March 30, 2009

"New Directions in Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures" is off the press now.

The Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures has just published New Directions in Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures, the first volume of the series “Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures.” Contributed by members of our Center, all the articles are bilingual, and its Publisher is Nakanishiya Shoten.

-Edited by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Global COE (Center Of Excellence) Program "Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures," Ritsumeikan University
-Authors : Masao Kawashima, Ryo Akama, Keiji Yano, Kozaburo Hachimura and Mitsuyuki Inaba


2,520 yen (including tax)
ISBN 978-4-7795-0324-5


1. デジタルアーカイブから見えてくる洛中洛外図屏風の世界 (川嶋將生)
2. 日本文化芸術研究のプラットフォーム―画像データベースによるデジタル複製物の
共有化 (赤間 亮)
3. 地理情報とデジタル・ヒューマニティーズ (矢野桂司)
4. モーションキャプチャによる舞踊のデジタルアーカイブ (八村広三郎)
5. デジタル・ヒューマニティーズとWorld Wide Web―過去と未来 (稲葉光行)
6. Screens Depicting Views in and around Kyoto: The World that Emerges through Digital Archives (Masao Kawashima)
7. Technology Platforms for Research into Japanese Art and Culture: Enabling “Joint Ownership” of Digital Reproductions in Image Databases (Ryo Akama)
8. Geographical Information Systems and the Digital Humanities: Revolution or Evolution (Keiji Yano)
9. Digital Archiving of Dance by Using Motion-capture Technology (Kozaburo Hachimura)
10. Digital Humanities and the World Wide Web: A Once and Future Discipline (Mitsuyuki Inaba)


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