground in relation to the “naichi”—the cultural and political center—and within the reciprocating of the center and peripheral images lies the strength of Japan’s colonial system.

 This symposium will summarize the past 5 years of the Ritsumeikan University Global COE activities and examine the possibilities of gaichi literature research. Besides the presently scheduled publication of “Gaichi Bungaku-e-no Shatei”, a collection of theses centering on Kazunobu Kimura who is responsible for research activities, this symposium will also discuss the scope of methodology within gaichi literature research.

 The aim of this symposium is to access the materials collected and processed into a database at the Ritsumeikan University’s Art Research Center to consider the images of Japan and Korea in Korea under Japanese rule. While the Kyeongseong Ilbo newspaper is believed to have been mainly read by Japanese people living in Korea during Japanese rule, from the articles we can get a glimpse of the dilemma concerning what sort of intermediate stance these Japanese were supposed to take. The symposium will also examine problems regarding Japanese translations of modern Korean literature. By finding out what kind of dynamics were at work in terms of the translation of texts, we may be able to see the arbitrariness of the image of Korea.  


Time and date:

14:00-17:30, Saturday, January 21, 2012


Conference Room, 2F, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University  

Sponsored by: 

MEXT Global COE Program “Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures” (Ritsumeikan University) 
Planned by:  MEXT Global COE Program “Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures” (Ritsumeikan University) – Japanese culture Research Group / Kimura Team


  Opening greetings 

Chair: Kazuaki Kimura (Professor Emeritus, Ritsumeikan University) 

Research presentations (30 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of question time)

Lecturer: Kiyofumi Kusui (Ritsumeikan University)

“New directions of gaichi literature studies—through digital humanities”  Commentator: Sota Mikami (Ritsumeikan University)


Lecturer: Pyeong-ho Cheong (Korea University)

“Japanese language translations of Korean literature from the perspective of Japanese literature in the Korean Peninsula during the early modern period”

Commentator: Shinobu Tsuchiya (Musashino University)   

Break (20 minutes)   


LecturerTeruo Ikeuchi (Kokugakuin University)

“Manchuria as seen in the travel magazine Kanko Toa”

Commentator: Yoshiaki Takematsu (Osaka Gakuin University)   

Overall discussion (40 minutes)   

17:30- Convivial party      

Profiles of Lecturers
Teruo Ikeuchi   

Professor at Kokugakuin University. Was chairman of Showa Bunka-kai, representative director of the Association of Modern Japanese Literary Studies (AMJLS) and other roles. Devised the CD-ROM version of the “Museum of Modern Japanese Literature”. 


Pyrong-ho Cheong   

Professor at Korea University and project leader at the Japanese research center of the same university. Works include “Kanhanto/Manshu: nihongo bunken mokurokushu” (40 volumes).  


Kiyofumi Kusui   

Part-time lecturer at Ritsumeikan University. Works include “The Japanese immigrant literature in Japan-ruled Korea: on the organization of lieterary community and ‘Korean color’ or ‘local color’“Art Research, No. 10, 2010). 



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